
kookie kookie lend me your bones

@losersclub3000 / losersclub3000.tumblr.com

jamie, she/they/he, 25. certified loser. i follow from @jlinns!

GET TO KNOW ME MEME [5/10 movies]

My grandfather thinks this town is cursed. That all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing… an evil thing.

It (2017) | dir. Andy Muschietti


stan uris should have haunted the narrative some more. get me stephen king on the phone

like i can't stop thinking about the chronological timeline versus the timeline of the chapters in the book and how something bad is going to happen to me something bad has happened it hasn't reached me yet but it's on its way. he was dead the whole time


richie missing eddie so bad he thinks he sees him around every corner and down the hall and in the kitchen in the morning and on the drive to work and in line at the grocery store and everywhere and everywhere and everywhere is very “and the little white shape dancing at the end of the hall is just a wish that time can’t dissolve at all”


"things i wish you didn't say" xx


we were thirteen years old. you were in my bed, middle of the night, shaking with fever and a nightmare. the streetlights spilled through my window against your back. you clung to my shirt and i thought, i would have done anything for you. you said my name, breathed out on a whisper. i wish you hadn’t. 

one time, you cut your arm on the chain link fence in my backyard. you’d come over to see me and never had much luck climbing over, but you did it anyway because it felt more like rebellion that way. when you rushed inside you bled all over the rug in my living room. you were hollering about tetanus and germs and did you wash your hands, richie? get the first aid kit—wait, wash your goddamn hands first! and after i’d wrapped it tightly, kissed the bandage, you quieted. you saw the blood and the obscene trail it left, the frantic movements you made tracked in red across my floor. we both were thinking the same thing, those same memories we kept locked away. the shock wore off and you cried. you said sorry, over and over. i wish you hadn’t. 

three days before graduation i tumbled into your bedroom through the window. old habits, all that. i was too big to climb the tree anymore—my limbs were knocking everywhere, sprawling and gangly. i barely fit in your little twin bed. you kept a pillow there for me, though, up until the day you left. i joked that one day you’d be sick of me. one day there’d be bars on the windows. but that night, you told me you always kept the window unlocked. even in stormy weather. even in the middle of winter. i wish you hadn’t. 

the day after graduation you told me you were moving away. i wish you hadn’t. you said, richie, it won’t be the same without you. i wish you hadn’t. you gave me your new address and said you’d keep the window unlocked but you were on the seventh floor of the apartment building. i wish you hadn’t.

i forgot you when i moved to chicago. but i remember now. it became one of the jokes i told in interviews. we passed each other by in the city once. you were with your wife, probably on vacation, walking by the theater where i was doing a new show that night while i stood outside having a smoke before rehearsals. i overheard you, loudly asking who the hell is that? when you read my name on the marquee. i wish you hadn’t.

when we came back to derry, you said you missed me the entire time. i wish you hadn’t.

you said my name while you died. and other things—nonsense things, towards the end, once coherency had gone. but it was my name—my name you said last, while you were still able. i wish you hadn’t. 

the first time i ever saw you, we were probably seven years old. bill had found you at the park and convinced you to join us, that strange magic he always had. i loved you then. you looked to me and smiled, even though i was covered in dirt, and you said hello. i would never trade our time together—i swear i wouldn’t, but. if maybe you had walked the other way that day, if bill had brought you over to us and you decided to never look our way again, my way again, maybe you would be alive. maybe it would never have looked twice at you. maybe you would be somewhere laughing now. so you smiled at me and said hello. and i love you. i do. but part of me wishes you hadn’t.


jensen-ackles 🎃 👻🦇 SPOOKTOBER🎬 IT (CHAPTER ONE & TWO) (2017/2019) dir. andy muschietti in the summer of 1989, a group of bullied kids band together to destroy a shape-shifting monster, which disguises itself as a clown and preys on the children of Derry, their small Maine town.

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