twitter is on fire... so i am back like the cheater i am, hi.
exoturnback reblogged
kitchen nightmares: baekhyun vs. the blender
exoturnback reblogged
exoturnback reblogged
P O W E R # R F _ 0 5 : the game
exoturnback reblogged
exoturnback reblogged
BAEKHYUN Delight Chemistry Ver.
exoturnback reblogged
exoturnback reblogged
BAEKHYUN — The 2nd Mini Album “Delight” Teaser Images #2
((whispers: anyone here playing animal crossing and want some prive designs?))
exoturnback reblogged
#8YearsWithEXO Happy 8 years to the 9 boys who I have stuck with ever since I was 12. It’s crazy how much has changed and how much we’ve been through. There are never moments where I regret choosing these boys to help guide me through my years and shaped me into the person I am today. On the behalf of all eris, I thank you for saving and blessing our lives with your beautiful existences. Oh how grateful we are to be able to live in the same time as you ♡ Thank you for being born. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being EXO. MY YOUTH IS EXO #8ternityWithEXO
exoturnback reblogged
exoturnback reblogged
Chanyeol for HIGHCUT
exoturnback reblogged
Suho ♡ 사랑, 하자 (Let’s Love)
exoturnback reblogged
SUHO 수호 ’사랑, 하자 (Let’s Love)’ MV
congratulations on your solo debut, my love ♡
exoturnback reblogged
200117 baekhyunee_exo instagram update
good morning to everyone except exolab and exobar 👋