
My personal comfortable hell

@justafrange / justafrange.tumblr.com

Franja | Any pronouns | 🇻🇪 | SPA/ENG | Adult | I reblog A LOT of stuff | I can't control the urges of my own fixations | Streamers stuff: sp4mja | One Piece blog: solarmantle

Russian folk tales illustration by Yevgeny Rachev

Русские народные сказки иллюстрации Евгения Рачева


He’s actually bad ass

So awesome I love him

So awesome I love him 💝

So nice you see him twice

This goes hard he’s actually awesome


How long until passing discourse spirals into “non-passing trans people have cis privilege bc people interpret them as their birth gender”

What do you mean ‘butches have masc privilege’ is a thing people believe


Wait until you find out about "intersex people are privileged bc they don't need to do anything to look queer" and "intersex people who naturally don't pass as any binary gender have social privilege as long as they don't call themselves trans" and "intersex people are privileged bc you all started training to pass earlier than I did therefore your forced medical gendering is a blessing"


Children of Shatila’ (Lebanon, 1998) film by Mai Masri. In this scene the youth of the Palestinian refugee camp interview an elder with a video camera.


hey Emily I know we haven’t talked in 5 or 6 years, how’s it going? kids doing good? pregnancy going okay for you? anyway I sent you this because some rando on the Internet thought you might be happier knowing you inadvertently reposted MLP fetish art. wait what’s MLP? well okay let me start off with saying I am a completely normal individual caught in the crosshairs of a violently loud subculture on the internet I am not actually a part of but I constantly bear witness to. secondly does your kid watch cartoons? well you might have seen

This post left more questions than answers

here are your answers. I don’t know if you still want them


i know you guys are all super into reclaiming slurs and stuff, but you can’t just go around calling random people faggots.

i’ve straight up seen lgbt people call other lgbt people faggots as an insult because they had an opinion they disagreed with. do you. like. hear yourself

you’re not cool and revolutionary, you’re just an asshole

lots of people are saying ‘yes, we can’t tell you apart from a homophobe when you do this’ and it’s important to note that you can’t tell because they’re being homophobic. being lgbt+ does not exempt you from bigotry


tiktok teen lgbts would not survive in the 80s and 90s when lesbians called gay guys fags lovingly and gay guys would call us dykes lovingly

now rebloggable. fuck with me

Why the fish


The fish is what makes the post rebloggable


“Target Israel and we will target you,” the senators tell Khan, adding that they will “sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.”

Rather ominously, the letter concludes: “You have been warned.” In a statement to Zeteo, Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland said, “It is fine to express opposition to a possible judicial action, but it is absolutely wrong to interfere in a judicial matter by threatening judicial officers, their family members and their employees with retribution. This thuggery is something befitting the mafia, not U.S. senators.”
While neither Israel nor the United States are members of the ICC, the Palestinian territories were admitted with the status of a member state in April 2015. Khan, a British lawyer, was appointed as the ICC’s chief prosecutor in February 2021, a week after the court had already decided, by majority, that its territorial jurisdiction extended to “Gaza and the West Bank.”
In the wake of the attacks of Oct. 7, 2023, Khan announced that the court had jurisdiction over any potential war crimes committed both by Hamas militants in Israel and by Israeli forces in Gaza. The ICC, per the Rome Statute of 2002, can charge individuals with war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide – and recent reports suggest Israeli officials increasingly believe that the ICC is preparing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and other senior cabinet and military officials.
On Friday, The Hague-based office of the chief prosecutor published an unprecedented statement on Twitter, calling for an end to threats of retaliation against the ICC and attempts to “impede” and “intimidate” its officials. The statement added that such threats could “constitute an offence against the administration of justice” under the Rome Statute. 

Also in 2002, while America was trying to lie and say that Iraq had chemical weapons as an excuse to invade, they threatened to murder the children of the head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons because he negotiated to inspect the country for chemical weapons rather than just accepting the American lie.

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