
lobster hands


hey there demons, it's me. ya boi

nice argument HOWEVER, pin me down like a prey animal and fuck me


I see your point, but have you considered i want you so bad i cant hear what youre saying


sorry I always felt undesirable my entire life and it gave me kinks of wanting someone to desire me so extremely it's uncontrollable for them as if that's my fault


Brennan: If someone leaves the party or dies, the party becomes pass/fail which is not an option for you. You need to succeed profoundly.

Everyone Else: Oh god, what if someone dies?

Siobhan: If we kill one of the Rat Grinders, they don't get to go to college.


imagine calling out other students for getting an unfair advantage and recognition in school when they’re saving the fucking world and you’re. killing rats and twig blights in the woods behind the school. you’re traveling 40 feet for your adventures. get real


“dnd exp leveling is dumb,” i say into the mic.

the crowd boos. i begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.

"they’re right," it says. i look for the owner of the voice. there in the second row stands: brennan lee mulligan.


more stuff about becoming a god being inherently dehumanizing pls

too much focus on Ascension or becoming Greater not enough focus on what is Lost of you

you're not a person anymore, just a personification. you're a concept, an abstraction. all neatly defined boundaries and borders, none of the vagueries or blurring of lines or grey areas that come from being mortal.

you can never change, now. never grow or evolve, you are this, forever, stagnant. and the thing you've been made to embody might not even be your best trait.


when i was younger i had a really bad fear of markiplier when i was going to sleep so my older brother gave me a watch that he set to like 8 hours ahead so that it was always daytime on the watch when i was asleep and he told me it would confuse markiplier and he would think it was daytime and get scared of the sun and leave me alone

Your brother is the best

Who the fuck changed this from vampires to Markiplier

the real question is why I was completely ready to accept that this person had a debilitating childhood fear of Markiplier

Same. I wad like “a little weird, but alright, they’re scared of Markiplier”

This post used to be about Danny Devito. What happened. How did it change.


when i was younger i used to think the choice of a trumpet as the instrument to herald the apocalypse was bizarre. like really? the tumpet? bwaaa? but then i heard a hunting horn while out on a walk and understood just how hair-raisingly eerie a lone trumpet could sound carried on the wind.

hearing trumpets in an orchestral symphony: beautiful, impressive, moving

hearing a trumpet unexpectedly without any accompaniment or context:

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