
"No one dies because they want to, most deaths come unwillingly

@ladykatakuri / ladykatakuri.tumblr.com

She/Her, Well over 35. I DO Repost NSFW So Minors DNI !Lover of SciFI/Fantasy/Manga and Anime. Wishing to live in a fantasy. but life will have to do for now.TBB, OP, SW. STCW and alot more I love.

Master list

My Master list though i have not written many stories and have not been posting many, i think it is nice to have a start here :D

December Star Wars / Clone Christmas Arts Event!

Star Wars The Bad Batch.


What once was lost ( After Kamino Lost, a fix it ) SFW





Layers SFW


The Full Crew

Omega`s First Trick or Treat SFW ( little HC-ish drabble)

Star Wars Clone Wars Clones:







Multiple Clones:

Shenanigans Fives, Hardcase, Rex, Fox and Reader SFW

Interview with Clones Rex, Cody, Wolffe SFW

Doomdoomdoom Kix, Jesse, Rex and Pong SFW

Out of the Mouths of Babes Fives, Jesse, Sinker, Boil and more SFW


Plo Koon


Maul SFW

The Dragon Prince



A peaceful sleep for Jinx SFW Silco and Jinx short


I am still here !

I am not gone from this site!!!!

So, now that this is out of the way, here comes the update on me.

First of all, mom is doing pretty good considering the fact she has had some health troubles and all. She is still having some issues, which is why I am still there at her place helping out her and my brother for as far as I can. But, she is slowly improving an dgetting better!

When all things seemed to calm down enough, I started to have some trouble with my chronic health thingies and , well... I just really was pissed and annoyed, but hung in there and had my pain medication increased a little, it is helping and going better. Pain attacks and just simple attacks from Fibromyalgia and such are happening, but it is more manageable now.

In november I managed to go to the Comic Con again, and ofcourse I bought me some nice SW thingies ( duh ), including a nice food bowl for Boba Catt and a nice lill harness for the summer time when we go out and about! It was awesome and I enjoyed it while missing my lill love bug Boba.

Back in December we had a huge scare though. My dad was hospitalised and we found out he had some serious heart issues. He needed to get angiaplasty, which is to unblock some arteries at the heart. He has several severly blocked arteries and the surgery was high risk. I was in and out of the hospital for him every day, but he made it! He is doing very well now, but they did warn him that a new atatck might not end well. We take things one day at a time and he seems to have taken the warning to heart and is doing his best.

Now, to end this tale of woe is me with something good!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boba Catt, who is doing very well has also gotten a little brother! In December I picked up this little farm cat who is 3 months younger and the moment they met? They were thick as thieves! In the pictures you will see my beloved redhead Boba and his little brother: Jango Catt !

I really will be back again here and have so much to catch up on and enjoy. You can bet that each time I receive an update on all those awesome stories, I smile and know I will have lots to enjoy once I am back home, have things sorted and can really sit down and read nonstop!

I love you all and miss you all and think of you often!

Here is some pictures of my sweet guys the Catt brothers ! Boba and Jango.


Hello everyone!

I have been away a while from this site and all the amazing stories that I enjoy so very much, but with very good reason!

The not so fun part is that I have a mom who has some heart issues, but we are positive that we will soon hear it is getting better for her and that she will do much better too. Ofcourse I have been staying with her and my brother to help out. I also managed to actually break my toe while there and I had to get that to get better too lol.

The best thing though: I am very proud to introduce you to my new house mate: Boba Catt! Born May 22 he is now my lill big guy who will live with me and join me at moms place when I go there and usually stay there in the weekends.

Hoping to see you all again soon and sinding you a purr and a cuddle from Boba,


Currently, we are between melting and suffocating from the weird heat we have in this country. Somehow , our spring and summer can never be a little normal, but have to start off with extremes when it comes to weather in our type of climate.

Currently, we have summer heat , which would be great, but here we have more moist in the air and it is hell for those with , for example COPD. My mom having this is not having a good time.

Brother and I are taking care of her ofcourse. Instead of being home, I am staying with them and helping out. Silver lining: despite the weird weather and the effect it has on people, we still manage to have good times and enjoy things as much as possible.

Currently binging Cold Case series, oldie but still good to see while hanging on the couch and hoping for something cool lol.

When the weather permits, we take mom out in the wheelchair and enjoy a little walk or go to the stores and just enjoy spring/summer.

The cats from my moms neighbours also seem to enjoy the outdoors and the fence, always great fun with these 2 around!

So in short: I might not be as active right now, but I blame the weather and the fact that I am between melting and wanting to jump into the fridge and read a book there ....

See ya all soon again while more active and keep warm/cold/cool/hot, whatever floats yer boat !



Pairing: Wrecker x Reader

Word Count: 2221

Warnings: Just fluffy and a kiss! Wrecker is not just the hug-a-bear we all love, he is more !

Song Lyrics: Faith of the Heart performed by : Russel Watson

Summary: People always judge you by your so-called defects, but Wreck…” Carefully you place a finger under his chin and lift it. “You are a man with so many layers to discover. Beside your sweet and gentle nature, your love of explosions and bets with Cross on who can destroy the most clankers and your deep affection for your family, there is so much more.

So a Wrecker one shot i made. I think there is far more to the man then has been shown until now and i hope that we will get to see more in depth about all of our sweet Batch in season 2 ( and yes I mean all of them when i say Batch! Crosshair included! )


Ok but really I've now adopted the headcannon that Wrecker is a fiction reader and he and reader have a mini book club.

That brings me so much joy it's unreal. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much @littlemissmanga ! You made me grin with this comment, now I am jus imagining Wrecker going all fangirl over his favorite fanfics and pushing the Batch to also give it a try ( they already secretly read lots of it ! ) and having Tech program his pad so that he can have all his favorites by hand!


There are a number of "lady--" names in my followers list: @ladykagewaki @ladykatakuri @ladyzirkonia @ladysongmaster @ladysparklefarts And that's just the ones off the top of my head. Are you all part of a group like the Daughters of Ferrix? Are you the Ladies of Tumblr?


To be mentioned along with such amazing ladies is an honor in and on itself. To be part of the Ladies of Tumblr is well, we are a lill club of crazy ladies that love fun and sometimes messing with a certain group of clones 😉

My name is part from an old gamers handle ( LadyAngel ) and the Katakuri is from a character that I adore from an anime that I follow.

But, much like the others, I would not mind being part of your club of Ladies


What's your favorite way to wind down?

Do you have a favorite song rn?

Any favorite foods you swear by?

I hope you're doing well!! You're so wonderful!!! 🫂


Oh my oh my, my dear and sweet Candy!

My favorite way to wind down is actually favorite ways! I love to read ofcourse but beside that I also love watching series and movies and also to do some diamond painting. It is all so relaxing and sometimes I find myself unable to decide which I want to do haha.

My favorite song right now? I have many, but I have been trying to sing a long in a different language for a while now and that is Japanese. So, because of my love for some anime and manga, I have been trying to sing along to some of the anime songs like Tot Musica from Ado.

As for favorite foods I swear by, now as a fan of Star wars I have been trying out some of the foods from the cookbook and I must say, Mandalorian Stew ( minus the potatoe ) is a huge favorite and a comfort food to me. I also love chicory that is cooked and then rolled into a slice of ham and perhaps a little bit of cheese and then heated up in a pan with some mashed potatoes. That is a dish we always have for christmas here and sometimes just because we love it. We used to have it layer by layer in the oven until the oven died and we used a pan instead lol.

I am doing well, though right now it is bloody hot here in the Netherlands and I feel like not moving an inch haha. Thank you so much sweet Candy!


Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better


Creator Self-Promotion

Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics you posted. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.

"But K, I don't write but I still create can I still play?"

Post your last 10 pieces and give us a play by play. What was the inspiration? Any fun facts you can share with us?

Anyway let's get on with it


Thanks for the tag, bestie!! This looks fun! For sake of ease, I'll just do my prompt fics; I won't include chapters from "Sun and Rain"!

All right, here we go!


Oh dear oh dear oh dear! I love all the fics you have there and , though I am not much of a self promotion type, I will participate ( mostly cause I get to tag others to do this ! )

Tired of the long mission he had been on, Wolffe was ready to take a long shower and wash away the grime of the mission. With a towel wrapped around his waist he steps inside the common bathroom where usually around this time, he would have the showers all to himself.

Darkness. A deep darkness now seems to surround him completely.The last thing he saw were Omega and Wrecker reaching for him.  At first there is a distant sound of the mountains and the surrounding terrain that provide him with some comfort.

Friendship, family, love, all words that had no meaning to him growing up. He knew what the words stood for when it came to other sentient beings in the galaxy, but to Maul that was all they were, words. To him the most important and meaningful words were loyalty and respect, both words that were closely tied to his master. 

“It’s holo time! What do you want to watch, Sugar? Drama, Action, something disgustingly romantic? You get to choose this time.” Hardcase looks up from his spot on the comfy couch and asks you what to put on the screen before you are completely settled in.

They are our first line of defense, and they are our first line of attack. They are the ones who will either win or lose this long running war effort, and people still consider them to be no more than just cogs in the machine that is war. But, who are they really?

Alone. Once more he was all alone. This time however he was alone at the one place any of them ever called home and the one place he never thought of as his home.

The com went off and Sage happily walked over the door to open, expecting it to be her beloved Echo. He had been on mission with the 501st and expected back home around this time. When she opened the door it was not him standing in front of her.

He had always felt the most responsible for pretty much everything they did. Each training session when they were mere younglings. Each session in the tanks that would either accelerate their growth or heal the injuries sustained during arduous training sessions, each time they would undergo some new treatment that changed something inside of them and have them adjust to yet a new enhancement of their already existing abilities, he would feel responsible for their safety and the comfort they so needed because of the cold and the pains that surged through their still growing bodies.

The Havoc Marauder always seemed as a small home to you all. There was enough space to sit and relax, sleep after a mission or work while underway to whatever planet it was the lot of you would go to, to earn some credits. It was a home away from home, even though you also had a new home base on Ord Mantel. 

What they were watching on the screen had all of the people gasping. Even the most battle hardened men could not hold it in. The scene playing out in front of them was one of the most brutal attacks they had witnessed. 


Walk Me Home: Chapter Thirteen

Word Count: 5.7k Chapter Rating: Mature Chapter Summary: Cherise has to choose if she'll risk her secrets or help someone in crisis. Warnings: animal giving birth, animal in distress A/N: and we're back! life has been a gut punch but things are okay. happy to be sharing this chapter with you, let me know what you think!! <3

“Okay, okay. Try another one.”


Holy Maker what a chapter !

On Coruscant, he was far from her whole life, but she can’t stop worrying about him. It’s not like when he went on missions or campaigns during the war. It’s knowing something terrible happened and not knowing if or when he’ll ever be safe again. 

So, yeah. Cherise isn’t exactly thriving. Oh you sweet one! Cherise my dear you deserve to be happy and to have Wolffe with you there to have that happy ever after together!

There’s softness there. Hopefully Nel decides to use it when considering if zhe should call the cops on Cherise. If Nel would not do anything kind or so, I would come over and kick zhers butt !

The terminal boots up, and Cherise collapses into the chair. She closes her eyes and covers her face, giggling into her hands. She knows she’s probably overtired and a little giddy, but she doesn’t care. First: I love Soda! That awesome lill droid is going to be great and such a great friend and help for Cherise. Now, she has a house!!!!! She finally has a house and it is thanks to someone she never expected to be that kind!

That last part! OMG....


In the Moonlight

Summary: You accidentally let it slip you "Used to" have feelings for Niner. Your partner Fi doesn't seem so bothered by it.

Pairing: Niner x Reader x Fi (Clones from Omega Squad in the Republic Commando Series)

Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; SMUT, Angst, drinking, threesome (mfm) (no clonecest), unprotected p in v (wrap it up, friends), oral (f and m receiving)

WC: 3.8K

A/N: My love for Omega Squad is unreal. Seriously. These books are incredible. Listened to the song "Moonlight" by Kali Uchis while writing it. ALSO: I HAVEN'T FINISHED BOOK 3 TRUE COLORS YET, so no spoilers lmao. I've just been working on this since I read Hard Contact lmao. I realize that not a lot of people aren’t gonna know the Republic Commando boys and that's okay, I just strongly urge you to read them bc they're literally SO good.


Omega Squad is so awesome and really, they are brothers that share! Not sure if I would be so kind to share them though hehe


Hiii Love you are amazing you know that right?🤩🤩

Can I maybe request one with the Reader being a Jedi and traveling with The Batch and she want‘s to learn how to shoot a Blaster and they do teach her but because of mutual attraction it is very hard to focus for both of them. (Maybe even with Rex?)



Didn't I do something similar to this in a way? But it was with a none Jedi fem reader, I think.

It's not exactly what you asked for, because in my head it didn't work out the way I wanted it too, so I played with a few ideaas. But I hope it's close enough.

The Bad Batch/Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Teach Me

Mostly Fluff



It is that intense joy f Wrecker that has me almost feel that joy myself, as if I am there getting lessons from him!

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