@goodwithabat / goodwithabat.tumblr.com


okay, i’m going to go off for a second, bc it’s something that just really needs to be said over & over again because for some reason it’s still a problem. & i know i’m probably going to lose followers, & i’m probably going to look whiny & pathetic. i don’t care.

the way the rpc treats female muses & female ocs is DISGUSTING.

there is no way to justify it or try to come up with a reason because the reason is obvious & transparent as hell. even if you are a completely fair & unbiased person, you know what i’m talking about, because chances are you’ve seen it too. that’s how bad it is.

do you know how it feels to have a canon character in a fandom reach 1k+ in 6 months while your oc, IN THE SAME FANDOM, has been up for almost two years & struggles to pass 200

do you have any idea how pathetic it feels to reblog the same memes over & over again & to reblog your own open starters & starter calls constantly because you don’t have the energy to make new ones because you KNOW they’re going to get ignored because of something so trivial as the GENDER OF YOUR CHARACTER

seeing people who actually have writing partners & feeling so lost & upset because you can never get any threads no matter what you do. mutuals who follow you on your canon blogs ignoring you when you follow them from your oc blog, again, from the same fandom 

& don’t tell me it’s a case to case basis, because honestly, it’s really not unless you’re SUPER FUCKING LUCKY. the rpc has such a gross tendency to see a female character in the icon of a blog & just skim right over it like it’s garbage without even clicking & giving the blog a chance. that is so, so nasty.

people will talk openly about how much they LOVE female muses & female ocs & yet they do the exact same thing, whether they realize it or not.

& the thing is, me saying this probably isn’t going to change anything. that’s how deep rooted of a problem it is. so this post is probably useless, but whatever. i just needed to get it off my chest because i am so, so, SO CLOSE to giving up on all my blogs save for this one (which is likely only thriving because it’s for a canon male character, which is all most of the rpc seems to give a shit about)

anyways, that’s it. sorry if this was harsh or negative, but i just needed to vent.



      It’s funny. She can’t seem to form anymore words after she finally agrees to Steve’s proposal. They’re all just … GONE. Carrie just finds herself smiling at the ground like a total GOOF as the Harrington boy replies. She’s already mentally mapping out the best way to get out of the house without her mother noticing her only daughter’s absence. All Carrie can summon in reply to him is a hasty and eager nod. Be ready by 8. She could do that. It’d be tricky but she could do it. 
      She squeaks out another OKAY right before he leaves her standing in front of her locker. Her face is hot. A wide grin is now pulling at her lips tightly. Carrie can barely contain herself as she squeezes her bag to her chest, this time in an excited burst. Carrie looks behind her to peek in the direction where Steve had gone but soon, she’s making her way out the twin doors of the school. She’s still smiling even as she walks home (albeit still in a slight panic), heading right up to her room to complete her homework and to prepare herself for tonight.
       She’s a bundle of nervousness and excitement as Carrie tries to QUIETLY put on her finishing touches. Her blonde hair has been combed and brushed – freshly clean, too, as Momma insisted she take a bath before she went to bed. Gotta wash the dirt and the sins of the day away, you know. Momma had even watched her do her evening prayers, right down to the final AMEN. Margaret kissed her forehead, bid her daughter a good night and had closed Carrie’s door to retire to sewing for the remainder of the evening in the living room. All before SEVEN. On a FRIDAY , nonetheless. 
                     For the White Household, this is all rather routine. So, with Carrie’s complicit demeanor the whole late afternoon, everything was going without a hitch. Hopefully it stayed that way.
        Unbeknownst to her mother, Carrie had a small collection of teen magazines hidden beneath her mattress and those periodicals had been her main source of reference for getting ready for her date. ( It’s so exciting, isn’t it? Her! Going on a REAL DATE! ) She had used them to help select her clothes – a simple, home made, blue dress with white flowers donning it in pattern that reached riiiiiight at her knees was her main piece. It was paired with her grey Sunday flats. They were nicest shoes she owned ; the leather was unscuffed and clean. Shiny, even. Her cross necklace sat at her pale throat, still. The little silver crucifix was innocent enough. If she felt self conscious about it, the teen would resort to tucking it beneath her collar. And to finish her ensemble, Carrie had a darker hued blue cardigan. With all her hair off to the side in one braid and out of her face, Carrie felt almost … well … pretty. You could actually see her face. She was dressed nice. She even had a hint of blush aaaaaand a little bit of pink lip gloss at her lips. Those were some other things she had hidden in her room. If Momma knew she had makeup, Carrie couldn’t even imagine the punishment she would receive.
        Carrie has her little coin purse pushed in her cardigan’s pocket and her shoes in her hand as she gives herself one final look over in the small hand mirror that she had hung off the wall behind her bedroom door. She couldn’t see much but from what she COULD see, she was pleased with her handiwork. She looked normal. And, honestly, that was all Carrie could ask for. 
        Still stepping on tip toe, Carrie crosses her little bedroom to the window. Silently, she reaches toward the paint chipped base and CAREFULLY and SLOWLY pushes it up. The cool night air meets her face and causes her to pause. Last chance. She could back out. She could just crawl back into bed and not take this risk. It would be like it all never happened. It could still all be an awful, awful trick. But … there’s a voice in the back of her head, pushing her to take the leap. You’ll never know when you’ll get a chance like this again, it whispered. And that was all that senior needed as persuasion to make her crawl out of her window and climb down the drain pipe until she met coarse grass.
                         Now she just had to figure out where Steve and his car was …

      An upraised palm was curled around the steering wheel; fingers rhythmically tapped as Steve staved off a surge of reluctance to stick around. He looked around the darkness of the quietly empty street. Halos of light were being cast from the bungalow’s front porch, along with flickering lamps. It was late but the night had only begun really. Steve shifted in his seat, contemplating the choices that lead up to him spending his Friday parked outside the curb not too far from the White’s house, waiting to pick up Carrie herself. His thought process always looped back to the same conclusion --- he had no way of backing out. Not if he wanted Tommy to not rub it in his face when he went back to school on Monday.

      A few minutes passed. His eyes trailed along the house’s walls as Steve kept a lingering look out; that was when he FINALLY managed to catch a glimpse of the outline of a figure moving in the darkness. Steve craned his neck more, and sure enough, watched as the same mousy girl he drove all the way out here for dropped down onto the lawn below. From this far, Steve could see the outfit the teenaged girl was wearing, but he couldn’t make out any details. The shadows muted hues, but he still squinted. To his SURPRISE, she didn’t look to be wearing her usual frumpy, unflattering clothes.

       That got him wondering: what the hell did a girl like Carrie White wear out on an actual date? The only get-ups he had ever seen her in seemed more suitable to be worn by somebody’s ancient, overindulgent grandma. She did NOT dress for her age.


          Oh, man, he just really couldn’t believe this was happening. If Steve wasn’t actually disappointed, he would probably have found her climbing down the drainpipe to be kind of impressive on her part. But all he could think about was how he would much he rather be doing absolutely anything else than spending his free time like this.

       Rather than call out her name, Steve straightened his posture and whistled. The quick noise released into the nighttime air should be ignored by anyone else, except the one it was intended for. Hey, Steve was a pro at sneaking around. Totally experienced in the art of staying hidden under the radar of disapproving parents; that way he could have some fun with their daughters. Steve waited a few seconds. Assuming she likely had heard him and was figuring out what it meant, he MOTIONED her over to his car with a wave of hand. He started rolling the window on the driver’s side all the way back up. Let’s get this over with. The low music playing throughout the enclosed interior of the sedan rose in volume as he began to crank it up again. Choral notes recognizable as Meat Loaf’s could be heard more clearly filtering through the speaker system: By the light of the moon you know there's not another moment, not another moment, not another moment to waste ---


my hair is VERY soft and could EASILY be played with and you know how many people are playing with my hair??? zero


steve harrington would have absolutely nothing to do with billy after what he did to lucas and max and that’s just the facts

send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses ! i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .

FRIENDS. childhood friends / work friends / family friends / recently friends / turning antagonistic / turning into something romantic / stable / falling apart / friendship of need / friendship of circumstance pen - pals or internet friends / coworkers / partners / other .

ROMANCE. childhood sweethearts / newly entered / soulmates / skinny love / unrequited from my muses side / unrequited from your muses side / friends with benefits / awkward / fading / turning toxic / toxic and destructive / other .

FAMILIAL BOND. sibling bond / older sibling figure to your muse / younger sibling figure to your muse / parental figure to your muse / parental figure to your muse / guardian figure / legal guardian / other .

ENEMIES. dangerous to themselves / dangerous to others / unpredictable / passionate / rivals / petty / developing into a sexual tension / developing into a romantic tension / based off family matters / based of circumstance / based of professional matters / based of misunderstandings or lies / other .



      Slowly, the door of her locker is closed behind her with a metallic click as he speaks. Carrie’s all nerves, now – Not that she was much of anything else before. She’s not … anti-social, per say. But she’s most certainly AFRAID of personal interaction. No one has been kind – especially at this school. Whether it be Chris Hargensen or that Tommy that Steve hung around, all of those people were the same. Cruel. Awful. And this boy was right in the middle of them. He was one of them, wasn’t he? How could she trust him?

      He gets closer and Carrie’s eye grow wider. She’s frozen in abject terror, clutching her bag up to her chest and her feet are getting ready to carry her out of the doors of the school as fast as she is able. He didn’t understand. Momma WOULD be hurt. Momma WOULD be angry. And Carrie would be in the most infinitesimal amounts of trouble if Margaret were to find out that her daughter was out. That’s not even factoring in WHO she’d be out with. Every cell in her body is telling her this is a BAD idea. But it’s his next statement that he makes that catches her off guard and stops her from making her desirable exit.

                       YOU DON’T THINK WE’D HAVE FUN TOGETHER?

          ❛   You …    Carrietta’s brow steeples, tenting in doubt. Still, she’s intrigued. Why was he trying so hard? Was it entirely possible that … Steve was being genuine? Steadily, the fear and skepticism she feels so deeply inside begins to ebb. Not entirely. But … a little. He’s breaking her down. Slowly, sure. But it’s working. Her eyes still hold a sense of fear but there’s something else there, glimmering just under the surface. Hope. A small sliver of an inkling of it. Her posture slackens, tenseness falling from her shoulders and she hazards a peek up at Steve with her wide doe eyes.


          ❛   You really think you’d– …. WE’D … have fun?   

          To say she trusts him would be an assumptive and silly idea. But … to say that she WANTS to believe and trust him? Well, that’s all too accurate. This is the dream, isn’t it? This is what NORMAL girls her age do, right? Dates. Sneaking out with cute boys. They’re all aspects of something that she has desperately wanted for so very long. And, for once, it is all within arms reach. It’s all RIGHT THERE in front of her!

           A thick swallow follows and she peers down at her feet. If one looks close enough, you can see the edgings of a small smile curling at her thin lips. She’s made a decision.  ❛   Okay,    the White girl murmurs with an insistent nod. One hand frees itself to push some messy blonde hair behind an ear. Pink dusts her cheeks in a flush. She can’t believe she’s agreeing to this!

               ❛   Do … Do you need my address or… or anything?   

       She was moving, locker door falling shut, concealing the personalized interior from his view. He wouldn’t have been surprised to see her inching further away or even hightailing it toward the exit --- but she DIDN’T. Carrie surprised Steve by staying put, and for all his hard work he even earned a quick, upward glance cast from those big blue eyes of hers. His immediate response was to smoothly reassure, " Yeah. ” Steve's sole salvation was the subtle blush tinting her cheeks, her mannerisms shy but any EARLIER trace of hesitancy dissolved. Steve decided to say something else that would make even more of an impact, managing in a suave voice, “ Why else do you think I’m asking you out? ”


      He didn’t give her a chance to answer that; any shield she had up before was lowered, and he swooped in to take advantage, regaining momentum and cool, “ Well, then, it’s settled. ” Steve’s expression lightened, and since the popular playboy exterior allowed it, her acquiescence was registered. Hey, he was pleased! For a second there he thought she actually might not want anything to do with him. But then he decided not to ponder that tidbit further, and Steve casually told Carrie, “ No, I know it... ” Such knowledge was easy enough to grasp when a house like hers was practically INFAMOUS; still, in the midst of their conversation, he was slowly withdrawing. Steve was attractive, he knew, and had tons of charm to pull from his arsenal; but he stepped away, drawing their interaction out with enviable ease. “ Just be READY when I get there. I’ll be around, say, 8:00? ”

       Carrie had taken him up on his offer, and when he left her there to mull over their exchange, he turned around the corner and proceeded down the hallway, only to be confronted by the likes of Tommy himself shortly thereafter: “Oh, shit. You actually did it! ” was the exclamation to be blurted out amidst hysterical hyena-like chortles. Steve felt an almost UNUSUAL flash of irritation sweep over him at the other teenager’s amusement at his expense, but endured it for the time being. He was already in the process of mentally preparing himself for the night ahead of him. Steve was determined to see this through, if nothing else, so he could get Tommy off his back and to shut the hell up.

       Hours later, his car pulled up near but not quite the front of her house. The windows were rolled up, music that had been put on blast before lowered in volume. There was no sound, no motion, as the driver behind the wheel idled. Once parked, the street appeared mostly deserted, and he took a moment in the vehicle to reset his resolve.

             Steve NEVER thought he would be attempting to pull off something like this. Why the hell he allowed himself to be swindled into taking Carrie White out on a date on a perfectly good Friday night was beyond Steve --- but now it was too LATE to back out.


i see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that.

You deserve the best in life, so if the time isn’t right then… move on. Conform yourself with being almost happy was such a sad way of living. She knew that from experience. Second best is NEVER enough.there’s a couple of pats on his back. Hang in there!!
@goodwithabat ➤ EXPRESS YOURSELF!!

       The companionable clasp of a hand wasn’t expected. Frustrating thing was, with as small of a podunk town as Indiana was, everybody knew everybody's business. Steve’s love life was no different. Slowly, his one-word reply came out, “ Thanks. ” This by far rang more genuine than Billy’s unwanted appraisal. He tacked on, “ I’m working on it. ”


you don’t need pretty graphics to be a good writer. you don’t need a theme that took 4 days to make to be a good writer. you definitely don’t need psds and fancy icons. you don’t need to compare yourself to others or make yourself feel unworthy. every portrayal / every person is different and thats the magic of the rpc. you’re all amazing nd i love all of you sm i’d die for u ok don’t put yourself down. definitely don’t compare yourself or question your worth bc you’re amazing ♡

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