
@doloraeshaze / doloraeshaze.tumblr.com

ophelia. everything i have ever let go of has claw marks on it.
Anonymous asked:

please answer 1,3,5,7,10 haha tried to do this off anon i think dont answer that one

i’m back! i haven’t been here for ages cos of work but hopefully i can be a lot more active…

1 – the meaning behind my url. dolores haze is one of my favourite fictional characters – she is the (in my mind) protagonist of nabokov’s novel lolita, and i think she’s just an amazing character. she’s so astonishingly strong and curious and bright and although her story is immensely sad i think she is an incredibly intricate and genius character who does not receive enough appreciation.

3 – tattoos i have. i actually don’t have any tattoos right now, but i think i’d really like some! i would like a semicolon on one of my fingers, to symbolise my struggles with mental health. i’d also like the words ‘c’est pas pour toi’ (it is not for you) on the inside of my left wrist, which is both a quote from one of my favourite books, and an indicator of my feelings about body autonomy. if possible, i’d also like a few lines of poetry somewhere, but idk where!

5 – piercings i have. again, i don’t actually have any piercings, and i’m not completely sure i want any. if i were to get one, i think i’d like to get my navel pierced, but apart from that, i’m perfectly fine without any!

7 – biggest turn-off(s). i think one of my biggest turn-offs is ignorance; i hate people who are ableist, sexist, racist, homophobic, or in any way bigoted, and then who are wilfully not making any effort to change their ways whatsoever. i also don’t like people who don’t read. i know that’s such an irritating turn-off but i find that often people who don’t like to read are also not so open to other people’s points of view, and thus they also tend to be ignorant.

10 – biggest turn-on(s). oh my gosh, i’m not even sure! okay, so opposite to what’s above; if you read, i pretty much immediately like you. and that extends to any kind of intelligence, like if you have some weird niche interests or know a lot of facts or something, i’ll probably think you’re really cute. i also really like butch girls. apart from that, i don’t think i’m very fussy tbh! 


let me introduce myself

1. the meaning behind my url 2. a picture of me 3. tattoos i have 4. last time i cried and why 5. piercings i have 6. favorite band 7. biggest turn off(s) 8. top 5 (insert subject) 9. tattoos i want 10. biggest turn on(s) 11. age 12. ideas of a perfect date 13. life goal(s) 14. piercings i want 15. relationship status 16. favorite movie 17. a fact about my life 18. phobia 19. middle name 20. anything you want to ask

Poetry Gifs + Blogrates

Okay so i found out i have fully achieved 200 followers and i restarted this blog about maybe a month ago and im so happy so! I thought it would be cool to try something different out!


  • Mbf following me (tbh im not going to check)
  • send me your favorite poem or stanza (could be written by you or not) and how your day was
  • the poetry gifs might look like this but instead with poetry and a gif and yeah
  • reblog the post
  • blogrates formats are underneath 

ok, tell me about her, i'm listenin (also you used french to request this so ur cool)


I JUST SAW THIS I’M SO SORRY and yes i used french!!! it’s my second language which tumblr apparently thinks is very romantic!

okay. okay. 

she’s shorter than me even tho she’s a bit older (lots of ppl are shorter than me though i’m kinda tall) and she laughs at everything!!!! when i first met her she was uptight but it was because she was shy and worried but she’s actually really really really sweet and laughs all the time!!!! and for some reason thinks that everything i say is very funny which is super flattering!!!

i get so gross around her my heart starts racing and i like forget how to think like a normal human being and so i always sound really incoherent and she writes poetry too and she’s so good!!! i could never show her anything i’d written because i’m so embarrassed about all my work but i’m dying to hear more of hers

idk man. idk i’m just so gay


the beginner’s guide to immortality

unlearn the scent of burning flesh, relearn how your favorite perfume smells, reject them both and don only the universe’s questionable motives as high couture, walk the runway of the sky and stay convinced that those flashing lights are cameras rather than solar flares. the sky is documenting your unbecoming. 

forget all the lists you’ve ever made. forget that one grocery list you left at home one time, and you returned home from your shopping with bags full of things you would never use, overripe fruit and hallowe’en candy long past its sell–by date, forget how it sat in the kitchen and rotted overnight, forget the sickly sweet smell of your own absent–mindedness. 

forget the list of all the people who have ever loved you ( and all the people you have ever loved, and all the people you think may have loved you, but you can’t be sure because love can mean a dozen different things and yet you think that none of them are your second grade babysitter’s scrabbling hands and the heat of her breath and being trapped, trapped ). 

cover the mirrors in your house, stop all the clocks, shroud yourself in black lace and white satin and refuse to come out for sixty days. you are in mourning, though for what you could not say. watch your bones become skylights and watch moonbeams filter through the hollows in your aching skin. 

leave notes for everyone who ever mattered. remind your mama to take the milk in and remind your grandmère to feed the cat and remind your sister not to steal your lipstick, not to try on your shoes. tape polaroids to the kitchen fridge and steal three dozen peaches from the local market and make off in the dead of night, the way renegade lovers escape into the sunset. 

redefine your image, redefine your beauty, lock yourself in a gas station bathroom and hack off your hair, hack out your eyes, let blood drip into your french fries as you drive away, eat them anyway because immortals cannot afford to waste food, savour how your life force tastes, remember that this is how it will taste forever. 

uncurl yourself from your shell– or rather, smash through the eggshell exterior that you never knew you were trapped in until you broke its milky boundaries and saw the sky anew, saw it glimmer a hundred different shades of tangerine–lavender–cherryblossom–strawberry, watched silk fade to velvet and watched a diamond–scatter of constellations light up the darkness. 

remove your shoes. get out of your car, take your three dozen peaches (unbitten, soft, yielding to your touch to crumble like dust), take your carved–out eyes and hacked–off hair. place the soles of your feet upon the sun warm road, let the neverending sky envelope you. this is how the universe ends – not with a bang, not with a crash, but soft. melancholy. your hair in the breeze and the soft song on the radio and the smell of the rotting peaches. this is how the universe ends ( a mistranslation: this is how people like you are born ). 


i wanna write some poetry cos i feel like i’m not good and i’d love to get better

any prompts / lyrics / anything like that would be hella appreciated

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