

@inaliakitsune / inaliakitsune.tumblr.com

Art Only Blog of InaliaKitsune

Welcome to My Page!

Hello everyone! My names Inalia! I'm 29 years old and an aspiring digital artist from a small, rural area in Utah! I use she/her pronouns and am a Panromantic-Graysexual.

I started drawing when I was little, like most other artists, and love to do so! I’m hoping to better my art and some day, maybe even turn it into a steady career! 

I cant wait to go on this journey with all of you.~

More ways to connect with me!


Pre-Orders and Sale!~

The shop is open! Pre-orders are open until 3/21!

There's a new tab called 'Final Stock'! Items in this tab will NOT be restocked! Use this link to receive a 10% discount on everything in the final stock tab only: https://ko-fi.com/kitsuneskafe/link/FINALSTOCKSALE

All other items are normal priced.~


Pre-Orders and Sale!~

The shop is open! Pre-orders are open until 3/21!

There's a new tab called 'Final Stock'! Items in this tab will NOT be restocked! Use this link to receive a 10% discount on everything in the final stock tab only: https://ko-fi.com/kitsuneskafe/link/FINALSTOCKSALE

All other items are normal priced.~


Pre-Orders are now open for everything including the Autobot Re-Usable sticker book, the leatherette notebooks and all of the cute little peekin’ stickers!!!

Drink time stickers (all designs) will be retired after stock runs out! I’m going to be redoing these babs and giving them a newer look! If you dont have them, dont miss out!

- Sticker pre-orders close on 2/25

- Sticker book and notebook pre-orders close on 3/21


Update Time!

Hello all! I apologize for not being around much! Life has been...crazy. I have been deactivated from my delivery job without notice or reason and so I have been trying to deal with that on top of healing from my surgery and everything else. Some good, big personal news is that I'm supposed to be able to get my own place soon (with the help of the local housing authority) but I need help gathering the funds to move! I am currently trying to get back into everything though so please be a little patient with me! That being said, here are some updates as far as artsy stuff goes! The merchandise club is still going!

Januarys merch club designs are in the works! Here's what we have planned for this months goodies:

  • Acrylic Pin: Bob
  • Sticker: Hound Peeker
  • Sticker: Sunder Peeker Sign up on the correct tier by 1/31/24 in order to have these babs mailed directly to your home: https://ko-fi.com/sweets_n_treats/tiers

Commissions are currently open over on the ko-fi! Traditional art is TFCon LA pickup in March ONLY. The rest are digital pieces! You can get yourself a commission, order from the shop and even help donate towards my moving goal by heading to the Ko-Fi page: https://ko-fi.com/kitsuneskafe

The Deadlock Kickstarter was a success! Everyone's orders have been sent out to them and once they arrive, I will begin planning a new Kickstarter. More info will be posted as it's available! Thank you all for your support and patience with everything. Hopefully I have a lot more to bring to the table this year for you all~


We are going to give the Kickstarter one more try!!!!

This one is focused more so on the plush, HOWEVER, all of the other items have been added in as add-ons if you want to get one of those. Of course, you dont have to do so through the kickstarter as they are still available for pre-order on the Kafe's shop! This is just to hopefully help boost funds to get the plush backed!

There is also a limited bundle (only 5 available) where you can get a plush AND a peeker commission! I am not currently opening commissions any other way right now as I and still catching up on my queue.

We have 44 days to back this baby! Can we do it???? ⁉️

Back it here!!: http://kck.st/47rNYX7

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