
I really shouldn't judge people...But I'll do it anyway.

@thecourtofgraywaves / thecourtofgraywaves.tumblr.com

Every human being should have the same rights and freedoms as I do. That’s just common sense. Also, not the biggest fan of TERFS, pro-lifers, racists, all that nonsense.

Headcanons for Dorumon, Dracomon, Pulsemon, and Bulucomon as the partner of a Tamer who is the leader/“goggle boy” of the group?


Headcanons for the Digimon as the partner of the leader/goggle boy of the group.


  • Let's it get to his head, is a little snobby to the other tamers Digimon.
  • Very protective of their tamer and acts like their tamer's closets confidant.


  • Very distant to the other tamers Digimon, but opens up the more the group travels and gets to know each other.
  • Wants to wear something on their head too, they want to stand out from the other Digimon as well.


  • Very energetic and is always asking the other Digimon in the group if they can train, much to their annoyance.
  • Makes their tamer keep a gym member ship because they want their tamer to be as fit as them too.


  • Very intoverted, takes their time getting to know the other Digimon, but becomes their besties after a while.
  • Very close to their tamer, knows all their secrets and the tamer knows theirs as well.

I used this picrew to recreate my Jojo OCs Medea and her future daughter Noriko: https://picrew.me/image_maker/684058

Anonymous asked:

A headcanon of Huckmon/Hackmon with a Gogglehead! Tamer?

Huckmon with a Gogglehead!Tamer

You more than likely were given Huckmon from the one who took to training him first: Gankoomon. He saw potential in you to be able to help Huckmon become stronger in more ways than he could. You have the makings of a great leader among your friends, and Huckmon deserves a partner like that!

The very first thing Huckmon asks about is your goggles. Why do you wear them? A leader trademark? He's quite confused over that. He has his own set that were designed into his cape, so he guesses he can slightly understand wanting to have them around if the occasion calls for it.

This little guy can tend to be a little bit on the stubborn side when he wants to get something done when you're first partnered together. He rushes into battle against tougher opponents without your help, since he wants to get stronger on his own. Prior training from Gankoomon can only get it so far against certain foes, though.

Even with his stubborn side, you have your own as well. You're going to stop at nothing to get this little guy to understand where you're coming from, too! You were trusted to look after him, and do that you shall. Even when he tries to not accept your aid, you're always there to help him if he needs it, along with encouragement despite how many times he tells you he doesn't need it.

But, he can't last long against your ironwill to show how much faith you're putting into him. It starts to remind him of Gankoomon and he can't help but let his walls finally go down after a little while.

After some time, Huckmon tells you of his dream. His dream to become a Royal Knight, like his former master! And it seems like you're the only one who can help him reach that level. He finally recognizes why Gankoomon may have given him to you, and so he's going to do everything he can to see it through.

He puts his trust in you completely after that. He discovers you both are quite the team once you decide to finally work together instead of him wanting to go his own way.

He has quite a fun time with you, too! Finally letting more loose instead of being stubborn and stuck-up over things. He still wants to train often, but he starts playing with you a lot more, too, acting how a Rookie level can act. He even naps with his head on your lap sometimes when it's time for a rest, or he curls up beside you to rest, compared to him sleeping out of your reach the first few nights.

The only reason he digivolves is all thanks to you, you were able to show him there was so much more than just fighting to get stronger as a being, something he lacked in understanding. He can't thank you enough for helping in getting him a step closer to his true dream.

Your strength is his, and he uses it very wisely. able to protect you and your friends from great harm with many of his skills.

He doesn't leave your side, now practically joined at the hip as some would say, your personality even rubbing off on him a bit more as he becomes more gentle and easy to make laugh. His stubborn side is still there, but it's just the same as yours. Once you both put your minds to something, you won't stop till it's done!


Fanmade JoJo Stands:

  • Somebody's Watching Me: Jojo stand that grants the user the ability to see anything and everything even from far off distances but more than that, there is a bonus ability it has that makes a pattern of human eyes pop up on surfaces like walls, and sometimes there is a variant in which the user or recipient gains extra eyes or even has their eyes change color or even one where they get a third eye on their forehead or even a hand on their hand as a nod to the trope of eyes popping up in places they normally wouldn't be.
  • Black Widow: A Fanmade Jojo stand based on the Alice Cooper song, 'she' takes on the form of a spider-monster that is made to resemble a humanoid woman but with extra arms and fangs that sort of resemble those of a spider, she has a tattoo on her side which resembles the markings black widow spiders have. There is a male version of this stand but the main Black Widow stand herself is female, she has the ability to extract the energy of opponent stands via a neurozing toxin.
  • Bloodletting: A stand that is named after The Bloodletting Song..it's specifically a stand that has the ability to control the enemies's fluids in particular blood and make it act like the strings of a puppet like with Bloodbenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender, it is very much similar in function to the 'Wind Up Toy' stand in the ability to control enemies or enemy stands like dolls or puppets.
  • Wind Up Toy: Based off the Alice Cooper song of the same name, this Stand is one that has the ability to take over an enemy's user's body and uses a technique similar to blood-bending to make the enemy's body move on its own like they are being possessed. This stand also is very much inspired by Phillip's death from Nightmare on Elm Street 3.
  • Worms Crawl In: A Stand that gets its name from the song 'The Worms Crawl In' (or the Hearse Song as it is called), basically it is portrayed as an undead being holding a coffin of sorts and part of this stand's key ability involves 'burial' as in a sort of recreation of what the decomposition process is like if you get buried, and it is demonstrated by worm-like creatures popping up of the coffin walls and onto the body of the target, making it look like the target is decaying.
  • Master of Puppets: A Stand that takes inspiration from Black Sabbath, only instead of being an automated stand that has the vibe of being a living doll, this is a Stand that can control other Stands or Stand users in a way akin to a puppeteer controlling their puppets, basically this is done via invisible strings that go into the shoulders and arms of the Stand user in question and also sometimes has an element of the Borg assimilation involved.
  • Poison Arrow: A spikey humanoid plant Stand that has arrow shaped leaves, these leaves have a toxic touch and can cause anyone who touches it to become infected via a pathogen that causes a form of nausea but doesn't kill those, granted it can poison other Stands and also has seeds that can go into the bodies of Stand users and turn them into humanoid plant-people, but that isn't considered fatal.
  • Voice of Command: A Stand based on a lyric of a song..specifically 'Come Back' by Dresden China, it is a stand that has voice mimicry skills and also allows the user to alter their voice to sound like the enemy they're fighting against.
  • Yellow Submarine: A mechanical Stand that is different than most automated type Stands as it actually is a kind of mech and is akin to a transformer and also has several other Stands that can attach to it and become the different body parts like with a Power Rangers megazord, this Stand can also be pilotted and can convert into a battleship.
  • Feel Like A Monster: A Stand that has the effect of giving half monster-like attributes to the user, resembling a humanoid gargoyle with wild black hair and piercing red eyes as well as mottled greyish skin, although it appears as many different types of humanoid beast-men since it's a Stand that anyone can learn to use, however there is a bit of a side effect to it that results in uncontrollable transformations if handled incorrectly, this basically involves the user becoming a half-monster themselves of themselves that is known as 'Dark Half' (a reference to the Stephen King novel of the same name).
  • Mountains: A fanmade Jojo stand based on the song by Message to Bears, this stand acts very much like a barrier to deflect enemy stands and also it has the ability to serve as a fortress for the user, it has attacks that can be used to cause seismic shacks in the ground as well and has a snow variant that can create avalanches.
  • Hellraiser: A fanmade Stand named after the horror movie of the same name, this stand is humanoid but with a pale complexion and sharp pins sticking out of of the sides of his head and his shoulders, giving him a resemblance to Pinhead, his ability is basically a living voodoo doll ability…if one of his pins gets injected into an enemy stand or stand user, that person gets wounded in more than ways than one…a variant of this creates a mini clone doll of the stand user that gets poked by this stand or the user using it and any pain the doll-clone gets is what the victim also feels.
  • Thriller: A Stand based on the Michael Jackson song and music video of the same name, a Stand that has the ability to awaken the dead and also on nights of lunar phases like the full moon it can also cause sort of a monster/werecat-like transformation to a stand user.
  • Demon Knight: A fanmade Jojo stand, resembling a humanoid male dressed in western attire, 'he' has no hair on his head and has a resemblance to the villain from the Tales From The Crypt movie of the same name, this is a stand that doesn't have an arrow but rather a key that can be used to control him, that is made from the blood of a god.
  • Know Your Quary: A fanmade Jojo stand that resembles a golem, this stand posseses the ability to make living clay golems that are akin to the Pillarmen only they can contort their bodies into all sorts of unusual shapes.
  • Bat Out Of Hell: A Jojo stand that is a demonic vampire bat-monster that has the ability to drain the energy out of enemy stands while also giving energy to their user and themselves at the same time, this stand also can split themselves into two-halves and also generate fire attacks.
  • Nightmare: A Stand based on the Nightmare on Elm Street movies in particular the villain Freddy Krueger, basically Nightmare has the apetite to read the minds of other Stand users and mess with them by filling them with thoughts of their worst fears and bringing them to life, including numerous 'kill' attacks that are like iconic death scenes.
  • Hellraiser: A Stand named after the horror movie of the same name, this stand is humanoid but with a pale complexion and sharp pins sticking out of of the sides of his head and his shoulders, giving him a resemblance to Pinhead, his ability is basically a living voodoo doll ability…if one of his pins gets injected into an enemy stand or stand user, that person gets wounded in more than ways than one…a variant of this creates a mini clone doll of the stand user that gets poked by this stand or the user using it and any pain the doll-clone gets is what the victim also feels.
  • Dare To Be Stupid: A comedy JoJo stand that is Weird Al inspired, the stand is a humanoid horse with a curly mane and a tail that has an accordian that generates energy blasts and has numerous comedic affects, the design of the horse is based on the MLP character Cheese Sandwich.
  • Disco Duck: A joke or comedy JoJo stand based off the song 'Disco Duck', basically resembling a humanoid in a jumpsuit but with the appearance of an anthropomorphic duck, this stand produces numerous colored rays that make enemy stands dance uncontrollably, sometimes even moving around like 'he' does.
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