
Journey to a Fairy-Tale

@geistermaske / geistermaske.tumblr.com

The journey through my multiple fandoms and chaotic thing that is my life My Cosplayblog http://ghosts-masks-and-stardust.tumblr.com/

Reblog if you're part of the Gotham family

I wanna see how many of you there are


So Frankfurt Bookfair is over and I had a lovely time with all the people there😍😍

So here we have two of the pictures from our little shooting on Saturday. I love them so much and I hope you like them, too.

Rk800/Connor: me

Lieutenant Hank Anderson: @textualpoacher give her much love she is so amazing and talented person and deserves it❤

Pictures and edit by the awesome @sternenhirte she deserves all the love


Coming into a fandom late

Coming into a fandom early and watching it become an angry clusterfuck

Being in a dormant fandom that suddenly comes alive again after a new book/movie

Don’t forget about those who come in the midst of a fandom war. 


Accuracy at its best

Being in a fandom and not even knowing there’s a war going on…


all of this shit…lol

When You’re Not In The Fandom But You’re Nosy AF

When you get into a fandom only to discover it’s dead


This gets better every time I see it. 

Being in a dead fandom…

Or being in such a tiny fandom that it feels like youre the only one

The accuracy hurts.

Being in a fandom that had a shit ending.


When you’ve been fangirling long enough, you’ve experienced all of the above.

Being in a fandom meant for kids.


This just gets better..

When you realize that joining the fandom has ruined you

Fandom hell in general


This^^^ just… ALL OF THIS.

Being in so many fandoms that you don’t even know what’s going on


Trying to recruit people to your fandom

Annnnnnndddd it’s back

Being in a fandom which has so many antis


mbti - who they need in their life.

INTJ, INTP - Someone who can bring warmth to their coldness, light to their darkness, happiness to their depression, but also someone who understands how important the cold, the dark, and the depression is to them.

ENTJ, ESTJ - Someone who can challenge them, keep them entertained and interested yet keep them in their place.

INFP, ISFP - Someone who understands how complicated and simple they are, someone who doesn’t try to fix them or makes sense of them but just embraces them. 

ENFP - Someone who takes everything they aspire to be and help them make it a reality, someone who makes them understand that dreams are great but accomplishments are better. Someone who acts like a mirror to them, makes sure they don’t go off the tracks yet, enjoys getting lost within them.

INFJ, ENFJ - Someone who makes them smile without hiding a frown within, someone who brings out the real them no matter how difficult

ESTP, ISTP, , ESFP - Someone who can ride with them to no place in specific yet always knows where to go when things get too overwhelming

ISTJ - Someone who makes them read beyond the words and helps them see beyond the facts and the rules, someone who adds paint to their canvas

ENTP - Someone who takes all the hate and highlights all the positives, someone who is able to truly talk to them and challenge them

ISFJ, ESFJ - Someone who doesn’t need help from them, someone who helps them find what they want for themselves


Infp aesthetic

☆Raindrops on windows

☆Planning times to daydream

☆Old bookstores packed with books and the smell of old paper


☆Watching kids movies until the crack of dawn

☆Picnics in the park with friends

☆Scrapbooks that are left unfinished

☆Lying in the dark for hours with only your imagination

☆Forget me nots (type of flower)

☆Browsing memes until you can’t keep your eyes open any longer

☆The smell of fresh baked bread in the morning

☆Knowing that death is imminent and accepting it + gaining a sense of freedom through it … :)


INFP things

  • Is afraid of breaking rules (sometimes)
  • Has dark humor but always makes people laugh
  • Humor fixes everything
  • Tries to help relationships but won’t leave their own
  • Picks up bad habits but tries to play it off like it’s nothing
  • Fearful of the future
  • Music heavily depends on their mood
  • Multiple playlist for different moods
  • Often mixes up their sleep schedule
  • Feels detached when their friends argue
  • Needs background noise to sleep
  • Doesn’t like to make the first move, but will if needed
  • Isn’t keen on social events
  • Hates eye contact
  • Has difficulty being their own person
  • Hates math but not bad at it
  • ‘Social Outing’ is going to walmart
  • Would prefer Netflix and pizza over a highschool football game
  • Hates when people don’t like them but they act like they don’t care
  • Aren’t violent but has anger built in them
  • Always tries to make sure someone is okay before ending conversation
  • Won’t condone violence but will beat the shit out of someone for upsetting their friend
  • Fear that they talk too much about themselves
  • Sits in back of the room
  • Doesn’t raise their hand unless they absolutely know the answer
  • Will plan out everything but ends up going wayy off track
  • Doesn’t text first….or back
  • Impatient (don’t deny it)
  • Remembers everything anybody said to them ever
  • Not the popular kid but not the nerd
  • Sports? What are sports?
  • Thinks out loud
  • Fearful of confrontation
  • Builds up a tough shell but is really an emotional ball of feels
  • Fills their cart on amazon but never buys the stuff
  • Buyers remorse. For 6 minutes
  • Has zero games on their phone but solitaire
  • Will not accept the fact that they are wrong
  • Procrastination
  • Will wait until the episode is finished to pee
  • Prefers Internet friends
  • Always afraid they’ve overstepped boundaries
  • Doesn’t care how bad terms are, if someone asks them for advice they give them the best advice possible


Don’t want a LOT for Christmaaaaas….

THEEEEERE is just One Thing IIII neeeed….

I don’t care aBOUT the PRESents UUUUUUUUNDERrrneath the ChristMas Treeeee

just want you for mY  OoOwnnnn……

MOOOOOOOOOOORE than youuuu could EV ER knoooow….

Make myyy wishcome truuuuuuUUuuUuuUuE

AAAAAAAALLLLLLLL I want for CHRISTmaaaaaaas….. 



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