
My Mind in a Scroll

@luwonderlands / luwonderlands.tumblr.com

Call me Lu. Don't care about pronouns used towards me. 1996. This blog has everything I like or is important to me. Ask & anon on. If y'all wanna talk, feel free to.
"A Butch in Femme Clothing: A Portrait of Kitty Tsui" by Jill Posener

source: The Femme Mystique, edited by Lesléa Newman


Please share and donate if you can!

Mohammed is an engineer and founded the Gazan 3D printing company, Tashkeel3D. His contributions to the medical sector in Gaza have saved so many lives in light of Israel not allowing medical parts and equipment to enter Gaza during the years of blockade.

And right now he is under fire in the north of Gaza while his family is in the south. He needs help saving his life and the lives of his family as he is raising funds to get his family across the Rafah border.

All these reblogs and Mohammad is still at $12,730 CAD out of $34,000. Come on! Keep sharing this! And if you have anything to spare, please help Mohammed and his family out!


is what you're asking for really "accountability"?? or is it for a total stranger to self flagellate on social media until you feel satisfied that they've suffered enough for their supposed transgression??


Taking Shirt Off. 1998. Ian Rank-Broadley, British b.1952 bronze. http://hadrian6.tumblr.com

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