
And Still The World Spins


I'm really just fandom trash
My blog is just an eclectic mix of things I see that I like

Gatsby dying is not sad because he never got with Daisy, or he thought that it was Daisy calling him on the phone before he died. Gatsby dying is fucking sad because he could have well moved on with his life and forgotten Daisy. He could have welcomed Nick further into his life and realized that Nick loved him and that in turn, he loved Nick all along. Gatsby dying is fucking sad because Nick hears it happen and is powerless to do fuck all about it. 

Nick listens as the love of his life is shot to death and he has to live with that for the rest of his life and everything about the world that Gatsby built him shatters in that instant. Tom and Daisy have moved on. Gatsby is gone. Nick is left utterly alone with no one to turn to and no one who truly loves him as Gatsby did.


Looking for an lgbt+ discord?

Look no further!

LG🐝☕️QI🅰️➕ is an open and positivity based server that welcomes people of all lgbt+ identities! That being said, there are a few type of people who are NOT welcome here.


-You are or support pedos/MAPs and think they belong in the LGBTQIA+ community

-You are homo-, trans-, ace-, etc phobic or racist

-You plan on bringing drama and discourse into the chat (We’re a discourse free server!)

-You fetishize LGBTQIA+ or POC, aka treat them like a kink or fetish to get off to instead of actual people

-You are a TERF and/or truscum - People who think you have to experience dysphoria and have to want/get gender reassignment surgery to be considered trans

So, essentially if you’re a decent human being and identify as lgbt+ (this includes ace and aro people) you’re good !

Hey! I’m still getting requests for that old lgbt server, which I don’t run anymore. I do, however, have this new one that I run!


Sticking tape on a frosted glass makes it see through. Air and glass have a very different refractive index, so if you have a rough glass surface, the incoming light is scattered in all directions, thus blurring the image you see through it.

Tape has a similar refractive index as glass, so if you stick it to frosted glass, the sticky material will fill out the little bumps in the glass. The non-sticky side is practically flat, so by sticking tape to the frosted side of glass that’s frosted on one side, you are essentially making it flat again, and making the glass clear. 


we’ve got tv shows about people who pretend to be psychic but are just really observant. I want a tv show about someone who’s actually psychic but has to pretend to just be really observant.

the main character is just constantly having to bullshit their way through improbable Holmes-style deductions to explain how they know all the things that they’ve accidentally divined


Have people really forgotten about that’s so Raven already. How old am i


me watching monsters inc as a kid: how did it take so long for anyone to figure out that human child laughter not only produced energy like screams, but was more effective, and that children aren’t actually dangerous at all?

me watching monsters inc now: monsters incorporated, a multi-billion dollar corporate giant, stood to make extra profits off a scream shortage because low supply with high demand makes it possible to charge a fortune for a necessary commodity and everyone has no choice but to pay the high prices because they can’t go without electricity. Therefore Monsters Inc, as well as any other major powers that may have existed at the start of the era of using scream energy, fabricated the idea that only screams could generate sustainable energy sources in order to create artificial scarcity, because laugh energy was far easier to obtain and far more efficient, and therefore stood to lower the value of energy due to surplus. They also fabricated the idea that human children were toxic, in order to a) make other monsters too afraid to go near them to do research and possibly discover the secret of laugh energy, and b) to make monsters so afraid of going near them that there is a shortage of scarers, making it harder for rival companies to rise up and create competition. Even in the monster world, capitalism is based on lies, greed and cruelty, and even monster companies have no qualms about using and abusing children to maximize profits.

This makes so much sense tho


happy Thursday the 20th

I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?

next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th

August 2015

October 2016

April 2017

July 2017

September 2018

December 2018

June 2019

February 2020

August 2020

You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years


A cunning vampire door-to-door salesperson who stands in people’s doorways and talks until they can find a convenient moment to drop their pen and the person picks it up and the vampire says oh “Thank you” and the person says “you’re welcome” and the vampire smiles a big fangy grin and steps inside And that’s this vampire’s modus operandi for decades And then the language starts to change and suddenly millenials have homes and the vampire thanks them and they say “oh, no problem” and the vampire is like ???????????????? this was not the plan

Millineals Are Killing the Vampire Industry

honestly the most unbelievable part of this is where millenials can afford to own homes


the second most unbelievable part of this is millenials answering their front doors for people they didnt know were coming over


The smallest mammal that ever lived could be sitting right on your shoulder, and you’d hardly know it. Batodonoides vanhouteni (model pictured) lived about 50 million years ago in what is now Wyoming, and was so small that it could climb up a pencil. It also weighed as little as a dollar bill! Several slightly larger species of these mini-mammals lived between 55 and 42 million years ago, but they are now all extinct. Its closest living relatives are modern-day shrews and moles. Photo: randychiu


Zombie apocalypses are curiously lacking a large array of common equipment that could neatly control the situation.

“But we can’t build walls to contain them!”

Moves by truck, train or boat. Ridiculously common. And see those holes on the bottom? Mobile by forklift. Also, HEAVY, even when empty they’re in the tons. If you had some warning you could string these things end to end for miles and human bodies can’t move them. Plus they’re nice and wide so you can comfortably walk on top of them for patrols.

“But we don’t have easy ways to kill them!”

Put the shotgun down you fucking idiot.

No tires to pop. Heavy and slow but inevitable. Climbing required to enter and thus, relatively zombie proof, especially if you spend like an hour to protect the glass.

A lot of large farming equipment can destroy cars.

Want to guess what it’d do to a decaying human body? It’s not pretty.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Merely flattening them with common construction equipment or farming gear isn’t enough.

How about a

tree trimmer that can mulch a tree top to bottom in nothing flat?


“But we need ways to move a lot of people that zombies can’t stop!”

BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER. Deer don’t have a chance and neither does a zombie.

“But that’s not good enough!”

NOW it’s time to call our friend the military because this ride stops for no one.

Do I need to keep going or is it clear the movies are bullshit yet? Seriously a dozen prepared people with heavy equipment licenses could clear an entire street of zombies AND powerwash it after.

Country folk can survive


Dude stack those connexes up and you got a sweet home. Lived and worked outta one for a year.


apply for jobs you’re not qualified for! audit upper-level classes! get drunk with your TAs! see that poster advertising that lecture series? go there take notes and ask questions! thank the presenter for talking about this topic you love! if the class is full before you register, email the professor and ask if they can squeeze you in! RAISE YOUR HAND! tell the disability accomodation office to do their goddamn job! ask for help! file complaints! go to class in your pajamas and destroy the reading! you got this! you KNOW you got this! be arrogant enough to learn EVERYTHING! take your meds! punch a velociraptor in the dick! fear is useless and temporary! glory is forever! shed your skin and erupt angel wings! help out! spread your sun!

i had a really good morning! you deserve a really good morning! kill anyone who says you don’t and build a throne from their bones!

Oddly inspiring


my brother just said “I really think kangaroos used to be people” and im really scared

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