


Arospec catgirl android reality warper | she/her

Juno transitioning is actually a relatively recent thing that happens in the “main” part of the nextgen timeline, and a lot of her arc is about gaining her confidence, coming out socially and discovering who she truly is… so here’s a little Vimira family comic :’]


If I walk into a Subway and ask them to make me a grilled cheese, do you think they’d do it?


Try phrasing it like “American cheese on six-inch Italian bread, toasted”

Good news:

Every time I think this post has died, someone brings it back and I am forced to relive possibly the worst sandwich I’ve ever eaten


Hey all

It’s Red, the account owner’s partner; Leah gave me her tumblr account

(She’s unable to use it, but is still in touch with me, and I might transcribe her actions here for the Kingdoms RP)


*the Hatmaker knocks on your door*

Good evening my dear, I hope I am not intruding, but I recall us agreeing on magic lessons, and I was wondering if you wanted to do some now

-The Hatmaker


*opens the door*

Sure! I'm not doing anything, come on in!


*they step inside*

So, I was thinking you'd want to start on glamour charms?

Sure, we can start there! *they are visibly excited*

*A thin book floats from the Hatmaker's apron pocket and expands. *

This is what we can use for these, most of them require detailed descriptions of what you want to hide, and how

ok! uhh, I should ask is tech gonna interfere with any of this?

Not at all! Think of glamour charms like a blanket or camouflage over whatever it is that you're hiding, rather than... let's say.... dropping it into water or mud, to conceal it.

Ok! That’s good, probably will help with certain tasks as well- *pulls out a small tablet* What are ways that you could cloak something?

Well, there are distortion, disruption, chameleon and complete invisibility charms, they all come under the glamour category, you could use perception charms, or open pockets in space-time to store things. All of these are viable, but glamours are the best way, in my opinion, the others require more time, energy, and quite often ritual casting, rather than a simple power source and an incantation.

*they sit down on a conjured chair, and lay the book into the air*

*writing down notes* ah ok, and what would you need for a power source? assuming we’re planning on working on casting here-

Most of the time, you can use the magic in the surrounding area, but some places don't use magic as much as others, so if you aren't born with magic, it's best to get a magical... battery, of sorts.

*the Hatmaker takes out a piece of paper from the book and unfolds it, showing an intricate pattern covered in runes*

This fills an object with magic, which can be used as the battery.

Ah, alright!

From what I can tell my, well creators- weren't too keen on me learning magic, so I'm new with this.

*is drawing the symbol in the tablet*

Do are there any restrictions on what can become a battery?




Teach me your ways oh wise one/hj

if you’re on windows you can hold the ‘r’ key and click the reblog button or ‘e’ to queue

you can also use 'j’ to jump down a post or 'k’ to go back up a post

wait no my bad its 'e’ to speed reblog and 'w’ to speed queue


And he’s upset why?

This is a behind the scenes from a TV show. He’s the guy who plays the character whose gravestone it is. He’s mad that people are memeing a behind the scenes photo of a fictional character’s death because he happens to play that character.

I’m not sure if I should laugh or hit my head on the desk over this one.


The face I just made 🙄

My favourite part that this is leaving out is that by the end he and the rest of the cast weren’t getting along and they did a full on photoshoot in front of his grave.


if he doesn’t want us to use THAT photo, it seems like we’ve got three malicious-compliance-ready replacements right here


Yeah, they’re gonna lift the working class right into a company town.

Only rich people would think this was a good idea.

Learn your history, people!

We DID this shit- for DECADES. It was fucking awful. Companies paid people in “scrip” which was only good for use at the Company Store. So effectively, the company got your money coming and going, and they didn’t pay you at all. And the longer it went on, the less likely you were to have savings that could have helped you move away or get a different job.

I’ve already seen one ad trying very sneakily to promote the idea of “AmazonBucks”, including giving them to workers as rewards, or instead of things like healthcare, sick days, and PTO.

Here’s your reminder that scrip is fucking illegal, that company towns are always a shit idea that should stay dead and buried, and that if unions didn’t work? Every big company out there wouldn’t be fighting tooth and nail to destroy them.

#UnionStrong #SolidarityForever


You know the song “Sixteen Tons”? If you don’t or need a reminder, here’s the chorus:

You load sixteen tons, whad’ya get? Another day older and deeper in debt Saint Peter, don’t you call me, ‘cause I can’t go-- I owe my soul to the company store...

The song is about a coal miner in a company town--a man so far in the hole thanks to the system that even death won’t release him. It was first recorded in 1947--less than a hundred years ago.

Company towns are BARBARIC. It’s a massively exploitative system and when early 20th century workers fought back against them they were evicted, arrested, and murdered (your history reading subject for today: the Coal Wars, especially the events in Matewan, West Virginia and Ludlow, Colorado).

Don’t fall for this shit again.


The chorus in print might not get the point across sufficiently;



*the Hatmaker knocks on your door*

Good evening my dear, I hope I am not intruding, but I recall us agreeing on magic lessons, and I was wondering if you wanted to do some now

-The Hatmaker


*opens the door*

Sure! I'm not doing anything, come on in!


*they step inside*

So, I was thinking you'd want to start on glamour charms?

Sure, we can start there! *they are visibly excited*

*A thin book floats from the Hatmaker's apron pocket and expands. *

This is what we can use for these, most of them require detailed descriptions of what you want to hide, and how

ok! uhh, I should ask is tech gonna interfere with any of this?

Not at all! Think of glamour charms like a blanket or camouflage over whatever it is that you're hiding, rather than... let's say.... dropping it into water or mud, to conceal it.

Ok! That’s good, probably will help with certain tasks as well- *pulls out a small tablet* What are ways that you could cloak something?

Well, there are distortion, disruption, chameleon and complete invisibility charms, they all come under the glamour category, you could use perception charms, or open pockets in space-time to store things. All of these are viable, but glamours are the best way, in my opinion, the others require more time, energy, and quite often ritual casting, rather than a simple power source and an incantation.

*they sit down on a conjured chair, and lay the book into the air*

*writing down notes* ah ok, and what would you need for a power source? assuming we’re planning on working on casting here-


*the Hatmaker knocks on your door*

Good evening my dear, I hope I am not intruding, but I recall us agreeing on magic lessons, and I was wondering if you wanted to do some now

-The Hatmaker


*opens the door*

Sure! I'm not doing anything, come on in!


*they step inside*

So, I was thinking you'd want to start on glamour charms?

Sure, we can start there! *they are visibly excited*

*A thin book floats from the Hatmaker's apron pocket and expands. *

This is what we can use for these, most of them require detailed descriptions of what you want to hide, and how

ok! uhh, I should ask is tech gonna interfere with any of this?

Not at all! Think of glamour charms like a blanket or camouflage over whatever it is that you're hiding, rather than... let's say.... dropping it into water or mud, to conceal it.

Ok! That’s good, probably will help with certain tasks as well- *pulls out a small tablet* What are ways that you could cloak something?


*the Hatmaker knocks on your door*

Good evening my dear, I hope I am not intruding, but I recall us agreeing on magic lessons, and I was wondering if you wanted to do some now

-The Hatmaker


*opens the door*

Sure! I'm not doing anything, come on in!


*they step inside*

So, I was thinking you'd want to start on glamour charms?

Sure, we can start there! *they are visibly excited*

*A thin book floats from the Hatmaker's apron pocket and expands. *

This is what we can use for these, most of them require detailed descriptions of what you want to hide, and how

ok! uhh, I should ask is tech gonna interfere with any of this?


Every kid deserve parents but not all parents deserve children.

Parents don’t fucking “deserve” kids anyway, it’s not some great and wonderful thing for everyone. Sometimes people just get kids for whatever reason, and it’s not QUITE a choice but that doesn’t mean they’re bad parents. I do agree that not all parents should be parents tho.

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