

@kry-arcade / kry-arcade.tumblr.com

"Time to make games"

Fixed stuff. It’s definitely fun to explore a bit now.

That being said I think that’s as far as I should mess around with those sprites so I’ll move on. I’ve been asked again despite mentioning it earlier but the sprites are all original artwork from @grafxkid.


Some bugs and visual inconsistencies here and there but doing well.

And yes, I’ve been thinking too much of super mario bros 2 recently.


Reviving a dead tumblr ---

While taking a break from something else I wanted to give a shot to the all new Unity2D features. Not as perfect as expected but the new tile system is kind of fun.

Took the opportunity to use some released assets from @grafxkid, his work has always been very impressive.


Haven’t posted in a while again.

Still experimental but I’ve decided to post anyway. It was initially something I was making for an upcoming jam but I had a change of heart about that community so I’ll probably not finish it. I was thinking of some Megaman (as her design suggests) with some fighting elements, and got carried away with the fighting part as usual. Trying some mechanics from SF4 & CVSNK2.

Also for those who knows I’ve been working on something with an artist, will post about it once we have interesting things to show, though I’ll probably just link his blog.


Fixing more things & adding more things. Still some bugs here and there but it’s starting to feel like a game.

Now that I’m getting a bit ahead I was wondering what kind of artstyle I should go for, preferably some programmer-thing that I can do. Can’t really think of anything at the moment so I’m getting a bit slow on development. I’ll probably just let things like that for a while.


Fairly large video since I’m running around.

Anyway, while still very rough I think I finally got all important parts running. - Generation needs to be polished but it works, caverns are in (end of the video) - Menu integration is also done, with proper screen scaling - The basic crafting system is done - I’ve finished the block system which now allows addition of dynamic/interact blocks like doors - I’ve tweaked the battle controls a bit, it’s almost as responsive as the one you’d expect in Ecclesia for reference *** loooots of refactoring & cleaning.

I’ve been thinking of adding enemies and start playtesting at this point, though I haven’t had that much inspiration for that. Maybe some classical Castlevania-like enemies for starters.


I’ve been cleaning/refactoring again a bit to make sure that any additions wouldn’t disturb the current core, and right now it works pretty well. I also kind of had to make some custom tools since the project is getting pretty big, mainly for managing animation states, items and more.

Anyway I’ve been adding a lot of things but the most notable one is the dynamic block addition, like that tree (well, it’s just a trunk visually but don’t mind the details), also more types of blocks like solid or fake ones (think of old FF hidden walls). Some things are still buggy but can be easily fixed at this point. I’ve also been fiddling around a bit on the AI to make it go around obstacles. Right now I’m deciding on a cave algorithm to pick (either the cellular automata or the perlin worm, or maybe a mix of both?) and I think I can start to focus on adding content.

Also, Merry Xmas.


It’s starting to take shape.

I’m kind of happy since I’m definitely near completion for the mechanics. I already have some fun running around in it.


Wouh, I really need to take the habit to post...

Anyway here’s something I’ve been working on a whim first, but I really like where it’s going so I’m going to push in. Basically the idea was to start a new project using properly everything I’ve learned in Unity for the past year.

Nothing much to see visually (programmer art in 3D heh) but there is a large modulable code behind, so adding new things at this point should be fairly easy without breaking anything: * tile (3D) dynamic builder, think of minecraft. Destructible. * procedural generation * bit of a hybrid FSM for the actors/actions * the AI on the contrary is fully driven by a tree behavior system * runs under the Unity physics, no hack-ish changes.

Even though I have some tweaking to do I think that the base is robust enough at this point for me to start working on funny things like items and visuals.


I was looking at the core old rogue-likes to see what I could add, though I’m going for something radically different. After trying some very basic lighting, it’s kind of fun but I don’t know if I’ll keep it since it doesn’t really seem to fit with what I have in mind for the game.

I’ve also added a skeleton ! Though he doesn’t do that much and just runs into walls for now.


Nothing major new but I’ve modified the icons to fit with the palette, I’ve also added her for testplay but forgot her walk animation.

It feels like I’m getting somewhere so I just wanted to post.


I was trying to find a character that goes well with the 16x16 look, the “voxel” way seems interesting but is harder to do than I thought.

What can I say? I’ve always enjoyed more coding than trying to do something artistic, any fellow coder will understand what I mean!


Deleted the previous one. Changing videos while editing a post doesn’t seem to work somehow.

Done with the generation, going onto gameplay.


Wew, working on procedural things sure is a wild ride.

There are 2-3 more things I want to add but for now it works, the underline is finished and I’m kind of satisfied with it.

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