



Kicking his history book across the room, the pages on Veronica’s composition book flutter and Logan spies his name.

His name?

What the hell?

Crouching, he picks up her notebook and flips through. It’s not her English assignments, after all.

It’s a diary.


By 6:00 a.m. the next day, his brain was done. Every thought in his head was now on paper.  Every emotion, every triggering moment, every ounce of what he could not express to anyone, was there, laid bare on the pages in front of him. The torture of loving someone he couldn’t be with—the agony of the father that didn’t truly love him.  The loneliness of his existence, drifting from one anonymous woman to another. Logan crossed the line between reality and fiction. And as he sat and looked at the words on his screen, he realized that the only thing missing was an ending.

-- (Untitled) Veronica Mars Fanfic -- Chapter 7



V Mars

She Would Return by The-Scarlet-Finch

"Just try to look tough."

Veronica's instructions from a previous investigation the previous semester flitted through his head as Logan looked across the small table at the tattooed man grinning at them.

Chardo Navarro was nothing like the womanizing teenage PCHer that Logan once chased down for sleeping with his girlfriend. The Hispanic convict slouched back in his seat curiously regarding them, he was larger, muscled from spending most of his days working out in the yard. He was covered in various tattoos, some Logan recognised from studying up Senior year when it looked like he would end up in San Quentin alongside its current inmates for the murder of Felix Toomes.

Chardo was serving 6 years for credit card fraud, but his time here was as much an educational experience for a gang member like him as Hearst Fraternities were about business contacts.

His lip curled at whatever assessment he'd obviously formed about Logan then his gaze settled over Veronica with a fierce, feral interest.

"You so desperate to keep a woman in your life, you bring them to me direct now Echolls?" Chardo sneered, eagle eyes never leaving his face.



V Mars

She Would Return by The-Scarlet-Finch

"Just try to look tough."

Veronica's instructions from a previous investigation the previous semester flitted through his head as Logan looked across the small table at the tattooed man grinning at them.

Chardo Navarro was nothing like the womanizing teenage PCHer that Logan once chased down for sleeping with his girlfriend. The Hispanic convict slouched back in his seat curiously regarding them, he was larger, muscled from spending most of his days working out in the yard. He was covered in various tattoos, some Logan recognised from studying up Senior year when it looked like he would end up in San Quentin alongside its current inmates for the murder of Felix Toomes.

Chardo was serving 6 years for credit card fraud, but his time here was as much an educational experience for a gang member like him as Hearst Fraternities were about business contacts.

His lip curled at whatever assessment he'd obviously formed about Logan then his gaze settled over Veronica with a fierce, feral interest.

"You so desperate to keep a woman in your life, you bring them to me direct now Echolls?" Chardo sneered, eagle eyes never leaving his face.


"She's such a bitch!" Dick complained as he stared in disgust at Madison's Instagram post.

#GiantWhiteWhale #MobyDick #TheFosterGirlfriend15 followed by an image of the Reeses peanut cups wrappers on the hospital table in front of him.

Logan his lips pressed together in a thin line and Veronica crossed her arms.

"I posted those over the shoulder selfies when she got her nose job in junior high, see how she likes that!" He continued.

Veronica's eyes narrowed. "You ruined her life!"

"Casus Belli" Dick scoffed. "Since when are you Team Madison? You forget she sexual snipered your boyfriend?"

"Not hers, Mac's!" She growled.


She Would Return. The-Scarlet-Finch

V Mars Fanfiction


Six Sentence Sunday

Mac shining silver eyes rounded as Dick propped himself in the doorway to the Penthouse. She bristled like a cornered and he growled. "Stop that!"

Why was she behaving like this?

"I don't want to see you." she told him firmly.

"Obviously." he said. Stepping into the elevator with her as the doors closed. Imprisoning them both.

His eyes narrowed to blue slits, roving over her burgeoning belly. This was why he couldn't stay impatiently in his room downstairs while she dodged his calls.

"I didn't fall in love solo, Cindy. We were both right there... don't you still want that?"

SHE WOULD RETURN by The-Scarlet-Finch


I can’t see his face while he stands in the doorway, but I know the smirk that rests on his beautiful lips. The darkness of his eyes while he leans against the frame to gaze at me standing still in the center of the room for him. Waiting. Wanting. Needing. Trusting. Knowing he will give me what I want and need. I am filled with the knowledge Logan will do it all with love. Nothing in this room will be against my will. Everything here happens by mutual consent. To the outside world it may seem he holds the so-called power. That so-called power truthfully rests in my hands. One word for me stops this. One carefully selected word and I’ll find my body wrapped in loving arms. I’ve never used that one word because he knows me perfectly. Pushes me, but in the best way, in a way within my limits. There is total trust between us. This would never work if there wasn’t.


Six Sentence Sunday.

She Would Return - The-Scarlet-Finch

Parker had been Mac's personal buffer from their chatty chauffeur on the drive over to Neptune Womens Emergency Clinic after the short brunette struggled to put her key into the lock of the drivers door with trembling hands.

She looked like she was about to vomit.

The lively hum of voices from the crowded emergency room almost drowned out the ultrasound technicians words.

'What?' Mac asked in hesitation, grey eyes scanning the small screen like every detail was important.

Parker felt her heart squeeze in sympathy, her former roommate was white faced with dark shadowy eyes, her small laugh took on an hysterical edge.

Parker took her shaky hand. "You're sure its twins?"


He knew that if anyone found out about this, it would make him a laughingstock. But when did he ever give a crap about what anyone thought? People were only his friends because of who his parents were, for his money. Sentry didn’t care who Aaron and Lynn were, didn’t care about money, didn’t care about anything except having the room to run around and pronk, grass and hay to eat and cuddles and pets. When his mom first got the alpaca, he wanted to throw a fit, all he wanted was a dog. But Sentry had grown on him, become a confidant whom he knew would never share his secrets, giving some affection he wanted so badly. So, every day, Logan made time to head out to the stables to spend time with his best friend.

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