
You are going to laugh until your stomach hurts again. You're going to be in awe of a sunset. Watch your favorite show while you eat your favorite food. Find money on the street. Discover a great band you haven't heard of before. You will find your way back.


at dinner people were talking about how much they cried during their weddings and my one cousin said she was SO determined not to cry, made it through the entire ceremony, but then during the reception her husband leaned over and asked 'hey, do you want me to get together a plate of roast beef and hide it in our room so we can have Night Meats?' and she went 'night meats?' and started sobbing because that was so romantic to her


Ā« Life has existed on Earth for ~3.5 billion years. Humanity has existed for ~1 million years. Human civilisation started ~10 thousand years ago, and its history has not been one of continuous progress. The civilised, artistic, noetic, literary part of it only represents an imperceptible fraction of the experience of the Homo sapiens speciesā€”imperceptible even to the species itself. There have only been a few artworks, a few objects, a few melodies, a few books, a few walls, witnessed by a few men [ā€¦]. Ā»

ā€” Pascal Quignard, The Roving Shadows


itā€™s always ā€œi love youā€ and never ā€œwhat the hell is going on? i mean with you whatā€™s going on with you? you know what i mean. i know you i know you better then anyone, this isnā€™t you. what are you doing? living at your grandparents place? being in the dar? no yale- WHY DID YOU DROP OUT OF YALE? itā€™s not, itā€™s not complicated. this isnā€™t you! this- you going out with this jerk? with a porsche? we made fun of guys like this! this isnā€™t about him! okay? screw him! whatā€™s going on with you? this isnā€™t you rory you know it isnā€™t, whatā€™s going on?ā€


she-ra is still so so funny to me like. as a concept

dreamworks/netflix/mattel: ok mr. stevenson, weā€™d like this reboot to be a fun kids show with a good story for the whole family and lots of nostalgia to bring in revenue for the franchise etc. sound good?

nate stevenson, planning a story in his head where pop culture icon & beloved 80s childrens hero She-Ra is a brainwashed christian imperialist soldier who has a sexuality crisis.over her gay arch enemy for 5 seasons then kills god by kissing her: mhm yes absolutely


And then plays chess with the plot so that ending is the one that makes the most sense while still avoiding being noticed too early.


heard porn bots might be following you guys again. sorry about that. but in some good news i have been gaining many new followers who are real stunningly beautiful women. welcome ladies :)

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