@kittenstrology / kittenstrology.tumblr.com

aquarius sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising // about

hey y'all it's been a minute, i'm sure everyone (if anyone's even still here) knows this blog is dead but i figured i'd update i guess?

first off i turned 18 back in january and i'm graduating from high school in a month! i'm going to go to community college to pursue music. i also got to sing at carnegie hall back in february which was AWESOME best experience of my LIFE and i met so many amazing people from all over the country while i was there!

second i'm just about done with cosmetology school. i don't think i've ever mentioned anything about that (?) bc i started it after i kinda let this page fail but i took both of my state board exams. i got a 95 (highest score in my class!!!!!!!) on my theory exam and i'm still awaiting my results for the practical exam. i took that last week and no one knows when we find out about that; some people say a few weeks, some say a month, some say two months. who knows lmao

third i'm working two jobs right now. one is in a mall by me and i'm being promoted to a management position soon (yay me) and the second is at the salon i go to, i've also been doing freelance makeup! senior prom is on thursday and i'm very excited, i'm doing my best friend's makeup :)))))

so yea that's about it, and with all of that being said if anyone is actually still here and would like to talk and be friends with me i have my instagram linked in my about page, talk to me!!!! i need friends!!!!!!! so badly!!!!!!!!! much love 💖

Anonymous asked:

Same birthday!!!

NICE i need to start a cult of all my birthday twins who's in

Anonymous asked:

you don’t have to post this or anything but ik you irl and i’m “friends” with one of your exes and omfg girl u dodged a fuckin bullet, he’s a huge dick and explicitly stated to us, in public, WHILE YOU WERE DATING that he considered you just a rebound. pissed me the fuck off. i don’t know you well but from what i’ve seen of you you are incredibly kind and talented and you deserve SO much more. fuck him and i hope you find someone that truly cares about you 🧡

lol this is so late bc i’m never on here anymore but THANK YOU. message me lmao we can talk if ya want

Anonymous asked:

Is it just me that’s noticed tons of Libra men cheat?

i think it's just men. all but one guy i dated cheated on me at some point in the relationships. but then again most of the girls i've dated cheated on me too so i mean¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess it's my luck then lmaogood luck tho friend. you'll find someone who's amazing and doesn't cheat. they're out there.

Anonymous asked:

I'm a Gemini who'd never cheat!!! 🤗 hugs

date me pls i love gems so much but i've never had any luck w them in relationships :(((((((((


can’t get no respect

[or, how to lose the respect of each sign]

aries can’t stand those who back down from a fight. If you’re the type that doesn’t deal with shit head-on, hesitate during a crucial moment, or use underhanded means to achieve your ends, aries won’t give you no respect!

taurus can’t deal with impatient, temperamental, or controlling personalities. If you’re competitive, always in a hurry, and have no chill, chances are, they think you’re an idiot. Overly-emotional, impractical people get no respect from taurus.

gemini hates boring people. That’s pretty much it- you might be the most horrible person ever, like a serial killer or some shit, but as long as you’re interesting, gemini is down to clown. The second you start to bore them, you won’t get no respect.

cancer doesn’t like people who joke about emotions, lack sympathy, or poke fun at their flaws (even playfully). If you’re a sagittarius loud, flaky, and always have to be out and doing something, instead of enjoying the comfort of family and home, cancer can’t respect you.

leo doesn’t like stingy, serious, reserved personalities. If you’re a capricorn tight-fisted workaholic who can’t just let loose and have fun, stay away. If you withhold praise and affection, the lion won’t give you no respect.

virgos are grossed out by lots of shit egotistical personalities. If you’re the type to brag, fish for compliments, or hog the spotlight, keep away. People who are irresponsible, gloss over details, and don’t play by the rules, get no respect from virgo. 

libra can’t stand selfish people. If you put yourself first, take more than you give in a relationship, or are prone to being blunt and tactless, do libra a favor and gtfo. Those who create awkward situations or hurt others, even inadvertently, get no respect from libra.

scorpio hates lots of shit, but if you’re shallow, fake, or prone to bending the truth for any reason, you’re basically dead to them. Tbh, scorpio is tied with gemini when it comes to hating boring (uncomplicated) people. If you’re not deep, or only pretend to be ‘deep’ to seem cool, scorpio will give u NO respect.

sagittarius can’t stand nit-pickers or worry warts. If you’re afraid of roller-coasters, spiders, etc, that’s fine. Sags understand fear. But, if you’re too much of a coward to try to conquer your fear, sagittarius automatically loses respect. If you’re bogged down by fear or focus on little details/flaws, just stay away.

capricorns don’t have respect for whiners or rule-breakers. If you can’t deal with your problems independently and maturely, if you stir up unnecessary trouble, and if you half-ass your work (esp in a group project) cap will give u no respect.

aquarius doesn’t care for stupidity. If you’re ignorant, bigoted, and let your emotions run amok instead of thinking things through logically, aquarius has no respect for you. Republicans and traditionalists, keep your distance.

pisces is a lot like libra. If you’re selfish or lack sympathy, you are not okay in their book. Also, if you’re too focused on material details, like being on time, thinking too much about money, and preoccupied with fleeting, earthly issues, pisces will give u no respect. 


The walks of the signs

Check your rising (the sign acquaintances see) and midheaven (the sign work bosses/employees and strangers see). Also check your sun and dominant.

Based on experience with others’ sun/rising/midheaven

The walk of an Aries:

When the Ram walks, they do not swing their hands. Their walk may seem quite sloppy, but it is just straight to the point. They stand tall, but not completely upright, and their shoulders are quite relaxed. Aries do not take quick paces, but instead long strides. They are the one mindlessly fixing their hair as they walk. Eyes exploring their surroundings, sometimes Aries seem lost, even when they know exactly where they are going. 

The walk of a Taurus:

They keep their body straight, with their shoulders slightly hunched down. Often, they are fiddling with their belt or sweeping their hair to the side. Their strides are big, and they walk fast. The walk of a Taurus almost seems mechanical. When walking, they are looking at their destination, or whoever is with them. They are the ones to turn around in the middle of a busy hallway, without noticing it is packed, just to tell you about a movie.

The walk of a Gemini:

With almost a swagger in their step, their shoulders are down and back in confidence. Their thumbs may be in their pockets, or hands playing with an object. They walk at a quick pace, with usually quite small steps. Their eyes are usually fixed on the destination, even if talking to someone on the way. The walk of a Gemini almost looks unbalanced, as they may sway slightly come side to side. They are the ones who blindly stop in a crowded doorway.

The walk of a Cancer:

Their walk seems to be in slow-motion, and is usually quite humble. They have relaxed shoulders and an air of softness in each step. They are usually talking to someone when they are walking, but if alone will be minding their own business; maybe playing with their hair. Often their hands have to be still, but doing something; like being in their pockets, or holding a book. In busy hallways, they are snaking through the crowd.

The walk of a Leo:

Very proud. Their shoulders are down, their back in straight, and their chest is puffed out. Their movement is bold, with short steps. Often, they are carrying a folder under one arm. Leo will be set on their destination until something breaks their focus, and their eyes start darting around their location. A Leo may swing their free arm swiftly, their palm faces either up or down. They are either the ones blocking the path, or the ones grumpily trying to get past.

The walk of a Virgo:

Their hands have to be busy; fiddling with a tie, holding books, or holding their hands together. Their steps are short, but their pace is quite quick. They are often looking to the ground and glancing down, only looking up to appreciate the scenery around them. Their shoulders are always relaxed, but either enclosed on themselves or open, depending on how confident the Virgo is in a space. They are the ones navigating through crowds.

The walk of a Libra:

Their walk can be seen as sloppy, but usually it is just because they are very chill. They talk soft-footed small steps, and do not walk very fast. A Libra believes they have all the time in the world to get to their destination. Often engrossed in conversation or thought, Libra is looking around, but never as anything specific. They are the ones who block doorways as they are unaware of their surroundings.

The walk of a Scorpio:

The movement of the Scorpion is swift. It is almost like they have perfectly rehearsed every single movement. They usually have their hands in their pockets or a bag around their arm, with the feet pointed out like a penguin. Watching people, their eyes often fix on individual things, then move onto something new. Scorpio walks at a fast pace and is often conscious of those around them; opening doors and standing to one side in order to not be in the way.

The walk of a Sagittarius:

They are fun and sloppy, often stood straight backed in contrast. The Archer is usually find standing tall, with their chest puffed out so slightly. They use their bodies and gestures boldly, maybe their shoulders move up and down when they laugh, or their whole side turns as they open doors. Blissfully unaware of those around them, Sagittarius may fall into you or stop in front of you quite often.

The walk of a Capricorn:

They have a natural swagger. They may have their fingers curled with one palm pointing to the ceiling, or their feet slightly pointing out. They are very active walkers in this way, as they are always doing something with their hands. Capricorn is notorious for fixing or mindlessly playing with their hair. They may sometimes seem fierce or scary, as they stand and walk quite boldly. Sometimes they block the halls, but this is because if you don’t say “excuse me”, why should they move? 

The walk of an Aquarius:

Aquarius is blind to those around them, merely enjoying those they walk with or any plans they are thinking up. They lean back slightly and walk with a group of friends whenever possible. Often, you will see them subtly swinging an arm back and forth. The Water Bearer often walks with a smile on their face. They may be in the way of people, but they don’t particularly care about that, as you could probably find a different way around.

The walk of a Pisces:

They do not draw much attention towards themselves. They walk alone in peace, or often take a back seat in larger groups. The Fish may have their head to the ground as they take quick and small steps. This individual can often be stopped as they tend to swing their arms. If a Pisces isn’t looking at the ground, they may be seeing looking out to the distance, or examine an on-coming crowd.


the sings as things i've said

Aries: i came here to receive compliments because im the prettiest one here
Gemini: i will whore myself for an iphone
Cancer: this sensitivity will pay off one day
Leo: *texting a friend on instagram* me: okay im outta here. if you wanna continue talking, text me on facebook. friend: only if you text me first. me: um why do you think that you're THAT important?
Virgo: im not getting a girlfriend until i finish all my studies, is that clear??????
Libra: can't we all just have some fun for once?
Scorpio: of course i think about sex all the time, who doesn't?
Sagittarius: *a guy criticizes my outfit* um sorry bitch but this coat and these dr. martens are more expensive than your entire existence
Capricorn: one day i will marry a 99 year old millionaire because i deserve a decent life
Aquarius: im a slut for chocolate and hugs in bed
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