


♤any Pronouns ♡I draw (sometimes) ◇feel free to send Asks/Requests :))

Why do I feel like

Catnap and Dawn would be fans of Pink Floyd

Especially their album "the wall"

My dad told me about it and apparently in his depiction, It's about a man slowly going insane, the wall is the path to insanity and the bricks are the reasons he gone insane


Wont lie I never heard of the artist or Song huh.

Catnap would maybe enjoy such a vibe. Though I dunno how he'd get to listen to the Song with the old Stations down in the factory.

For Dawn thats not their vibe. They like more positiv and simplistic songs


Big props to @pistachiozombie for making a very memorable lil lady

Omg you colored it!! I'm obsessed! Your colors are so spot on and aesthetically pleasing, i can't stop staring ♥ Thank you again for this beautiful work of my lass!

Sksjjsk thank you 😢😢<33 Leanne is such a Joy to draw and Everytime she pops up on my Feed my brain gets kicked into hobbit art mood!


Do Dawn likes hugs? They are so adorable!


They do! They are very affecionit:^) hugs and all are a must. Though the Dads wouldnt agree with that habit


Question, Does Dawn have a birthday date? Was it the day Dawn was created/posted on Twitter or do you have a specific day and such?


Nope no day as such. I guess the day where I posted them would count though!

But I doubd I will rememeber in a year 💀💔


So Dawn exist in a sort of AU of the game... but can he exist in the cartoon version? maybe he is brought as a baby by a stork and given to the Smiling Critters, maybe more Dogday since Dawn is more like a puppy, and Catnap and Dogday become parental figures to him 😍 I'm just proposing the idea, it came to me like that 😅


I was going to draw a Cartoon version but For the life of me couldnt make a drawing I like:((

Thats a cute idea. Doubt canonly Dawn would exist in the Cartoon- but a Version where they would is very cute. Defintily could be an episode about responsibilitys

Anonymous asked:

are catnap and dogday married? Or are they just parenting dawn together?

They are Together!

I just like to see them as this old married couple that tend to get annoyed at eachother (mostly dogday) but they do love eachother alot!



I've been sick so i haven't gotten time to write more FOUND content but i have been drawing a little. (You are @ed in them so- if you have seen them, i hope you like them!)

I was thinking and got an idea

Sparky is/has a fire pendant and has a more firey(?) Personality- Soo Dawn and Sparky are the Water/Fire dynamic now.

Since this has no point here is a question about the grape puppy

Is Dawn stubborn? I imagine CatNap to be very stubborn. Maybe Dawn got that from being around CatNap-

Sorry for my long asks- byebye


Unfortunately Dawns not very stubborn haha.

They might push back a lil and pout but are more likely to be the doormat someone walks on-


Does dawn do well at school and dawn wander If his parents are married or not ?


Well theres not really a school anymore. Not after the Hour of joy at least.

The only "lessons" they get is from Bubba when it randomly happens. Dawn can take up most things as a pup their age should tho :^)

Anonymous asked:

Has Dawn encountered any of the smaller Smiling critters? Or have any toy tried attacking Dawn due to intense hunger?

Yes Dawn has in their young kid years met all the others. Theyre kinda split trough the factory so they dont See them all daily,but Visits still happen!

Some toys defintily have Tried. But Not succeded as we have a grown up Version of Dawn existing. The dads were plenty prepared for that to happen


How did catnap and dogday was together for and how did dogday forgive catnap for every what happen, then in build a bear shop how did they know that perfect baby and why name him dawn?


Well like said. The canon Part where Dogday gets hurt doesnt happen. Though Catnaps slight Obsession with the Prototype is still there? For that Dogday and Catnap just had many, many Arguments. Till at some point Dogday accepted it as Part of Catnap. As long as he doesnt get crazy with it.

For babu Dawn they didnt make any specific decisions. The machine of the factory did most of the work. They got to select simple things like color,species and etc. but the Rest wasnt their decision. These Machines are usually simple and Made for young kids to use lol

Dawn was chosen as a Name because well.. Day/night theme. What names can u chose?

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