

@stormyjensen / stormyjensen.tumblr.com

I met him at church, but he could be Satan.

Are we still discussing the same thing?

~~~Spoilery spoiler, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on Mamma Mia, this post is tagged #spn 12x02 #spn spoilers~~~

So, what does that mean?

Dean and Cas talk on the phone twice on this episode. Both times they start with Cas reporting his findings (or the lack of) to Dean. This is Cas' comfort zone, the stuff he’s good at and Dean knows it. So they talk about security cameras, the police, Sammy, yadda yadda. Then, just as Cas is about to hang up, Dean asks for his advice. This, take notes, is part número 2 of their chat.

So Dean feels awkward around his mom.

Dean: It’s like we don’t know how to act around each other. So we kind of make this small talk and act normal, but it’s so not normal. Cas: What did she say to you? Dean: Nothing. That’s the whole point. Cas: What have you said to her? Dean: Nothing. I don’t know what to say to her. It’s like everything is just too much. I dont want to overwhelm her. Cas: Don’t do things needlessly complicated as you humans tend to do.

I don’t know about you, but this exchange? It screamed Deancas to me. Dean is, wait for it… projecting *gasp*. Don’t get me wrong; Dean really feels awkward around his mom, he really doesn’t know when the whole 33 years had passed since you died aura is going to fade away. But, there’s some Deancas layers to this too. It feels like Dean’s saying, “Hey, remember when you were human and you were scared and I said you couldn’t stay in the bunker? And then I took the Mark of Cain and then I turned into a deanmon? Good times. Anyway, how did we started talking again?” And Cas is like, “It’s still… kinda awkward?” So Cas gives him the only piece of advice he wishes someone had given him: Don't overcomplicate things. Talk to her. If you don’t like something, speak up, and if you do like something, let her know too. Bottling things inside is how I let Lucifer ride me off into sunset.

And Dean takes Cas’ advice. But I’ll talk about it later~~

Stuff happens. Wild second phonecall appears. And, again, it’s Cas filling Dean in on the situation: there’s this house that was rented to a woman with an english accent. Ah, and it’s powerfully warded.

Dean: Powerfully warded? See buddy, that was your headline right there. Cas: (beat) Are we still discussing the same thing?

And here’s when I said, Yup, it’s a Destiel thing. Everything up until Cas’ question is about trying to find Sam. It went the same way on the first phonecall. That last part though? It has to do with part 2 of the first phonecall. Cas is ~~subtextually~~ asking if they’re still talking about Mary and Dean, because humans tend to do things needlessly complicated, you know, but damn him if he doesn’t fucking love humanity.


supernatural rewatch | 2.05 [Simon said]

He’s psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you’re a murderer, and he’s afraid that he’s going to become one himself, ‘cause you’re all part of something that’s terrible. And, I hope to hell that he’s wrong, but I’m starting to get a little scared that he might be right.

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