
Idiot can't even make his own pancakes

@mintypothos / mintypothos.tumblr.com

23-they/them or ey/em-sapphic/ace-white. Sideblog. .

yea this sideblog is toast, I’m trying to limit my tumblr time anyways, it got really out of hand when i was unemployed and it still sometimes saps days away. I’m learning japanese/playing minecraft instead and plan to keep tumblr scrolling down to a minimum from here on out


happy halloween, please look at the undertale twitter


Watching over the garden wall feels emotionally like how a juice cleanse sounds like it should make you feel


You know, the news is really sheltering gentiles from the full horror of what happened this morning when they keep using the phrase “Brit Milah.” Yes, that’s what was happening in the synagogue this morning, but do you know what it is?

It’s a baby naming.

Every bit as important as a christening or first birthday.

That is what this shooter opened fire on. A baby naming with people praying for that baby’s health and happiness and future.


I’m so fucking tired of goyim ignoring antisemitism. They ignore everything until something so extreme happens, like the recent shooting. How about you start caring about us BEFORE WE FUCKING DIE. Just fucking LISTEN for ONCE when we say we’re angry or scared or sad about the injustices we as a people have faced OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I don’t know one single Jewish person who hasnt been touched by antisemitism. I’ve been called a kike more times than I can count. I went to elementary school with a boy who told me he wished Hitler had won the war. I was shouted at and threatened by a stranger for wearing a Magen David. My grandpa has had to respond to bomb threats at our synagogue. My grandma had to switch roommates in college because her roommate was violently antisemitic. My fucking Jewish PRESCHOOL had to have ARMED GUARDS to keep people from fucking MURDERING PRESCHOOL AGED JEWISH CHILDREN. I thought all preschools had armed guards until I was like 12. Just fucking LISTEN when we say things. Here, I’ll give you a list of things you NEED to listen to us about.

  • Holocaust deniers are violent antisemites, no exceptions. They are dangerous and do not deserve a platform to speak.
  • Jewish people cannot be nazis, no matter how much you disagree with them. Ben Shapiro is a piece of transphobic racist shit, but he’s not and will never be a Nazi.
  • Trump and many people in his cabinet have repeatedly used antisemitic dog whistles, most recently calling himself a nationalist.
  • We. Are not. All. White. Stop being dicks to Jewish people of color.
  • And we’re not all ashkenazi!!! Google is your friend if you don’t know what that means.
  • Don’t do that “Nazi puncher” bullshit if you don’t actively uplift and defend Jewish people. Punching nazis is a great thing but you need to uplift and support jews at the same time.
  • Stop pinning Israeli war crimes on random Jewish people. And stop demanding we tell you our opinions on Israel before you treat us with basic human decency.
  • Judaism is an ETHNORELIGION. I am both religiously AND ethnically Jewish. It’s not that hard to understand.
  • Stop tone policing us
  • Just fucking listen when we speak

Goyim please reblog

The federal government will announce on Wednesday morning that it intends to proceed with granting pardons to Canadians who have past simple possession charges.
Sources have confirmed to CTV News that the government intends to issue pardons, and not record expungements or amnesty, for cases of possession of 30 grams or less, as that will be legal as the new recreational legalization regime comes into force at midnight tonight.
At a joint press conference at 9:15 a.m. in Ottawa Wednesday, the main ministers involved on the cannabis file – Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor, and Border Security and Organized Crime Minister Bill Blair – will speak with reporters about the way forward on this in broad terms, and about other issues as legalization rolls out across Canada.
The pardons won’t be granted immediately, but ministers are expected to outline options that could be used to facilitate the pardon process, and potential ways to expedite the process.
Source: ctvnews.ca

hey american followers

canadians reblogged fcc & net neutrality stuff for you so you had access to information - can you lend a hand and help us now?

Please share this. I’m scared to death that because the internet’s so focused on the US, that saving net neutrality in Canada won’t get as much attention or support


For my Canadian pals!!


Ditch Ad Block Plus.

And now for an announcement from your friendly neighborhood IT worker.

If you use Ad Block Plus, you should uninstall it and download and install uBlock Origin immediately.  (There are Firefox versions of all the extensions I’ll talk about here, just google ‘em.  And some for IE, Edge and Opera.)

Ad Block Plus is now now only letting advertisers pay them to whitelist some ads, but is now letting advertisers pay them to put their own ads on websites INSTEAD of what you would normally see on that website.

Please remember that it’s possible to spread malware, including Crypotowall type malware, through ads on websites.  Yes, ads are how websites make most to all of their revenue, but until ads can be trusted to not destroy your machine, you should not view them if possible.

Please make sure you get uBlock Origin and not just uBlock. 

I also suggest installing a flash blocker like FlashControl.  This will keep flash from automatically loading on websites you visit.  Unfortunately, malware can be spread through just about any version of flash. Make sure you keep flash up to date, as well. FlashControl will be slightly disruptive to your browsing habits, but most things will load with just a single click.  You can always disable it on a website if it’s being too disruptive somewhere.

If you really want to protect your privacy, install Privacy Badger.  Privacy Badger will stop trackers / cookies from knowing who you are and where you’ve been on the internet.  It also can be slightly disruptive, so if a site isn’t working correctly, disable one or both of FlashControl and Privacy Badger.

Even if you don’t want to do FlashControl and Privacy Badger, PLEASE do yourself a favor and move to uBlock Origin.  Hope this helps!


Please read.   Ad Block has sold you out to the ad industry, and this is not an exaggeration.  http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/adblock-plus-wants-serve-you-ads-wait-what-1581285

fact checked. yep, it’s for real. uninstalling asap.


I was having trouble with the links above due to Tumblr’s redirecting not working. But here’s the addresses for the three programs in the Chrome Store.

Ublock Origin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en FlashControl: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/flashcontrol/mfidmkgnfgnkihnjeklbekckimkipmoe Privacy Badger: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/privacy-badger/pkehgijcmpdhfbdbbnkijodmdjhbjlgp


the more I consider it, the more I don’t really think it’s useful for me to figure out personally if I’m a lesbian or bisexual. Attraction is weird and confusing when you don’t get out enough to meet people you might get attracted to, and it goes double with being ace. I think I like just being sapphic, full stop. 

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