
I'm A Proud ARMY



I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful

if you're not from the us american south, there's some amazing nuances to this you may have missed. i can't really describe all of them, because i've lived here my whole life and a lot of the body language is sort of a native tongue thing. the body language is its own language, and i am not so great at teaching language. i do know i instinctively sucked on my lower teeth at the same time as he did, and when he scratched the side of his face, i was ready to take up fucking arms with him.

but y'all. the way he said "brutus is an honourable man" - each and every time it changed just a little. it was the full condemnation Shakespeare wanted it to be. it started off slightly mock sincere. barely trying to cover the sarcasm. by the end...it wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

christ, he's good.

the eliding of “you all” to “y’all” while still maintaining 2 syllables is a deliberate and brilliant act of violence. “bear with me” said exactly like i’ve heard it at every funeral. the choices of breaking and re-establishing of eye contact. the balance of rehearsed and improvised tone. A+++ get this man a hollywood contract.

Get this man a starring role as Marc Antony in a southern adaptation of this show PLEASE.

This man is fantastic. 💕


The thing that just destroys me about this, though -- we think of Shakespearean language as being high-cultured, and intellectual, and somewhat inaccessible. And I know people think of Southerners as being ill-educated (which...let's be fair, most are, but not the way it's said). But that whole speech, unaltered, is so authentically Southern. And the thing is: Leaning into that language really amps the mood, in metalanguage. I'm not really sure how to explain it except... like... "Thrice" is not a word you hear in common speech...unless you're in the South and someone is trying to Make A Fucking Point.

Anyway. This was amazing and I want a revival of Shakespeare As Southern Gothic.

One of the lovely things about this, and one of the reasons it works so well, is that from what we can piece together of how Shakespeare was originally pronounced, it leans more towards an American southern accent than it does towards a modern British RP.

In addition, in the evolution of the English language in america, the south has retained many of the words, expressions, and cadences from the Renaissance/Elizabethan English spoken by the original British colonists.

One of the biggest examples of this is that the south still uses “O!”/“Oh!” In sentences, especially in multi-tone and multi-syllable varieties. We’ve lost that in other parts of the country (except in some specific pocket communities). But in the south on the whole? Still there. People in California or Chicago don’t generally say things like “why, oh why?” Or “oh bless your heart” or “Oh! Now why you gotta do a thing like that?!” But people from the south still do.

I teach, direct, and dramaturg Shakespeare for a living. When people are struggling with the “heightened” language, especially in “O” heavy plays like R&J and Hamlet, a frequent exercise I have them do is to run the scene once in a southern accent. You wouldn’t believe the way it opens them up and gives their contemporary brains an insight into ways to use that language without it being stiff and fake. Do the Balcony scene in a southern accent- you’ll never see it the same way again.

This guy is also doing two things that are absolutely spot-on for this speech:

First, he’s using the rhetorical figures Shakespeare gave him! The repetition of “ambition” and “Brutus is an honorable man”, the logos with which he presents his argument, the use of juxtaposition and antitheses (“poor have cried/caesar hath wept”, etc). You would not believe how many RADA/Carnegie/LAMDA/Yale trained actors blow past those, and how much of my career I spend pointing it out and making them put it back in.

Second, he’s playing the situation of the speech and character exactly right. This speech is hard not just because it’s famous, but because linguistically and rhetorically it’s a better speech than Brutus’ speech and in the context of the play, Brutus is the one who is considered a great orator. Brutus’ speech is fiery passion and grandstanding, working the crowd, etc. Anthony is not a man of speeches (“I am no orator, as Brutus is; But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man”) His toastmaster skills are not what Brutus’ are, but he speaks from his heart (his turn into verse in this scene from Brutus’ prose is brilliant) and lays out such a reasonable, logical argument that the people are moved anyway. I completely believe that in this guy’s performance. A plain, blunt, honest speaker. Exactly what Anthony should be.

TLDR: Shakespeare is my job and this is 100% a good take on this speech.

definitely one of the challenges I have with reading Shakespeare is that it sounds so weird to me. “The good is oft interr’d with their bones”?? Who talks like that?

Well,,, rednecks. Despite being Elizabethan English, none of this is really out of character for a man with that accent; southern american English has retained not only (I am told) the accent of Shakespeare, and the “Oh!” speech patterns, but also so many of the little linguistic patterns: parenthetic repetition (“so are they all - all honorable men”), speaking formally when deeply emotional, getting more and more sarcastic and passive-aggressive as time goes on, etc.

Someone sent this to me a while ago and I dropped it in my drafts because I wanted to comment on how RIGHT this sounded but I couldn't express why it sounded right, so I'm glad other people have picked it up

There's a theory that Appalachian English in particular retains a lot of the qualities present in Shakespearean english that are now gone elsewhere. Thinking of my Mamaw, who says "twice't" instead of twice and other things like that...

As someone born and raised in the American South:

  1. "My heart's in the coffin there with Ceasar." When we were burying my Great-Uncle, his son said, "My heart's in the grave with John." No one thought it was a strange phrase.
  2. He says (paraphrasing) "You loathed him once, what gave you cause to mourn him now?". If we're mad on somebody's behalf? I can guarantee you I've said something along those lines before, though not as nicely.
  3. As stated above, the body language. It's perfect.
  4. That vicious grin, almost like he's baring his teeth. We do that in the South. Even if the sound didn't work, just from that I knew he was angry at some hypocrites. Just his expression.

idk what young person on the internet needs to hear this but you are not obligated to share any personal details about yourself online. in fact im gonna straight-up circle back to 00s era advice and say being anonymous is good actually


The reason I love the Red Hood being a crime lord instead of a vigilante is that Crime Alley, functionally, doesn't have the same problems as the rest of Gotham. Their main problem isn't the mad Rogues running around, it's the cycle of poverty, violence, and crime that they're all stuck in. And you know what one of the main ways to combat this is? Community. Organizing. Working together.

Except Crime Alley can't just choose to do that. Who would choose to join such a risky proposition instead of a gang that you know can help protect your family? So the Red Hood comes in and he looks like he's just creating another gang, the same as all the others.

Except he's serious about not selling drugs to kids or people in danger of overdosing. Except he protects the working girls fiercely, even if it loses him money. Except all the money he does make goes straight into the community if it's not making sure his employees are alright.

Working within the system is often a necessary measure to fix the system. Except the system in the case of Crime Alley isn't the government that abandoned them, it's the volatile, terrible gang set up. So Red Hood didn't just work within the system, he took it over and made it work for him instead.

Is this perfect? No. The other bats have valid disagreements with Jason's way of doing things. But he is doing so much good.


Very well reasoned.


I love when my ship has cute little bantering moments . When the guy is such a slut for his girl . When he would do ANYTHING to protect her . When they can’t help but run after their fine girlfriends (cause I mean who could blame them.)


How is bnha anime of the decade...... they aren’t even anime of the hour of the minute of the second


The notes on this post were so toxic that staff just axed em



Yes, when the original post is deleted from the server (not just the blog, but the Tumblr servers), there is no root post for notes to be added onto, and also no root post for time to be counted from, so it starts from zero. Most computer operating systems use Unix, which was launched in 1971 with t.he epoch date of midnight on January 1, 1970 as 1. Therefore zero is one second behind that date: December 31, 1969. Also, very unfortunately, this also means nobody except you and anyone you reblog it to will see this explanation, as you cannot open the notes to see comments when there are no notes.


Tumblr is truly one of the webbed sites ever




Everything I've Ever Written (on Tumblr)

(under construction as of May 2024)

I have been writing online since 2016. As a result, I have quite the few short stories listed below! They're all from different parts in my writing journey and I hope you enjoy.

If you'd like to read what I currently put out, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)

Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairy Tales

Destiny Universe

Heroes and Villains

The Fae:

The Chosen One


Devil Deals

Fairytale Retellings

The Gods


Misc Fantasy

Meta Stories

Ghost Stories


((Part 2 but with most all the same categories))

Supernatural School

Heroes and Villains

The Fae

The Chosen One


Devil Deals

Fairytale Retellings

The Gods


Misc Fantasy

Meta Stories

Ghost Stories




Everything I've Ever Written (on Tumblr)

(under construction as of May 2024)

I have been writing online since 2016. As a result, I have quite the few short stories listed below! They're all from different parts in my writing journey and I hope you enjoy.

If you'd like to read what I currently put out, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)

Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairy Tales

Destiny Universe

Heroes and Villains

The Fae:

The Chosen One


Devil Deals

Fairytale Retellings

The Gods


Misc Fantasy

Meta Stories

Ghost Stories


((Part 2 but with most all the same categories))

Supernatural School

Heroes and Villains

The Fae

The Chosen One


Devil Deals

Fairytale Retellings

The Gods


Misc Fantasy

Meta Stories

Ghost Stories




Further Americanisms that tell you to check on your American:

been better = in hell

doin’ alright = sad, needs hug

pretty great! = genuine actual baseline. Anything else ranks beneath this. Be Aware.

I’m here, ain’t I? = Defcon 5

Because someone asked, indications that an American is actually Having A Good Day include:

  • Awesome
  • Fantastic
  • Damn Good Day
  • Great Day to Be Alive
  • Dude You’re Never Gonna Believe This

"Livin' the Dream!" - actively daydreaming about swandiving into a woodchipper


Everything I've Ever Written (on Tumblr)

(under construction as of May 2024)

I have been writing online since 2016. As a result, I have quite the few short stories listed below! They're all from different parts in my writing journey and I hope you enjoy.

If you'd like to read what I currently put out, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)

Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairy Tales

Destiny Universe

Heroes and Villains

The Fae:

The Chosen One


Devil Deals


Misc Fantasy

Meta Stories

Ghost Stories



Petrichor Masterlist


Petrichor /ˈpeˌtrīkôr/  (noun)

“a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.”

Summary: You had been working at Bangtan Corporation for almost two years now, and not once have you ever laid eyes on your bosses. That was, until you met them when out with some of your coworkers. Now, you almost wish you hadn’t. Almost.

Pairing: CEO BTS x Chubby MC

Status: Ongoing

Genre: werewolf au, ceo au, soulmate, polyamory relationship, angst, fluff, omegaverse, a/b/o dynamics

Warnings: smut, violence, mentions of knotting, heats, ruts, workplace discrimination, fat phobia, sexism, insecurities,

Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters. 


Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22



You know those "if this gets 50k notes I'll xyz"? I don't believe in those. Because I could say something crazy like: if this gets 20k notes, I'll write my next book. And then it'll get zero notes. I do not believe.

@scleroticstatue Yeah, okay. When this gets 20k, I'll do it. I don't see that happening though.

You heard em boys! Let's get to work!

*rubbing hands together*

@catkin-morgs-kookaburralover Can you toss this Rogue Squadron's way mayhap?


Jack Black did more of Hit Me Baby One More Time, and I am living for this.

What an ad for Kung Fu Panda 4



What do the kids say now, this "goes hard"? Is that out of date? It slays? OK I'll be my age and say this fucking rules

I feel like I'm supposed to find this funny because it's Jack Black doing it, but actually, he turns out to be quite a good singer. This is a good cover.

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