
"I'm kinda into history books."


((Independent RP blog for Jackie Lynn Thomas from Star vs The Forces of Evil))

Send my muse one of the following texts to see how they react:

  • [text] I need you so bad right now
  • [text] They know.
  • [text] I know everything.
  • [text] OH FUCK OH FUCK
  • [text] Make sure you’re alone- I don’t want anyone else seeing what I’m about to sent you.
  • [text] I accidentally sent it to the wrong person, help?!
  • [text] We need to talk
  • [text] I don’t want to talk about it
  • [text] The bed is definitely broken beyond repair…
  • [text] Delete my number
  • [text] Either way I’m going to make you scream my name by the end of the night
  • [text] Come over in the next 5 minutes, or not at all
  • [text] Stop ignoring me and pick up your phone
  • [text] I th  unk drink? Help me can home?!!!!! :xx)
  • [text] You free tomorrow?
  • [text] You left your shirt and I’ve been wearing it all day, so now it’s mine
  • [text] I don’t think you understand just how big his dick is!!!
  • [text] Thanks to you, the new neighbours now know my name xxx
  • [text] If I said that I was wearing nothing but an apron and was armed with strawberries and whipped cream, how quickly would you come into the kitchen?
  • [text] What’s the dress code?
  • [text] Black, red w/ lace or  sheer white????
  • [text] I know you said not to clean your room, but it was filthy- also for future reference, hide that in your sock draw and not under your pillow next him.
  • [text] I hear a celebration is in order?!

Text RP Starters

[Text]: Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for that booty~ ;)
[Text]:Wtf why would you stick a baseball bat there
[Text]:Do you think Domino's takes orders through texts?
[Text]:Do you want me to pickup milk while I'm out?
[Text]:Tbh Leo never deserved an oscar
[Text]:The party's tonight at 8, you bring the dip and I bring the chips?
[Text]:How horny can a lizard get?
[Text]:stop sending me emojis I don't have a smart phone okay?
[Text]:There are usually goats in the river
[Text]:We're out of toilet paper
[Text]:I'm on my way, but what street do you live on again?
[Text]:Picking up McDonald's, what do you want?
[Text]:It's literally two in the morning
[Text]:How's it going?
[Text]:Umm...wrong number

Detention Buds || Closed RP

This got a small chuckle out of Jackie, bringing a hand over her mouth. “Hahaha.”
She’d roll her eyes slightly before speaking up again. “Well I think the only thing I’m cursed with is natural skill.” She joked. “So, what are you in for?”

Janna shrugged, leaning back in her chair and kicking her feet up on to the desk. “Y’know, the usual, I shaved some artistic symbolism on the class guinea pigs butt. Didn’t hurt the lil guy just gave him a modernistic look.”

"Pffft. Haha, guess the faculty just want to shut down expressionism." Jackie joked. "So, do you get detention often?" She asked as she takes out a small tool from her backpack and starts to adjust the wheels on her board.


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


“Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That’s what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.


seashell-necklace Jackie hummed in thought. “Didn’t something like that happen at school a few months back?” She paused. “Oh yeah! You turned purple and had wings and six arms.”

“Yeah!” she chirped and held up her hair. “Still have them too, but they’re not developed enough to really fly yet. Not like my Mom’s.”

"Oh that's pretty wicked, Star." Jackie steps over to take a better look at them. "Haha. Look at you talking about powers, but you'll be able to fly at some point, haha."


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


“Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That’s what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.


seashell-necklace “Oh that’s cool.” She paused at the ‘Mewberty’ thing. “Mewberty? That sounds close to something we have here on Earth. What is it?”

“It’s kinda like earth’s version, which Marco says is puberty. Only instead of gross bumps on our faces we get these little hearts that peel off! But they’re even more noticeable. Also we get an extreme thirst for the opposite gender. And insane powers where we try to imprison them to make them ours,” she stated matter-of-factly.

Jackie hummed in thought. "Didn't something like that happen at school a few months back?" She paused. "Oh yeah! You turned purple and had wings and six arms."


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


“Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That’s what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.


seashell-necklace “As thanks Star. Everyone knows you’re adorable too.” She smiled at Star hanging upside down. “By the way, what kind of make up do you use for hearts? I’ve been kinda curious about it.” She points at star’s cheeks.

“Oh-pssh,” she giggled. “They aren’t make up. I’ve had these for as long as I can remember. They come with being a magical princess, kinda. I get more in Mewberty.”

"Oh that's cool." She paused at the 'Mewberty' thing. "Mewberty? That sounds close to something we have here on Earth. What is it?"


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


“Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That’s what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.


seashell-necklace “Hmmmm…” Jackie thought about it. “I guess you’re right. Thing is, how do I tell people love my looks? I’d have to guess and guess.”

“Come onnnn Jackie!” Star hung from the banister, hair hanging down. “Everyone knows you’re adorable.”

"As thanks Star. Everyone knows you're adorable too." She smiled at Star hanging upside down. "By the way, what kind of make up do you use for hearts? I've been kinda curious about it." She points at star's cheeks.


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


“Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That’s what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.


“I mean think of the power!” she gasped. “You’d have every boy in the world wrapped around your finger with your beautiful voice, and then…chomp. What other high school girl can say they can devour their enemies?”

“Hahaha. I suppose that would be pretty cool.” Jackie chuckled. “But what if some girl came along to kill me? My power would be useless.”

“Hmmmm….well, I don’t think the myth was exclusive to just boys,” Star replied. “You can basically subdue anyone that falls in love with your mermaid beauty.”

"Hmmmm..." Jackie thought about it. "I guess you're right. Thing is, how do I tell people love my looks? I'd have to guess and guess."


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


“Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That’s what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.


“I mean think of the power!” she gasped. “You’d have every boy in the world wrapped around your finger with your beautiful voice, and then…chomp. What other high school girl can say they can devour their enemies?”

"Hahaha. I suppose that would be pretty cool." Jackie chuckled. "But what if some girl came along to kill me? My power would be useless."


“I read in this fairytale in the library that earth’s version of mermaids are actually these creepy fish creatures that lure sailors in to eat them,” Star piped. “So if a boy ticked you off, you could just devour him. Booo-nuuus~!”


"Hahaha. Yeah, Star. That's what folklore and myths always said. I guess if someone did make me mad that would be super useful.

Anonymous asked:

But do you sometimes wish to be a Mermaid- or a Siren. As a Siren, not only would you still have your legs, to skateboard, but you'll also be able to breathe on both land and underwater, as well as have an even lovelier singing voice.

"I mean a siren does sound kinda cool, I guess. I guess if I was one of would be pretty cool, but it's cool too that I'm not."


Detention Buds || Closed RP

Jackie went along with the high five, but tilted her head slightly when Janna mentioned evil intent.
“Haha, I suppose that could happen…but nothing bad has happened to me yet though, so I think I’m good.”

“But you don’t know that for sure, after all you could be..”

She paused for dramatic effect, wiggling her fingers in the air for creepy emphasis.


This got a small chuckle out of Jackie, bringing a hand over her mouth. “Hahaha.”

She’d roll her eyes slightly before speaking up again. “Well I think the only thing I’m cursed with is natural skill.” She joked. “So, what are you in for?”


"I'm AHEAD of you... please dont' crash. " He'd come to earth because.. well he honestly felt out of place lately without a body, being reduced to a swirling mass around a skull with sword horns. So aburtly appearing in front of teenagers wasn't a huge stretch


Jackie would bring her skateboard to a halt at the other, looking up at the floating skull. She’d pause for a moment before a chuckle escaped from her. “Hahaha, good one, dude.”

Anonymous asked:

Are you a Mermaid? I have a feeling that you are?

“Nah. A lot of people have accused me of being one, but I just like the ocean and stuff in it.”


Start a rumor about another character in my ask box and my muse will react.

Please note that this is purely for in character purposes. If you start rumors about other muns, you deserve to be hit with uncontrollable explosive diarrhea in front of your crush and I will personally wish that upon you.

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