
tea and comics

@teaandcomics / teaandcomics.tumblr.com

Kate/Simon genderfluid, bisexual, they/them have a nice day!

• Top 10 best Tweets about Stranger Things • Which one is the best? •


Another thing I made today- GOnnA tAke a LoT tO drAG mE aWAy FrOm YOUUUUU


I went out on a Wednesday (?!) to the Stranger Things bar down the street! Met up with my husband and acted like a dork with a bunch of other twenty/thirtyish people. And we were still home by 6:45 pm.

Everything is upside down in this world, but I’m grateful for a lovely night with a great guy in a wonderful place.


My aunt went and sent me pictures! I wanted to go so bad


Looking for a random cause of death for a character? Click here.

Looking for a random city? Click here.

Looking for a random city that people have actually heard of? Click here.

Need a random surname for a character? Click here. (They also give prevalence by race, which is very helpful.)

Helpful writing tips for my friends.



A couple more resources I have open constantly:

Random motivations for your characters here!

Need some character quirks? Here and here

Having trouble with backstory? Here! (They have an option for fortunate and unfortunate backstories)


Things only bullied kids will understand

-Beliving that none of your friends actually want to be your friend and they hate being near you -Hating normal things because they were used to mock you -Having to seek constant validation for your existance -Remembering particular insults you’ve been called for years and will probably never forget them -Beliving you’re too ugly for anyone to ever love -Not wanting to go to a new school/further education because you know the same thing will happen there -Having your parents tell you that you’re only being ‘teased’ -Having people wash their hands in disgust if they accidentally touch you.

Remember, you don’t have to feel all of these to understand

-Having people say you like someone as a way to gross that someone out -Never quite trusting anyone. -Having people ask you out as a dare -”They’re only making fun of you ‘cause they’re jealous!” -”He’s only mean to you ‘cause he’s got a crush on you!” -Having to deal with bullshit ‘zero tolerance’ policies


-”hey, my friend thinks you’re cute!”

This. I dealt with almost all of this bullshit all my life and it still haunts me today…

-being unable to process genuine acceptance and compliments when you finally get them -fear emotional intimacy will result in betrayal


One of my long term fandom friends (back from ye olde message board days of yore) has been posting for weeks about how her teenage daughter is “out of control” and she just posted in the facebook group about how her daughter has ruined Christmas by deciding to be a lesbian and the whole group just went “Karen, you’ve been writing gay m/m slash fic for three decades” and she went “but that’s different, that’s not REAL” and I’ve never tried to actively set someone on fire with my brain before but

“I came to you guys for support not to be attacked”

That’s funny, that’s really funny, because that’s probably how your child feels. You fucking shitheel.

Two of the other mom’s in the group just offered to take M for Christmas and keep her with them when school restarts because she deserves to be loved. One of them actually said “deserves a real mother” and I just spat my tea everywhere.

We all just got banned from the group but for anyone concerned “Aunt” Bee (wonderful, great A+ person) just posted in her personal feed that M showed up at her house and is safe.

crash course in why anyone who implies liking slash makes you an ally is talking out of their ass


if i don’t end up running down a palace hallway in a flowing couture dress at least once in my life then whats the point


New original 3D animated movie: Ducks. The secret life of ducks when humans aren’t looking.

Whenever ducks fly south in the winter, they’re actually flying to a big city of ducks where they talk and have jobs and have traffic lights with pictures of ducks in them and every billboard and storefront is a bird pun.

A generic duck guy is a young adult who feels inadequate because his dad is a big broker in the bread stock exchange.

He accidentally reveals the secret life of ducks to a human child, and now he must take her south with him to duck city. On the way they get into hijinks and find out about a big duck conspiracy or something.

I was thinking at first this was an actual movie

It will be if you just give me 3 years and $150,000,000


How many times would “duck” be confused between the physical action and the animal in question?

12 times for comedic effect. 1 time used ironically in a sad moment in the end of act II. And 1 time in the last act when the protagonist has to say something badass when he defeats the bad guy.


This winter, ditch the binoculars and rediscover bird-watching with the hot new movie…….DUCK!!!! 

If this post gets 100,000 notes I’ll start working on the script.


Well then…

Let’s get to work.

The project has a new subtitle, Ducks: A Quacktacular Journey


So hot recently! Here is another summer Dinosports!! Please enjoy dino diving~

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