

tj, 18, just for randoms, main to a writing blog.

You’re not in a coma, what you’re experiencing right now isn’t a coma. No one is trying to wake you up, you’re awake and safe and here right now

You’re not dead, what you’re experiencing right now isn’t the afterlife or hell. You haven’t died, you’re still very much alive, everyone around you is alive, you’re safe and alive on earth right now

You’re not fake, what you’re experiencing right now isn’t a simulation. You’re flesh and blood and so is everyone around you, you’re safe and real and so are they

You aren’t being watched, no one is looking for you and no one can spy on you. You’re safe, no one is spying on you, there aren’t any hidden cameras

You aren’t going to be killed, there is no one trying to kill you or break into your house. You’re safe, everyone is safe, no one is going to hurt you


how are the 2001-2004 crowd feeling about being so scared on growing up your entire life then having your adulthood put on hold by a global pandemic and finding a weird comfort in the fact you had an excuse to hide but now having to come to terms with the fact you aged in lockdown and people will expect more from you than you can give because youre still a teenager as far as youre concerned.


one of the pages for a class project- i asked a few people what they loved about being trans. this was my fav 

“god made me transsexual the same reason he made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity may delight in the act of creation”


original thread by @pukicho and several other users

I always love seeing this comic because it interprets Tumblr as a gigantic theater ruled by absolute chaos where sometimes somebody just stands up on their chair and shouts and we all pay attention

this post is from THIS YEAR

had to fact check and holy shit 2020 really has been 3 years long.


Happy one year anniversary little thread


HANDS SPEAK SECRETS (acrylic on paper)

[image description: two hands painted in bright reds oranges and yellows, their fingers just barely brushing. The background is white and black text surrounds the hands. The text reads: “of our bodies could touch again/ what would they have to say?”. End description.]

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