
I'm not good at this game

@the-worst-fe-player / the-worst-fe-player.tumblr.com

he|him/they|them/21/bi|engaged I really like these games despite how bad I am at it. this blog is not spoiler free but you can ask me to tag certain game spoilers just ask currently I dont tag any spoilers .let me know if you need anything taged please and i will happly do it as I want people to feel comfortable. feh code is 8338151719 and switch is sW-5402-6970-951

New pined post

Basic info on this blog

Please don’t follow if you are under 16 and if you are under 18 please tag out suggestive content I don’t post 18+ stuff much and if I do it’s mostly for jokes. I use cw for triggering information and try to cover the basic stuff if you need anything tagged let me know.

My side blog @a-short-pen

My stim blog @stim-and-sleep

Dimitri only blog @faerghus-king

Also I don’t want to get into much detail but I have had a couple of ask about this no this blog only has one mod (it’s me Alex :3)but I have did sometimes a head mate may post something but very rarely tbh. Also didn’t think I would have to add this but that isn’t an invitation to send asks about system discourse. If your apart of a system and want to ask me my opinion about certain topics before you follow me then please send a dm.


Think iv finally got the hang of looking after plants this girl here has doubled in size within a couple of months :3

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