
DaiSuga Week 2020

@daisugaweek2020 / daisugaweek2020.tumblr.com

It's official! DaiSuga Week 2020 will be taking place on the week of September 20th - 26th!

Hey there everyone! Sorry for the wait, but we now have dates and prompts for DaiSuga Week 2020! Thank you so much to all the people who submitted prompt suggestions, I had so many great ideas to choose from. It was hard to narrow it down!

The week begins on Sunday, September 20th, and runs until Saturday, September 26th. All content is accepted, whether it be fanfiction, fanart, cosplay, video, audio, gifs, headcanons, etc.! On the week of the event, be sure to mention the blog @daisugaweek2020 in all of your posts!


  • Day 1 | September 20th | Strangers / Roommates
  • Day 2 | September 21st | Aquarium / Museum
  • Day 3 | September 22nd | Crime / Mythology
  • Day 4 | September 23rd | Salty / Sweet / Spicy
  • Day 5 | September 24th | Sunny / Stormy
  • Day 6 | September 25th | 3 am / 3 pm
  • Day 7 | September 26th | Matching / Free

Feel free to interpret the prompts in any way you like! If you have any questions, go ahead and drop an Ask and I will answer it as quickly as possible. 

I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with this year! Reblog to spread the word and remember to have fun! 🖤


finished one my very late daisuga week pictures lmao only like one left since i mashed two days’ prompts for this one cuz i didnt kno what to do uwu

it feels to late to tag n im shy n anxiety n all, so this is now just Regular indulgent daisuga fanart uwu. they stay cosy as home n cuddle while it rains the frick up outside. in big warm marshmallow blanket. peak fluff indulgence here.


sugar, spice and chocolate pretzels

Karasuno Volleyball Club was known for three things:

1. That one time a few years back when they went to Nationals and actually did pretty okay 2. Their “third year” teammate who’s actually a gang member who dropped out of high school after getting arrested, and threatened to beat up the principal if they didn’t let him re-enrol to get his diploma 3. The disgusting amount of pining going on between their captain and vice-captain Or: 3 Foods to Fall in Love

Originally for @daisugaweek2020 Day 4: salty, sweet, spicy 

(don’t look at me for posting this so late, i am so sorry) 


Hi!! Thank you again for hosting Daisuga week 2020! I was wondering if there's a place where we can get more information about future Haikyuu weeks or any that is a work in progress? :D I really enjoyed participating


Hey there! Thank you so much for participating in Daisuga week 2020! I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself 🖤

As for your question, I believe there are a couple of blogs here on Tumblr that do their best to keep up with current and future weeks, zines, and other events. The two I know about are:

Hopefully they'll have some info for you there!


Final Notes

DaiSuga Week has come to an end.

First off, I want to take the time to thank everyone that participated in this week. Each and every one of you made this event a total success and I couldn’t be happier with the amazing art and writing that you all shared with the world!

In addition to the creators, I want to thank everyone that supported the week with their likes, reblogs, and kind comments! Your feedback makes the art of creating and sharing even more enjoyable for all the writers and artists out there! I hope you all continue to show your support, even now that the week is over. 🖤

Now, DaiSuga Week may be done, but if anybody out there still wants to make and share something inspired by the week’s prompts, I encourage you to do so! I will continue to reblog any posts from late entries as I see them!

And as Tumblr has proven to me again this week, it’s a strong possibility that I could have missed a few posts! If I have, first I want to apologize! I promise it was completely unintentional. I urge you to send me a message informing me of my mistake so I can make up for it now.

Overall, I really enjoyed hosting this week and am so thankful for the fandom making it such a fun and successful celebration of my favorite Haikyuu pairing.

Until next time 🖤🖤


Attention: Fic Writers!

Hey there! 

A collection has been made on AO3 for writers to add their Daisugaweek2020 fics!

Here is a Link to the collection for anyone that wants to check it out.

Want to add your fic to the collection but don’t know how? It’s easy!

All you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of the fic you want to add, find the button that says “Add To Collections” and click it!

A drop box will appear where you can type in the name of the collection, “daisugaweek2020″, click the option that pops up, and add!

Easy peasy!

Thank you! I’ll be making a post later today thanking everyone and addressing late submissions so keep an eye out for that 🖤


The Moonlight on the Sea

Title: The Moonlight on the Sea Rating: General Pairing: Suga/Daichi Characters: Suga, Daichi Tags: Pirate AU, proposal, daisuga on the sea, they really do love each other Summary: Suga leaned against the railing, head turned towards the front of the ship. He watched as the ocean parted for his ship, mist creating streaks of colour as the moonlight hit it. It was calm. It was peaceful. It was home. Linkhttps://archiveofourown.org/works/26669440

Day Seven of @daisugaweek2020


Daisuga Week 2020 Day 7: Matching/Free

in honour of it being the last day I have made two,

1: a scene from chapter 2 of drop in the ocean by @mooifyourecows because i’m in love

2: soft husbands in matching shark shirts to keep with the theme

I’ve realized that i’ve made like three pieces of fanart already for moo which says a lot about me I think

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