
Good Omens Monthly Prompts

@gomonthlyprompts / gomonthlyprompts.tumblr.com

Posts a new Good Omens Prompt every month! Open to all Good Omens fans - writers, artists, cosplayrs, etc. Asks open for prompt suggestions.

Hello all Ineffables and welcome to the very beginning of the Good Omens Monthly Prompt Challenge!

What is this? I'm glad you asked! This Tumblr and Twitter are dedicated to posting a new creative prompts for the Good Omens fandom every month.

What kind of Prompts? The prompts posted here will all be vague one to two word ideas for you to be inspired by.

Who can participate? Anyone! All writers, Artists, Cosplayers, and other creative people are invited to create something pertaining in some way to each prompt posted here each month.

Do I have to sign up? Nope! This is an 'opt-in' sort of deal. If you see a prompt and want to make something that relates to it, feel free! All I ask is you tag the account or use the #gomonthlyprompt hash tag. Tagging the account directly is preferred, but not required.

Is this for Aziraphale/Crowley only, or can I create things for other characters and/or pairings? While I do love our favorite angel/demon duo, any and all ships/characters are more than welcome. Please create what inspires you most as long as it's Good Omens related.

Are there any rules? Just one: Be Kind! What does that mean? Well, be kind and courteous to your fellow fans. Rude comments, bashing of tropes, ships, content, other fans, etc, is not allowed! Any such behavior in the comments/tags of a post will result in a block! If you see content you don't like, block the tags associated with it. I will try my best to tag extensively, but I am just one person running this because I love our fandom.

Questions? Comments? Prompt suggestions? The ask box is open, please feel free to use it!

Anonymous asked:

What is this about the tumblr staff wanting to sell art data to midjourney?

An ex-colleague of mine mentioned yesterday that there may be contacts between Automattic and midjourney in that direction, but nothing is public yet and I don't have any more info. They probably won't have anything specific to share either, since they left the company weeks ago too. That being said:

  • I have no reason to doubt my ex-coworker word, they are a trustworthy person.
  • Tumblr's CEO has been absurdly enthusiastic (comically, even) about AI, and is a big fan of LLMs and 'AI' companies.
  • A deal with midjourney could solve tumblr financial issues (not the same company, but openAi is paying up to 5 million/year to news companies to use their content as training data... tumblr generates several orders of magnitude more content than any newspaper or any media company and it only would need a 20 to 30 million per year deal to be profitable)

So I don't have any extra info yet, but I'm keeping my ears open.


And I just got confirmation from a second ex-colleague that a deal with midjourney has been brewing since months ago. Not any extra details, just that's a real thing.

Shit, I don't see any way for this to happen that doesn't make it an apocalyptic event the size of the porn ban. Fuck.

Shit. This may be pure chance and coincidence, and it's not he is in a position to be able to talk about anything, but seeing prominent staff members announcing they are moving their original photography out of tumblr just two weeks ago seems a pretty significant cue of shit to be about to hit the fan.

Just tested. It’s possible to swap out pictures on already-published posts. So in that case, a solution:

Even if you don’t post your own art anymore, go back to your old stuff and watermark it.

Do it ASAP, before the deal goes through and the scraping begins.

This will not only protect your art, but has the opportunity to fuck over this deal on a pretty large scale. The more of these posts that are glazed or poisoned, the less valuable this deal becomes for tumblr and midjourney.

Share this with everyone. And i do mean everyone.

Sharing this everywhere.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! This looks like a fun event, and a great source of inspiration. Quick question: If a fanwork creator is not on Tumblr/Twitter but would nonetheless like to participate in the prompt challenge via AO3 (or other platforms), 1) is this something you would be comfortable with? and 2) if so, do you have a preferred way to be tagged/credited/notified if fanworks are posted on other platforms? (E.g., AO3 collection, anon ask, just the hashtag, etc.) Thank you!

Hello! Yes that is absolutely okay! You don't need a tumblr or twitter to participate, and there is an AO3 collection set up here. Feel free to add your prompt based work there, all I ask is that the prompt used is easily findable either in the summary or an author note.

I have not yet set up prompt accounts on other platforms (though if the interest is there it is always a possibility) and I would greatly appreciate being notified if work is posted on other platforms so that it can be promoted. Anon ask is just fine for that though if anyone has other suggestions/ideas I am definitely open to them.

I think that's everything? Thank you for asking and I look forward to seeing what everyone creates!


Written for @gomonthlyprompts 💖



“What on Earth are you doing here?” Aziraphale whispered to the dirty man standing on the steps of his shop. He was wearing dungarees, for Heaven's sake, and had a smudge of coal across a cheekbone.

There were other men nearby, shy and cautious in Soho, but they weren't paying any mind to the bookseller or their companion chatting with said bookseller.

He smiled. “D'you remember when you encouraged the LGSM to donate to the Welsh miners back in December?”

“Well. December is a season of giving, so the encouragement didn't need to be-”

“They're ready to return the favour.”

Aziraphale blinked.

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