
Driver Picks The Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole


Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.
Supernatural and Doctor Who tragic, head of the emmylovestv emotional taskforce!

To all my black followers and friends, stay safe.

Also, I would like to add that black lives have always mattered, will always matter.

It’s awful that we even have to say that because it should be a given. However, we need to say it loud and clear for the racists.

We cannot be silent. 


You’re ready for this. You show those sons of bitches who’s boss.

Can’t reblog this often enough. Such a beautiful, loving, emotional scene.

Best Bitch-Jerk moment in the whole series. Wonder if the script called for the pause between bitch-jerk or if Jared just played it that way.

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