
I just realized I've got the best blog in Tumblr


Confortably Numb

Do you ever eat popcorn out of the palm of your own hand with such ardent desperation that you feel like both a wild horse and the gentle schoolgirl feeding it treats to gain its affection 

this is the funniest thing i have ever read


Arya: trained to be a silent killer, by some of the most effective and skilled assassins in the world of GoT, applauded by dudebros for being an absolutely lethal assassin

Same dudebros in S08E03: aRya bEIng aBlE tO SNeaK UP oN tHe NigHT KiNG MaDe NO SEnsE, WHy whOUld SHe bE AbLE To do THat !!!!


could u imagine if ppl talked about catholicism the same way they talked about like… indigenous ppl’s religions….

girl in horror movie holding a bible open: “according to legend, a mob tortured a half-man, half-god, and nailed him to a wooden cross, leaving him to starve to death. But days later, on this very night, they found he had clawed his way out of the grave. Now those who believe lie in wait for him to rise again, To honour him, they have weekly gatherings where they chant and sing, and at the end of it they eat his flesh and blood.”

girl’s friend: “wow.. thats so creepy…”

horror movie jock: “it’s only a myth, don’t worry”


Jon: I have something to confess..

Daenerys thinking: ooh he is finally going to tell me he loves me



“I’d rather die drunk, broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me than live to be rich and sober at 90 and nobody remember who I was.”

Whiplash (2014) dir. Damien Chazelle

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