
Vulpeculae 1

@honorvulpe / honorvulpe.tumblr.com


Ancient Greece tumblr dashboard simulator

🌱 hhghghfhfbjdhf Follow

Imo kinda problematic to worship Apollo :/ I mean he brings the plague upon people and shoots them with arrows

🌅 thesunboy Follow

I hope you and your family get the plague

🌱 hhghghfhfbidhf Follow


23,894 notes

🍎 persephonenephone Follow

I’m gonna go pick some flowers today :)

🍎 persephonenephone Follow


82 notes

🔨 bullbilly19837829 Follow

Built this today

6 notes

🕊 ickyrizz Follow

Up here flying and shit. With my new wax wings

🕊 ickyrizz Follow

The sun looks so beautiful

🕊 ickyrizz Follow

Haha uh,. Uh. It’s kinda hot up here. Haha ^_^

3 notes

🌅 thesunboy Follow



66,368 notes

🍇 dinosaurysus

who would even want a golden touch. what would you do with that. choose turning into a dolphin instead or something

🍇 dinosaurysus

look at this guy his posts turn into gold too😭😭😭

⚠️ divinemadnessdetector Follow


🍇 dinosaurysus

why are you on my post

5,803 notes

💀 psycopompchampionpolls Follow

Psycopomp winner FINALE

🥾 heymes Follow

Why am I losing. Guys

🥾 heymes Follow

Guys I thought we were in agreement

🥾 heymes Follow

The other guy makes you pay for a ride why are you voting for him

🥾 heymes Follow


🚣‍♀️ awesomecoolcharonboat69 Follow

Look at my boat boy

193,729 notes


anyway this is what I mean when I say that certain disorders being made quirky and memeable does not help with destigmatisation. people can say “autistic cat girls make the world go round” and then turn around and say “[common autistic trait] makes you evil btw”. and don’t see anything bad about that. they’re totally not ableist! they said it right there! they find autism sexy! hell world

this isn’t just about autism. any disability people think of as “destigmatised” is… not actually destigmatised once people see the realities of the disability. even something like lactose intolerance is fine to meme about, but the moment people have dietary requirements, they’re annoying and fussy. everyone’s happy to say that mobility aids are sexy and ADHD is fun and addicts are more interesting…. but the moment a disabled person actually acts disabled, it’s game over. you guys haven’t destigmatised disability, you’ve just turned a couple of them into memes and relatable text posts


modern social media should stop offering "sync with your phone contacts to follow them" options and start offering "block all your phone contacts so they never see your account" options

I have absolutely never wanted the people in my phone's contact log to have access to my social media accounts and I never will thank you and bless 🙌


if you’ve ever thought i’m standoffish, politely distant, or generally hard to befriend, know in your heart that i’m exactly the same in real life. my neighbours just showed up at my door drunk on Canada Day celebrations and told me how desperate they’ve been to meet me for the past few months and then tried to fix the water pump in my basement

one of the neighbours returned today with heavy machinery and gravel and fixed my driveway. i feel like a feral animal they’re trying to coax with little treats

they've told me the gossip which is that a few years back a 70 yr old man collapsed the bridge at the end of my road by driving his tractor over it, lost his tractor in the river, climbed back up the cliff unscathed, walked an hour home, and then the whole road fell into disrepair and all the campgrounds closed and the once popular waterfall down the road became obscure and secret. so like, be the change you want to see in the world. collapse a bridge to chase out the tourists. also you can lose widespread knowledge in under 10 years if one old man collapses a bridge

also i met this bridge collapsing old man on a walk a few months ago and he said to me "you should check out the river at the end of the road, there's a tractor in it!" like he wasn't the one who put it there


My life is exhausting in a way that an abled bodied person wouldnt understand and thats okay. I dont need them to understand. However, i do need them to realise them being "tired sometimes" or "having an aching leg after running" doesnt equate to them understaning my experience. You dont need to understand my pain to be supportive.


Desert dwellers -

I’ve wanted to picture Equinoth in a realistic, typical Monster Hunter environment, blending them in their universe. I’ve spent way more time on this than necessary, but that was totally the plan.

Also, scales.

I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to share and comment :3 (no reposting without credit ofc)

Equinoth is a fan-species by me! More info: Equinoth masterpost

  • Support me on Patreon for the HD picture and more!

And yet there are those who doubt him and question how he gets around the entire world in one night…


santa’s creed

this has been on queue since january 2nd and it was worth every minute

I’m queuing this on December 26th I’m ready for this


You better watch out

You better watch out

You better watch out




Have you ever wondered how someone meets Santa? Well, you need to follow a very specific ritual to summon him.

Do you have any idea how long I’ve had this queued? Any idea? A year. A fucking year. I don’t even use my queue ever. Ever. This is the only thing I’ve EVER queued. I’ve had this queued for a year so I don’t forget it.

I was fine until the damn Imperial March started.


One of the best and most helpful things anyone ever said to me was: Don’t advertise your mistakes.

You will often notice when you’ve made an error, or when there’s something you could have done better, or etc, and sometimes other people will notice too. But often, they won’t. So don’t point it out.

It’s really a sign of a lack of self confidence – you think that if you point out the error first, it will save someone else from having to point it out for you. That by being self-depreciating, no one else will feel obliged to point out your flaws.

But here’s the thing. People don’t notice jack shit, most of the time. Sure, yeah, sometimes you’ll fuck up and people will notice and mention it, and thats fine, but 95% of your errors will go unnoticed. Unless you choose to point them out, in which case, you ensure that 100% of your errors get noticed.

The above sentence was said to me during a dance rehearsal. I’m not a pro dancer by any stretch of the imagination – this was a fun little between-friends dance that we were going to perform at a medium sized function full of people we knew. Half the people in the group did have dance experience, which made me - a non-dancer - feel self concious. So every time I messed up the steps, I would laugh at myself or made an “agh” sound or be verbally frustrated with myself that I was struggling to get that move, or whatever. Which drew peoples attention to the fact that I’d made an error.

There were like 10 of us doing this dance; me missing one step went largely unnoticed in the scheme of things, because with ten of us, anyone watching the dance had so much to look at that the likelihood of them seeing me misstep was extremely low. Unless I made a big deal about it, which would draw their attention to me, and ensure that they were made aware.

I used to point out my mistakes all the time. Not just with the dance, but across the board in general life, too. “Agh, whoops,” or handing over a completed project like “I know I could have done [thing] better, but hopefully the rest is ok,” or whatever. People were often frustrated with me, and I feel, in hindsight, that they were frustrated with me because in their eyes, with me constantly highlighting my own errors, they knew I could do better but instead here I was, giving them a shoddy, half-assed, error-filled effort. By me pointing out my every mistake, they were aware of how many I was making, and they were frustrated by my seemingly endless errors.

Then I got told to “stop advertising your mistakes,” and it was a bit of a revelation moment for me. I made a concious effort that day to minimise my reaction to my own mistakes – for the rest of the rehearsal and into the final performance – and you know what happened??

After the performance, countless people said some iteration of the phrase, “I didn’t know you could dance!!”

They thought I was a dancer. That I’d been dancing for years. They hadn’t noticed any of my missteps.

I messed up multiple times during the final performance. If I watch the recording and focus on me, I can see my missed steps, the time I span clockwise on the spot instead of anticlockwise, the time I was slightly out of alignment with the other dancers, etc. But if I watch the dance as a whole, watching all 10 dancers instead of just me….. I dont notice the mistakes I made. They blend in. Theres too much other stuff going on for anyone to notice the one dancer who spun on the spot in the opposite direction to everyone else.

And everyone thought i was brilliant. All I noticed, while dancing, were my mistakes, but no one else saw them, and everyone who saw the dance was super impressed with it and with me. That would not have been the case had I reacted to every one of my errors as I’d made them.

So I took that concept and applied it to the rest of my life. And you know what???? People were less frustrated with me. Because they weren’t noticing my minor errors, and I wasn’t pointing them out any more, so from their perspective, it looked like my output had improved. It looked like I was making “less errors.” I wasn’t, its just that before, I was pointing every one of them out, and now, I was letting people notice them on their own. And they didnt notice them.

You are always going to be hyperaware of yourself and your own mistakes, but other people are way too distracted by their own crap and have too much other stuff drawing their attention to notice your every misstep. So stop pointing your mistakes out. Stop being your own worst critic. Everyone fucks up now and then, its fine. You fix the error if you can, and you move on. You dont have to pre-empt someone else pointing out your mistakes, because its extremely likely that they wont notice your errors. Unless you point them out.

So stop advertising your mistakes, people.


ive worn heart shaped glasses for almost 4 years and they are just like my Thing and i love them so much and so often people will say shit like Oh Id Love To Wear Something Like That But I Could Never Pull It Off and like... babe no one can theyre heart shaped glasses u dont wear them to look flattering or stylish or whatever u wear them to make ur soul happy

stop worrying about whether u look Nice and start worrying about whether u look like You

i didnt articulate it well so i just wanna clarify. the point of this post was not "fuck the haters wear what you want" it was "fuck the idea that clothes and accessories exist to make you look good they should exist to make you happy"


"But won't children be confused by all the LGBT-"

Yesterday I saw a mother with a baby carriage, being followed by a girl of about 4-6 years old on a bicycle. The kid started ringing her bike bell like RING RING RING RING RING RING RING, and the mother turned to look behind them to see whether they were being followed by a cyclist who desperately needs to pass them for the sake of everyone's safety.

And the little girl - who just rang the goddamn bell herself 5 seconds ago - also turned to look.

Kids are confused by everything at all times. They don't know jack shit. About anything.

i remember being like 8 or 9 and being told that my dad’s ex-wife was no longer diane and we were to address her as daniel now. my reaction: “ok.”

me and my brother later had a small discussion about whether that could happen randomly (conclusion: no, he probably had to file papers or something) and whether daniel should now be referred to as dad’s ex-husband (conclusion: yes but only to see the face he’ll make) but at no point did we find it like... alarming? the world is big and weird. we were used to it.

finding out a sorta-relative could just change genders off camera, as it were, was a whole lot less head-splodey than finding out there were no squirrels in australia!

There’s no what

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