contribute to the chaos.

@aethanatos /


my overwhelming need to be attractive at all times vs the voices of mary oliver and mitski telling me i don’t exist to be consumed, fight


make more art. write bad poetry. paint and make a mess. take pictures of your friends, your dog, nature, everything. make art and love it; not because its good but because it makes you happy. make an imprint on the world.


Mahmoud Darwish, from Almond Blossoms and Beyond; “I Sit At Home,


I wish none of you were sad


I wish there was peace and justice and wealth and happiness and good people around all of the planet

try and one up me again bitch


Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think a woman should have full control of her own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell


westerners are obsessed with the idea of happiness as if it’s a constant state of being. happiness comes in moments. you dont “achieve” happiness. you experience it along with every other emotion on the spectrum. if you spend your life chasing this constructed idea of happiness you will never even be remotely content. work on being whole and feeling everything while increasing the happy moments. stop trying to be a “happy person.” just be a person.

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