
mr unlucky

@simonmeadows-archive / simonmeadows-archive.tumblr.com

Simon, 28 years old, father of Hayley Meadows and busy trying to make sense of myself
|RP Blog for SwampHQ|

One and a half hour left before he had to pick her up. One would say it was easier to take the car and roll up to the day care, but counting the time he figured they were either in the middle of a nap or a marvelous play pretend game and he was not about to ruin that. Another would say: “Enjoy the freedom!” which he too, had to agree with -- or usually did, as long as he didn’t come to the halt of “how”? Simon was a person to easily gain itchy legs, filled with motivation and drive to constantly do something unless he was too tired to care; so spending it watching a movie or any other way was out of the matter until the clock striked two. Giving in to his urges, Simon instead found himself planning the weekend, knowing he had to entertain his daughter somehow and find himself something other to do on top of it. And well... all and all it was the short story as to how he had ended up inside an art store. Hayley loved to paint more than anything, as far as it went for a two year old and showing interest, and not only were her water colors getting murky but he had also spotted this paint by the numbers canvas that together filled in the pictures of, well, animals and the like. It was a perfect activity for them both, really, and although he figured the person nearest to him didn’t want to get bothered, he was sadly enough stuck between two options and no other to ask but her. “Hey, excuse me -- if you had a two year old daughter, would you go for the cat or the the princess? I feel stuck.” 

Adele looked over to the man near her and smiled. “I guess you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any less – well, I guess the word I’m looking for is terrible,” she furrowed her brows. “I mean, I guess I don’t know enough children myself, but I’d assume they might want something more – imaginative? At least Rabbit lives in the Hundred Acre Wood with Eeyore, Piglet, and the one and only Winnie the Pooh. All Lizzy has is a shit excuse for a sidekick character called Alvin the Alligator. If I’m honest, I prefer Alvin to Lizzy,” she returned her glance to the manuscript, “Alvin at least has a personality. A bit like Rabbit actually in that he’d much prefer if everyone leave him alone and finds Lizzy’s antics bothersome,” she smirked. “But, again, maybe I’m too far separated from kids to understand what kinds of characters they like.”
“Yeah, I mean... it kind of depends on the age range, doesn’t it? A one year old is only going to care about sounds and whether the book has a pop-up or not, whilst a three year old would want something with a bit more story to it. I personally prefer to buy those that has something to teach, like counting together or typical how to behave and whatnot.” Was he truly having a conversation about children’s books during lunch? Seemed like it. “But I’m going to take a guess and say this author hasn’t thought that far, or? Maybe she’s writing for the wrong age category, however I’m the worst to talk about such as I’ve never finished a proper book in my whole life.” To him, reading was a hassle he was unwilling to put himself through. He had tried during school, but the deadlines had killed any type of motivation he had owned for the task. “Do you ever screen test the books before publishing them or do you only go by guts?”

toddlers & fun | archie & simon

It was always nice meeting new parents, Archie was always open to interact with them and trying to make more friendships to give his Mia more people to play with was always a priority.
“I hate following directions too, some streets are weird shaped too” he said to the man’s comment “and yeah i was going already, my little girl was tired already” he replied to him, not half lying.
“Hello Hayley” Archie said to the little girl in front of him and looked at his own child “this is Mia, and i’m Archie” he added smiling at both -hello- Mia said in a small voice, not as shy as she normally was.
“This magical place man, is amazing, has a place for the kids to play, coloring placemats, drinks that look like coffee, without being coffee, for the kids” Archie started, still amazed by the discovery he made months ago “it also offer some space for the kids to play not one of those big playthings, but plush toys, and others” he pointed towards the road “is over here a couple of minutes walk” he said.
“Tell me about it. I still remember when I had my first job interview here in town and their office was in the middle of the old section -- if the buildings didn’t end up looking the same, the streets sure made a point in not wanting me to find the start and the end of it all.” Simon shook his head, more amused by the memory than anything. “Apparently it’s not the first time they’ve had someone get lost in there so I suggested putting up a few signs along the way.” 

He nodded at both of them, but spared a few extra seconds to wave at the little girl Mia -- covered by the feeling she was a shy one. Hayley was on the far other spectrum when it came to her voice, making herself known to each and every person on the street if she so had to. “Hello there, Mia -- are we allowed to accompany you and your dad?” He found it safer to reach out to Mia personally, understanding the importance of being seen and heard. 

Then he refocused on Archie and raised his eyebrows in near wonder. “This city really has it all, doesn’t it? I’ll applaud them and support them until my dying breath, it’s about time someone created a safe space for children to be. Nothing is as bad as entering a place for grown ups and having your kid throw a tantrum or any of the like -- they just won’t stop staring.” Simon shook his head not long after, pursing his lips in dislike. “But feel free to lead the way, I’ll follow.”


“I thought I could trust you!” for simon from charlie!!! // “This is a joke, right? Right?” for amna from bennet!!!! // “Shame. I kind of liked you.” for winston from adele k!!!!!

“I’m sorry, I didn’t -- I never meant for this to happen, Charlie you have to believe me.” Chaos. Everything around them spoke of chaos. Red mixed with white that spread across the floor boards of the kitchen. His heart knotted together like a desperate sailor trying to hold his ship together during a storm, however not at the mess but rather by the fact that Charlie hadn’t bought his lies. There was clear despair in the eyes of Charlotte who had fallen to her knees, staring wide-eyed at her ruined masterpiece. Yes. she had trusted him with all of it and he had taken it from her faster than a snap of one’s fingers. “Charlie, I --” But she cut him off with a wave of her hand, followed by a faint whimper.
That cake of her’s was better left for dead, not having the heart to tell her he had tried to taste it while she left the room to answer a phone call, only to realise she had put salt in the icing instead of sugar. In an hasteful attempt to get rid of it before Charlie even tried to serve it to any one else, Simon had casually pretended to slip and drop a frying pan on top of the table that had, in its turn, knocked the cake over and splatted it all over the floor. Surely he had promised to guard it for her, but neither could he allow her to sit on such a failure for the rest of her life. “It’s gone.” And thankfully was that. 
“I’m not entirely sure what they even mean here,” Adele pulled the red pen out from behind her ear and marking at the manuscript already covered in red markings. “Not to mention the main character’s name has changed spelling at least four times,” she groaned. “Honestly – if people paid a little more attention, maybe I wouldn’t have to take this shit home with me.” If she were honest with herself, she would admit she didn’t do much work while she were home by herself, but it was more interesting to be dramatic. “Besides, I don’t even know what this book is supposed to be about? Some sort of magical lizard named Lizzy? What do think kids are, idiots?”
Having lacked time to pack lunch the day before, Simon held no other option but to scout the city for something of interest. He had managed to find some sort of diner not too far from work itself, much to his favor, and nestled himself at a table in the further end of the room. However, he had barely glanced at the menu between his hands before a voice to his side caught his attention -- sitting on the feeling she was merely speaking aloud -- his tongue itching to add a comment of his own. “I don’t think my daughter would be able to pull that connection, honestly. I’m going to reckon you’re at least a little bit familiar with things such as Winnie the Pooh that has characters literally just named ‘Rabbit’ or that donkey named after it’s own sound. As long as it’s colorful and has something that rhymes they’ll eat it up.”
Placing a hand over her heart dramatically, Oli let out a gasp that was just as dramatic, “I loved the Revengers! Metal Man and Bulk? Iconic! You really stood your own against that cast. And your voice overs? A work of art. I can hardly believe I’m this close to such a huge star,” she said, fanning herself with her hand. The student loans she racked up at school were mocking her over the top acting, but it was worth it to add to her and Simon’s ongoing joke. He was not only holding his own, but genuinely funny without being offensive, which unfortunately was a bit hard to find these days. 
“Oh it’s just a sort of a–” Oli paused for a moment, feeling like she was sitting across from an interviewer during a press junket and had to relay her practiced answers. It wasn’t like he was giving off any sort of formal vibe, it was a simply question, really. She tried to shake off the feeling of this being anything other than friendly before she answered. “It’s a bit like Unsolved Mysteries? Basically it’s a documentary series on unsolved crimes and paranormal situations and the like with a few dramatizations and interviews. I’m just the host, but it’s pretty interesting to learn about.” Oli shrugged, trying not to show how excited she actually was about the project. Even though she didn’t actually get to act beyond hosting, she got caught up in almost every case they’d looked at so far.
Oli chewed on her lip while she thought of a codeword. “’Double’ would be too easy. Oh! What about ‘animal fries’? You know, like as the side of a Double-Double?” She paused for a moment, remembering that the fast food chain had only recently started branching out from California. “Inn-N-Out? Anyway, I have no idea how we’d defeat them, but I’m sure it has to end in an all out brawl, doubles on all sides, maybe even swords, that kind of thing. You have any swords?”
Normal people would have parted after realising they were speaking with the wrong person, excused themselves and deeply hoping they never had to encounter this awkward mistake of their’s ever again. This Oli, however, seemed the opposite of it and something that had started badly had turned into a matter of success. Simon was no late to continue their fake fawning and bragging of his fake career, pulling off a smug grin to match the “compliments” throw at him for his “hard work” as an actor. “Sooner or later all the stardom will be mine -- they won’t even see it coming. I might even pitch you in as my new sidekick if you’re nice enough.” A wink to match. “Only deal is that I’m the one wearing the cape.” 

All of this was even more hilarious counting he was standing by an actual actress, a person working the field -- even if he was yet unsure on what type of pieces she was part of. It didn’t change the topic, as he figured he was to bump into her name at some point in time. “Oh, neat! I kind of like documentaries actually, like I don’t binge watch them, but whenever I get tired of everything else I check for something around.” He felt like adding that fact ontop of him being a dad pulled down the fun factor more than enough; thus happy he hadn’t managed to slip that secret, as documentaries were seen as old folks doings. Ramblings about justice or old history was documtary keys -- but those who only thought that hadn’t caught onto the other side of it all. “Do you walk around and interview people and such, or what?” 

Simon hummed, shaking his head quickly at her suggestions. “Your second reminder today that I’m Canadian. Haven’t heard of either. However, maybe that’s to our benefit? Double me wouldn’t undestand that -- but then again, we could also just use The Revengers as a code word. Surely neither of our doubles have a connection to it, they wouldn’t see it coming.” Just the mere picture of a war made out of the world’s doubles caused him to chuckle to himself, a faint reminder towards an episode of South Park to linger at the back. “Sadly I didn’t bring my sword collection with me down here, but we could manufacture some in no time at all. Some duct tape, glitter, a stick -- you name it.”

Apollo crouched in front of the little girl, nodding along to all the “symptoms” she listed. “Do you mind if I take a look?” He reached out for the stuffed animal then, when she relented, carefully took him and set him on the miniature operating table. Apollo checked his temperature, his heart rate, his blood pressure, the he hummed thoughtfully and said, “Well, it’s just as I expected. Fluffititis.” He reached for a pack of Jelly beans then returned to the crouch at the girl’s level. “You’ll need to feed him one of these a day, and as soon as the box is empty, he’ll be all better. Do you think you can do that?”
He then clapped his hands together and rose to his feet again, smiling over at the man who must have been her father. “I can’t promise you I won’t be the cause of a sugar rush. But it should be all better. Medically speaking.”

Hayley’s forehead showed off a concerned wrinkle as the man asked for permission to check over her cat, wondering within if it was safe to let him off. However, after a quick look back at Simon who nudged her forward, she extended her stuffed animal. Her ears stood sharp, body high and mighty while she waited for some sort of report about Mr Whisker’s well being. Would he get better, or was he lost to her forever? Only time could tell, and somehow these next few seconds came with pursed lips and a clock that moved slower than a snail for the two year old. “Flu... fluffifis?” she questioned, barely getting the name right. “What’s that?” She had to know more, how else was she supposed to help? 

Simon rolled his eyes and let out an amused scoff as Apollo turned his attention over to him instead. “Ah, sugar rush -- a parent’s favorite nightmare.” He wasn’t the bigger fan of offering candy to Hayley on weekdays, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt just once here and there. “But um... anything we should keep an eye on while he’s recovering? How will we know he’s getting better?” Could as well play along.

“I heard the city was trying to come with an independent bill for healthcare” Tama said well aware of bullshit in the community “i think people refuse to see we can provide healthcare for all if we try” he added seeing the little girl go in the booth.
“Well, besides the check-in, there’s a face painting booth, a couple of people sewing and patching, a vet booth and a couple of booths for painting and crafts” Tama started to list the ones he could remember “i think there was a booth were you can make candy and there is a booth where a doctor performs a pretend operation, and one for a general check for the kids too, just general check up” Tama  said “i can take you to any of them” he offered.
“They are? I’m definitely here for that type of change. This place already seem to hold its own charm, although I can’t speak for it much since I have only droven past the rest on my way over here.” A few stops on the road didn’t offer anything but quick glances, but he knew there had been something about the city that had made him pull that break for real. “Isn’t it something surrounding taxes, or do I remember it wrong?” 

Simon nodded slowly as his head tried to piece together the booths with the area, mentally exhaling at the mass of information that was about to overtake him. “Oh boy, I think I’m going to have to cover Hayley’s eyes and ears on our way to anything, otherwise I’ll never get her back home again.” Face painting, crafts and candy making sounded right up her alley. She was a creative soul, come to show early on -- constantly playing about with colors and using her hands to learn. “How about the painting and craft one? And also, have you tried any of the food around here yet? Food left in the open inside party tents tend to be a hit or miss.”

Gage held the drum of the stethoscope over the cat’s chest. “Do you hear the wheezing? Mr. Whiskers might have a cold.” He glanced at the girl’s father to make sure he wasn’t doing something the father didn’t like.

A gasp of dispaire left the little girl’s mouth as she covered it over with her hands, the word “cold” echoing after the man. “Oh no... Mr Whisk-hers...” A slow shake of her head that turned into a soft pat on the cat’s back. “We have to help him!” 

Seeing the small glance his way, Simon nodded at Gage to proceed. Thus far everything seemed in order, although he found himself staring over Hayley’s shoulder to reassure the cat stayed in place. “I’m sure the doctor has something that could help.”

“I guess. But isn’t it better to look at things positively and just.. Imagine that everyone knows what they’re doing? I mean, at least that makes you feel better.” Harper said, smiling. “Oh, I’m not like.. For the news or anything, I just write fluff pieces for a magazine, mostly. Nothing too important.”
“When it comes to this? Then yes, maybe, but I’d be lying if I told you my head worked that lineal.” Honestly speaking, his head was everything but that and it had a tendency to act up twice as much whenever Hayley became involved. He wanted her to learn and have fun throughout the day, but did he trust people enough to ease up? Hardly. “What ends up feeling important depends on the person reading it, not the story itself. For some an article about knitting might be the headline of the week. Something I can help you with?”

toddlers & fun | archie & simon

Archie was trying to get his daughter to be more social and talk with more kids, he wanted nothing but her to be happy and felt that having her own parent as her only friend was not the best view at the moment, but either way trying to get his shy daughter to open up to people was not as easy as it sounded.
“Sure man” Archie replied to the voice behind him rolling on his feet with his Mia in his arms “there’s a coffee shop a couple of blocks down here that is actually made for parents and their children” he added pointing out to the general direction of the shop.
Archie looked a little down and saw the little girl and smiled at them both “i can get you there if you want, we were going already” Archie offered quickly not letting an opportunity pass to meet new parents.
“They’ve actually made a café for parents and children? Holy s-- I mean that’s something else. Didn’t think anyone besides baby shops saw us as a profit.” He grinned to himself at his almost slip, as getting out of the habit of cursing had proven hard on him even after two years with a child around him. 

“You’re going too? That’s lovely! Definitely beats trying to figure out all of the road signs and whatever else people tend to describe while they’re pointing out the way.” Not much later did he extend his hand down at Hayley, who was already busy checking out the other child in the stranger man’s arms, curious to the core. Casting a small smile towards the child he added: “This is Hayley and my name’s Simon.” To him it would be rude to walk all the way over there without even consider exchanging names, especially when he sat on the opportunity to engage with a community more fit for himself. That was not to say he hadn’t met parents, but rarely did he have time to actually sit down and get to know them past light chats after day care. 

“So, where is this magical place you’re talking about and what does it offer?” 

“Hmm, maybe Halloween?” Aditi suggested, “Candy and hard conversations go hand in hand, don’t they?” Aditi couldn’t remember exactly when her parents had hard conversations, it wasn’t all in one go, she was sure of that much, she didn’t come out traumatized so they probably eased her into it one topic at a time. “Wouldn’t you be the mysterious man? My dad used to do it for me and my siblings, it was a nice touch, but we knew better,” she chuckled. “Or will you pay someone to dress up as Santa? The coal is so cruel though, they should at least get a little toy,” Aditi said with a slight shake of her head. “I’m a flight attendant and a vlogger in my down-time. Best jobs in the world, to be honest.”
Once they caught up to Hayley and the cat booth, Aditi picked up an official teddy bear clinic form and knelt down to talk to the little girl, “Can I know your name, and your friend here?” she asked with a smile, “I need to give it to the doctor so we can get him all fixed up.”

“Maybe. It’s based around death, isn’t it? I’m certain children don’t make that connection, but it’s one way to keep it light-hearted whilst also discussing the deeper matters.” He reckoned there weren’t a lot of them who didn’t end up experiencing death one way or another through grandparents or pets. Hayley didn’t have much when it came to the former, but who knew about the latter down the line? “Me? Hell no. I think the reason children catch up to it, is because their dad doesn’t look like a ninety year old man who has had way too many cookies through his life span. Also I would kind of end up leaving her alone if I did, so not a good idea. Who knows, I haven’t figured it all out yet.” Simon shrugged, not having planned as far ahead as Christmas yet. “Yeah?I can neither agree nor disagree with that, but kudos for dealing with grumpy passangers -- I would never be able to. I’d end up throwing them off the plane.” 


Hayley on the other hand had barely paid any attention to her father and the strange lady’s ramblings, knowing grown-up talk was boring talk. It wasn’t until Aditi placed her full attention onto her that she finally took her attention from her “ill” cat and looked over at the flyer in her hand. “Hay-leh and this is Mister Whisk-hers.” Her lips pursed together in thought, a question stuck on her tongue. “What are they going to do with him?”


“I’m sorry this had to go down like this.” (Oli to Simon, I am so here for the dramatics!)

“OLI, PLEASE NO. LISTEN!” Simon’s eyes followed along Oli, tints of fear sweeping between his body and words. He couldn’t believe it, that Olivia of all people would turn on him like this. He had dressed up, droven Hayley to Charlie, given her his all -- and this was the thank you she had to offer him? She might as well have shot him with an agony arrow of betrayal the way she shook her head at his attempts to reach out to her. “I’LL STOP, OKAY! I... don’t know what came over me I’ve just... missed it so much...” Simon dropped his stare, shame creeping on him as he figured he had no other choice by to tell her the truth. “They -- they stopped selling them in Canada. I remember it like it was yesterday when I walked into a store on my way back the University. Four years ago”, he stopped for a mere second, his hand clutching. “The cashier, he -- “, a shaky inhale, “ -- told me they had pulled twinkies back for good. They’re made in Montreal, how could they do that? I just -- I saw the box. I haven’t eaten one for years, please Oli don’t throw them away, I promise I won’t touch them again!” His voice turned into a plea, rising up from his chair to approach Oli, hoping she was willing to give the box back to him. 
Alas, Oli stared back at him with narrowed eyes that spoke of the truth -- she didn’t believe him. It was enough. He was going to feel sick if he grabbed another, she only wanted what was best for him. Then the small door opened with a mental shriek of pain, Oli’s arm hovering above the trash can with dedicated motions. 
And just like that it was gone. The door slammed shut and Oli placed herself in front of it with crossed arms. “No...” Simon whimpered and fell to his knees in forced defeat, face pale like a sheet. “I can’t... it’s gone...” He shook his head, knowing Oli might as well be dead to him from this day and forward. 

toddlers & fun | archie & simon


During his six months of living in Bridgeport Simon had found himself jumping a lot between people and places, doing his best to establish some sort of temporary safety net for him and Hayley. Money, bills, jobs and whatever would get them by had become his top priority above anything else until some part of his finally told him to stop, breathe and sit back. Hayley had enrolled into her first half year of daycare, which was a big step for them both and he sat on a stable economy for now -- so why worry when there was no real need for it? Easier said then done, but he had come to terms with the fact they both had to scout the town they now lived in and find more activities that allowed him and Hayley to work together instead of apart. 

Their activity became Hayley’s walk that still stood wobbly, her hands often gripping the side of the stroller but only to push on by the next step of her’s. Slow, but steady Simon repeated between the two until Hayley eventually realised her legs were aching for a rest and he found himself turning his head against a man standing on the same streetwalk as them. “Hey, excuse me! Do you know a child friendly place to have a coffee at? I know everyone will accept children, but I’d prefer one with less traffic and room for a stroller.” Maybe he knew, maybe he didn’t -- but it was worth a try. 

Frances was used to this kind of reaction. For every privileged kid like herself at Yale, there had been another three of less fortunate backgrounds with something to say about her upbringing. She opened her mouth to argue, but thought better of it. She’d done this enough times to know which words would come tumbling out, and that they would get her nowhere.
“I don’t have time for this. You clearly don’t understand, and you obviously don’t want to. Just— Be a parent, and stay out of my way, will you?”

It was a push to a button, so simple and yet evoking as Simon inhaled some fresh air into his lungs and steadied his grip around Hayley. It wasn’t like him to wish to cause a scene these days, but neither was he in the mood to let the woman get away with her assumptions about him. “Bold assumption to make. You’re saying that just because I dare care about my child I can, during no circumstances, have been put through the same situation as yourself?” He stopped, biting together as he allowed his answer to stir. “My parents spoke to me about half an hour a fucking a week, considered me a bother the other hours of the day and stuffed me into the hands of our cleaning or hotel staff who, on their own, didn’t want me around. I could hear them sigh behind my back the second they realised they’d be alone with me -- so tell me again how I don’t understand what you’ve been put through. I’m not going to apologise for doing what our own parents’ should have and I don’t care to hear yours. Instead I’m sorry you had to grow so bitter and spiteful from it.” Shifting his daughter over to his other arm as he broke eye contact with the stranger, he instead began to scout the room for a toilet. He couldn’t waste more time, he had to leave. “Have a nice evening.” He wasn’t going to take this further, she wasn’t worth it. 

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