
Ready for a bad time?

@notsafefromchara / notsafefromchara.tumblr.com

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Lots of Deltarune and Undertale stuff I made for Megacon, gonna have more prints, stickers and keychains! I’ve just been so busy but I’m hoping to set up the new shop after next weekend!

((Eyo, gonna have some Monster! Stitches merch at Megacon! Hopefully after I can get back on track with the comic, I really wanna continue it!))


Hey everyone! Mystic here and I know it’s been a while, a few things has been keeping me busy but just wanted to throw my discord server here! Anyone is welcome to join and if you were removed for being inactive, you’re more than welcome to join again if you want to.

((Yes, this is my server, just posting it here in case! Sorry I haven’t been active in trying to get comics done, a lot has happened in the last month that threw me off.))

Anonymous asked:

Take your time and remember we’re still here when you decide to come back! Have a wonderful day!

(This is so sweet and I truly appreciate it. Was sorta in poor health over the weekend and couldn’t get to the ask, but I promise progress is being made! Albeit slowly because making sure the poor health problem isn’t something bigger that I’m ignoring. Thanks for being great! T^T )

Anonymous asked:

Is there any sort of master post or character sheet about your Chara?

(Surprisingly this is a bit mixed on my part. I wasn’t the best at organization when I ran this with the rough schedule I had before. Though the about has some info, I withheld a lot of it for the comic and I feel the ref sheet I do have needs some updating/completing.

But never thought anyone would ask about a master post either, so I’ll probably spend the weekend fixing up the master posts a bit more for easy consumption(not to mention a refresher course for myself since I’ve been focusing more on the comic portion than anything.))

Anonymous asked:

(Binge-reader anon) I’m so happy to hear that! I shall add you to my list of still active blogs! Remember to take care of yourself first and foremost though. As much as I’d love to see new content I don’t want it coming at the expense of your health!

(I appreciate it! I’m taking care of myself a bit better as of late, aside from the sleep schedule I have now it’s a bit weird, but I’ll be, but slowly getting back on track!)

Anonymous asked:

I just finished working through reading the whole blog for the last week or so, and it’s so good! I’m five years late to the Undertale fandom but it’s content like yours that makes it worth wading through dozens of deleted blogs. I hope you have a wonderful day!

((Gosh! Thank you! I know I haven’t updated actual content with this blog in quite a while but if you’re thinking of sticking around I do want to get the ball rolling on it again, actually working on the next few updates while doing everything else! But thank you so much, Anon! You have no idea how much this brightened my day/night!))


Afternoon everyone! I know I haven’t been as active a little recently again but I’m working towards making my comic that I’ve been wanting to do since forever but with my job that feels like a time waster at this point, I feel like my time and energy could be elsewhere in a more creative standpoint than anything.

That being said, I’m looking to resign from my day job, I have hopes to resign at the end of the year officially so I’ll have more time to work on commissions, freelance work and my Patreon. I’ll have to figure out what I can do about streaming since my internet is not the best for it at this time.

I still have commissions to complete and my day job gets in the way of that at the moment, however if anyone is wanting to help make my freelancing dream a reality, I’ll be opening commissions for December, next month I plan to debut the comic I’m creating on webtoons, and hopefully I can continue working on the Undertale comic if I can really make freelancing work and if people really want to know where the story leads. At this point I’m getting everything I can in order to prepare myself for it and hopefully not have to fall back on this day job.


Day 3 of OCtober and boy howdy I’m falling behind! Don’t be fooled by his looks, even though he’s grumpy, he gets pretty protective over his ‘niece’.

((If you’re tired and you know it clap your hands! Yes those who still follow me, who’d like to guess I posted this on the wrong account? If you like watching my stuff, you can follow me over at @sleeplessmystic where I will be continuing this and hopefully not be posting on the wrong account again. As well as announce when I’ll be doing my personal comic that I hope to get up and going on webtoons in November. I will eventually get back to the comic I have here, I’ve just been pushing my own content is all.))


It’s been sometime since I posted this on my patreon, so now I’m going to be showing the separate files. I do have these for sale still, both the postcards sizes and the 17x11 sizes if anyone is interested!

((Haven’t posted in a while so here’s a reblog of this, I’m also in the process of condensing some of the pages into single files for the comic that had some form of animation on it to put onto other platforms like Deviantart. Hoping soon I’ll have time to continue the actual story, life has been getting in my way a bit!))


((My day job has been taking a lot of my time, so much in fact that I finally had a moment to add these to the store. I still have some other prints to add as well that aren’t Deltarune related, of course. This is just what I can do for the moment with my limited time.))


Been busy working on some prints, this is only a few I worked and tweaked. One more week of not less at this point!!!


Some con news and continuing with this blog

(I know it’s been quite some time since I’ve been here, and I have reasons for that. I’ve been con prepping as much as possible as well was working two jobs in between for some stuff. It’s been pretty crazy and my return should be soon after the con in July. There’s some other stuff I need to complete as well if course, but I miss being on this blog and talking with the rest of you. It’s just been crazy.

If anyone does happen to be going to Florida Supercon, me and @ask-thehuman will be there selling, and I’ll have these for sale as well:

I’ll sell them in the store after the con if anyone would like any but for now, gotta wait.

I’m also open for pre-con commissions if you’re picking it up at Supercon. Traditional of course. Sketch for $15 or inks for $25. I’ll delete this after the con and hopefully resume. There’s a few asks I wanna answer, just been busy working. Thanks for understanding!)

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