

@gaypriori / gaypriori.tumblr.com


In Memory of Mars

Hi everyone, 

Today part of my found family received some heartbreaking news, we had lost someone who was very dear to us all. I worked alongside xem as a moderator on the busy discord server we were all in, and I think I can speak for all the others that xey were like a younger sibling to us, a friend, and just overall such an important member of our community. I am writing this still in shock over this news, but our hearts are broken hearing this, xey were only 14 years old and we will miss xem in our community and secondary family.

Please consider donating to this fund in celebration of xem, and if not at least sharing this. Thank you, and if you ever need help, please never be afraid to reach out. 


In Memory of Mars

Hi everyone, 

Today my found family received some heartbreaking news, we had lost someone who was very dear to us all. I worked alongside xem as a moderator on the busy discord server we were both in, and I think I can speak for all the others that xey were like a younger sibling to us, a friend, and just overall such an important member of our community. I am writing this still in shock over this news, but our hearts are broken hearing this, xey were only 14 years old and we will miss xem in our little found family.

Please consider donating to this fund in celebration of xem, and if not at least sharing this. Thank you, and if you ever need help, please never be afraid to reach out. 


i think my favorite thing about Flemeth is that her im game dialogue is basically indistinguishable from a Hannibal meme I wanna know how often Morrigan asked her mom to get her toilet paper and Flemeth responded with a long ass ramble about how to wipe one's ass shows an unhealthy dependence on societal norms lol

Morrigan: would you like chicken or beef for dinner mother?

Flemeth: ah, chicken, beef. The cow is a powerful creature and the chicken is a clever one; and yet they both fall the same. They show to us that neither brains nor brawn will save you. The axe cleves flesh all the same.


Tell me, Morrigan

I really cannot emphasize enough how much depression brain is a lying piece of shit.

I am not a natively optimistic person, I’m not a “look on the bright side” pollyanna who ignores negative things.

But breaking your cycle of negative thoughts/fixations by spending a little bit of time every day going “you know what, I heard Judas Priest on the radio today and found out that Rob Halford wrote a book and that’s cool” or “wow the sunset was very pretty so even if everything else sucked there’s that” or “my social media friend is having a good day” will make you feel better and will make the world seem like less of an oppressive, insurmountable slog of misery IF ONLY because your negative depression brain isn’t getting constant reinforcement from your negative thoughts.

I know it sounds like I’m saying “Think happy thoughts to make the depression go away” but what I’m saying is “make yourself think about happy - or at least not actively miserable - things once or twice a day to remind your lying piece of shit depression brain that not literally every single thing in the world contributes to your misery”

We get into depressive ruts and we reinforce negative thoughts with further negativity and that is part of the illness! That’s a symptom! And the treatment for that symptom is not uniformly reinforcing the negativity.


You should never feel bad about wanting to change or re-shape yourself into the person you want to be. Just because people have an old image of you in their minds, doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to maintain that. Saying things like “what will they think of me?” will only place fear in your heart and paralyze you from reaching your greatest potential. You deserve to meet the highest version of youself during this lifetime. You can out grow, re-new, evolve as much as you desire. There’s so many layers to us, unravel and explore all of you.


People like to dress things up in pretty words or psychological therapy language instead of just saying I’m sorry I fucked up I hurt you but I love you I’ll have any difficult conversation with you I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work because I love you 🤡 Self awareness can be weaponized sometimes or I guess used as a buffer against explicit truthfulness and I’m realizing this. Self aware =/= caring, correct, etc. Ok you were healing but you also hurt people and when you’re talking to them you should try starting with the way you chose to go about things and how it affected those close to you


acknowledging hate and bigotry is extremely important but everyone needs to stop from time to time and ask: “is the only time I acknowledge the affected group when I’m acknowledging the struggles they face? Do I ever learn from and share posts about this group that are positive, joyful, and educational?

Do I ever share optimistic affirmations for this group in order to show them my support, or is my only interaction with and knowledge of this group anchored in their suffering? In my attempt to support this group, am I constantly exposing its members to a non-stop barrage of the newest demon they have to face? Do I ever reblog hope and positivity?”

I’ve been asking myself this more often these days and attempting to change the way I share knowledge & information, and show support.

I won’t presume to speak for others, but an example I can speak to from my personal experience:

A few years ago, a female character was confirmed gay. I didn’t know the story or the character, so this didn’t really affect me either way. However, men on sites like Reddit started throwing absolute tantrums. They said horrible things about lesbians, and a lot of it was difficult to read. Not using Reddit, I wouldn’t have seen any of this. However, many people thought these posts were funny in that they were pathetic, so they shared screenshots here. All night long, people I followed who weren’t lesbians reblogged the tantrums, laughing at these sad men, and the obvious point was to support the decision to make the character gay.

However, all I saw for about 12 hours were screenshots of the most heinous lesbophobia imaginable being reblogged by non-lesbians in what I believe was an attempt at support and solidarity.

I didn’t feel supported. All I felt was the reminder of how much people hate who I am, and the horrible things they will say to express that.

Had these posts been intermixed with positivity and affirmations of the goodness of being a lesbian, it would have been different.

I think we find it easier to share and balk at anger, outrage, and hatred, and we end up unintentionally exposing marginalized people to excess ugliness that of course they know exist but didn’t necessarily want to see from every angle all day.

Again, I won’t speak for marginalized groups I don’t belong to, but I personally would like to see more positivity surrounding Autism especially, especially every April, instead of 570 posts about the abuses Autistic people suffer, shared by Allistic people, with no positivity as support mixed in whatsoever.

Just some thoughts!

I am NOT saying to stop sharing important information about bigotry, because knowledge is power & it’s important that the world acknowledges what minority groups face in order to make change.

I’m saying this shouldn’t be the way we exclusively attempt to build people up. We need hope too.


this halloween season, please remember that nosferatu (1922) is an allegory for the ‘invasion’ of jewish immigrants. count orlok is an antisemitic caricature, and his image in the movie is quite literally responsible for anti-jewish nazi propaganda. the movie itself is about jews perversing and defiling western culture, assaulting gentile women, etc. etc. please, please don’t ignore the potent antisemitism in the movie.

just to emphasize: nosferatu directly impacted nazi propaganda. the editor of an antisemitic nazi newspaper watched nosferatu and was so struck by the image of count orlok that he based his anti-jewish cartoons off of him. nosferatu is LITERALLY responsible for a good portion of anti-jewish caricatures.

you should probably reblog this, esp if you aren’t jewish

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