
Safe Space

@eggscelsior / eggscelsior.tumblr.com

She/her, asexual. AFTG, TRC, RWRB. This blog aims to be safe for everyone. Don't hesitate to ask for trigger tags or to talk to me about anything at all.

apply for jobs you’re not qualified for! audit upper-level classes! get drunk with your TAs! see that poster advertising that lecture series? go there take notes and ask questions! thank the presenter for talking about this topic you love! if the class is full before you register, email the professor and ask if they can squeeze you in! RAISE YOUR HAND! tell the disability accomodation office to do their goddamn job! ask for help! file complaints! go to class in your pajamas and destroy the reading! you got this! you KNOW you got this! be arrogant enough to learn EVERYTHING! take your meds! punch a velociraptor in the dick! fear is useless and temporary! glory is forever! shed your skin and erupt angel wings! help out! spread your sun! i had a really good morning! you deserve a really good morning! kill anyone who says you don’t and build a throne from their bones!


The movie "Clue" takes place in a manse called "Hill House" in an unnamed New England town in 1954. The events of the novel "The Haunting of Hill House" take place in 1959 at the earliest. I posit this is the same house, and the murders in "Clue" are not mentioned in Shirley Jackson's in-book litany of deaths due to the canonical involvement of the FBI. In this essay I will


When I was in the hospital, they gave me a big bracelet that said ALLERGY, but like. I'm allergic to bees. Were they going to prescribe me bees in there.


So there's a medication called hyaluronidase. It's used to make other medications absorb better, because it makes the cell wall more permeable.

One common usage is to make local anesthetic more effective during surgery, for instance. It's used in a number of injected medications.

Bee stings contain an enzyme very similar to this medication, so sometimes, people with bee allergies have an allergic reaction to hyaluronidase.

This is called cross-reactivity, where your body mistakes something for the thing it's actually allergic to, and has an allergic reaction anyway. For instance, sometimes people with latex allergies also are allergic to bananas and other fruits. They don't actually contain latex, but there are some similar proteins.

Apparently, hyraluronidase used in humans is derived from one of four sources: sheep testicles, cow testicles, cow testicles again, and GMO hamster ovaries.

tl;dr: They won't inject you with bees, but they might inject you with purified cow testicle juice, and your body might say 'eh, cow balls are BASICALLY bees' and try to kill you anyway.


Obsessed with this kitchen renovation where they found a 300 year old well under their kitchen and instead of filling it all in they made it a feature, like it's SO cool this well was so important and then forgotten and now being celebrated as part of the history of this house I love it


The exact inverse of those house flippers who destroy original wood features and make everything soulless hospital white


I'm not a psychology researcher, but my guess would be that the nature of it being a time-limited puzzle game where you have to juggle multiple factors means that your short-term memory gets filled and the traumatic images are "dumped" in favor of remembering how many times to rotate the L piece. "As soon as possible" is probably because the sooner you do it, the less likely it is to become part of your long-term memory.

If that is true, then other time-limited activities where you have to remember and plan in a tight time frame may serve a similar purpose.


maidens if you are going to flee dramatically from my castle in the middle of the night once i reveal my true nature to you please leave your candelabra on the little ledge by the portcullis we are running out of them

starting to think these maidens are stumbling in soaked through from the rain just to steal my beautiful gowns and homewear are any of you actually lost

At the checkout in Home Goods loading the belt with nothing but candelabras in all shapes & sizes while the cashier watches sympathetically and asks if it’s the maidens again


uh so i never do this but maui is quite literally on fire and there isn't nearly enough care or consideration for. you know. Native Hawaiians who live here being displaced and the land (and cultural relevance) that's being eaten up by the fire. so if ya'll wanna help, here's some links:

center for native hawaiian advancement: https://www.memberplanet.com/campaign/cnhamembers/kakoomaui

please reblog and spread the word if you can't donate.

Community Label: Mature

“I woke to another hot morning. Moaning my complaints, I got up, turned on my old, rattling air-conditioner, then lazed on my bed for nine more snooze alarms.

Before I could hit the tenth, Brand poked his head over the edge of the spiral stairway. "Will you get the fuck up already?"

"I'm reviewing the case in my head. I'm strategizing."

"Strategy doesn't give you fucking pillow creases," he said.

With a snort, he stomped the rest of the way into my bedroom and went over to the window. His baggy white bathing suit turned translucent against the roaring sunlight.”

Look, I love me some Brandon Saint John.

Community Label: Mature

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