

@ecopportunityx / ecopportunityx.tumblr.com

Escape the facility.
Updates blog for an interactive horror comic by @bwooom
You have woken up in a room. You know this room, it's familiar. You've lived in it for your whole life. But now it's time to escape.

EcopportunityX is an interactive horror webcomic in which you, along with everyone else in the comments section, guide a strange gray being through an even stranger (and grayer) facility after a mysterious incident wreaks untold havoc within it. Collaborate and theorize with other commenters, piece together what happened to this facility, figure out who you are what you’re doing here, and most importantly of all... escape.

EcopportunityX is hosted on ComicFury, but does not require a CF account to participate! Guest comments are available.

However, having an account will let you know when your comment has been replied to, and you can subscribe to the comic as well... though an RSS feed also works for that. So, your call!

Ecopportunityx is a master-class in “gray comics that contain a lot of blood.” If you like the color gray and blood, you will enjoy EcopportunityX. It is a story of naiveté in dangerous situations, childhood innocence, the sparks of humor that infiltrate even the grimmest of circumstances, having no choice but to continue onwards, and blood. Also, there is Space Pinball.

EcopportunityX contains blood, gore (of stick figure characters), body horror, and eyestrainingly bright colors. Please read with caution.


i reblogged the macklemore post by accident but its staying up because its really fucking funny


hellooooo everyone!

unfortunately i leave the country in like. 3 days. lol. so because of me preparing for that there won’t be any eye in the sky updates until i get back (may 25th!)

sorry about this but i’d rather wait and put out a high quality page than rush it and churn out something subpar during a section of the comic i’m so passionate about!

but, in the meantime, now seems like a good time to make a funny little announcement!


yes! for one week only to celebrate the comic’s birthday you can have your art featured on a small obscure webcomic!!!! YAHOO‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

interested? i’ll put some more details under the cut! ;]

hi all! the soft deadline is a week today, just as a heads up!

Everyone get in on this !!


Questions for GolProc:

1. What genres is it? I know it's horror but ya got any specifics, like psychological or supernatural?

2. What is the setting?

3. How many characters are there?


Ooh, thanks for all the questions!

  1. I'm not exactly sure of how to categorize it? Not out of it being especially nebulous or anything, but just because I'm kinda bad with specific genre labels. I will say it's definitely got psychological aspects, though.
  2. The setting... is a secret! Much like EOX I want there to be an aspect of discovery, you know?? So I wanna keep things secret until it's time to actually go there and explore it. I will say it's not as gloomy as the EcopportunityX facility, though.
  3. The number of characters... is also a secret!!! This is both for tonal reasons and a sort of "metagaming" reason. I feel like it'll be for the best if you don't know how many people you'll run into. Especially if you can go "alright, we've met X number of characters, and the author said that there'd be X+Y number of characters in the comic, so there's still exactly Y characters we haven't met yet." Like that's something you can figure out unconsciously.

Thanks for the questions! Sorry I didn't really answer them, though.


i know you said its important that chantal has good taste


what’s her most guiltiest pleasure of an interest. her cringiest little secret. the most genuinely bad piece of media she’d still try to vouch for. i havw to know


While I think she's a little too self conscious to actually vouch for them, but there ARE a good number of shows that she watched back when she was a teen, when she indiscriminately watched any anime she could find, that she still holds nostalgia for and is kinda mad about.

Probably stuff like Baka & Test, High School of the Dead, and Negima. I don't know why these three specifically, they just fit the best in my eyes.


hellooooo everyone!

unfortunately i leave the country in like. 3 days. lol. so because of me preparing for that there won’t be any eye in the sky updates until i get back (may 25th!)

sorry about this but i’d rather wait and put out a high quality page than rush it and churn out something subpar during a section of the comic i’m so passionate about!

but, in the meantime, now seems like a good time to make a funny little announcement!


yes! for one week only to celebrate the comic’s birthday you can have your art featured on a small obscure webcomic!!!! YAHOO‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

interested? i’ll put some more details under the cut! ;]

Hey everyone! EITS has something cool coming up, I'd really encourage you all to participate!


upcoming interactive comic you say ? may we ask for any details you're up to share about it now :0 ?


Hmmm... I'm having trouble deciding what's cool to share and what will be spoilers (I've already decided that anything about any characters is an absolute NO-GO!!!), but I'm calling it GolProc right now. That's not its actual title, but it's what I'm telling people until it actually starts and the full title is revealed. You can try and guess what it's short for, but there's no real hints or anything at the moment.

Also, this:


Forgot to say! You're free to ask more specific questions, and I'll try to answer them in a non-spoilery way! I'm just having trouble answering broader questions.

Oh I thought of some non-spoilery stuff to share:

  • It'll have a different artstyle from EOX for the characters, but the environments will be drawn about the same.
  • You'll play as an adult instead of a child.
  • It'll be more colorful than EOX.
  • The "gameplay" is gonna center on a mechanic that EOX didn't have.

upcoming interactive comic you say ? may we ask for any details you're up to share about it now :0 ?


Hmmm... I'm having trouble deciding what's cool to share and what will be spoilers (I've already decided that anything about any characters is an absolute NO-GO!!!), but I'm calling it GolProc right now. That's not its actual title, but it's what I'm telling people until it actually starts and the full title is revealed. You can try and guess what it's short for, but there's no real hints or anything at the moment.

Also, this:


Forgot to say! You're free to ask more specific questions, and I'll try to answer them in a non-spoilery way! I'm just having trouble answering broader questions.


upcoming interactive comic you say ? may we ask for any details you're up to share about it now :0 ?


Hmmm... I'm having trouble deciding what's cool to share and what will be spoilers (I've already decided that anything about any characters is an absolute NO-GO!!!), but I'm calling it GolProc right now. That's not its actual title, but it's what I'm telling people until it actually starts and the full title is revealed. You can try and guess what it's short for, but there's no real hints or anything at the moment.

Also, this:


Alright, that's all the asks in the inbox cleared! Feel free to send some more in, either about EOX or my upcoming interactive comic, at any time.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think we'll get anything else set in the eox universe one day... prolly not w the main cast but.......... knowing they're in there will make me feel things.

Hmmmm... Unfortunately, not really! But even if nothing's else is happening in the world, the rest of the cast is still living happily.

Funnily enough, I do actually set most of my stories all in the same universe! EOX is just a rare exception. There are connections, though, like how EOX exists as a webcomic within that universe*, and how its author (since I'm not over there) is a character in and of themself.

*THIS ISN'T A "OH IT WAS FICTIONAL ALL ALONG" THING BTW I KNOW A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THAT it's just a way to connect EOX back to everything else even if they're not in the same universe. Easter egg.

Anonymous asked:

Can you draw bass's corpse? (JOKING)

(Note: This ask was sent on the anniversary of his death.)

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