
I lack self control but I don't lack imagination

@machimaquiaveli / machimaquiaveli.tumblr.com

Writer's blog. You can call me Machi or big pumpkin mama. No prefer pronouns. Fanfics Masterlist. Love feedback.

Sex is not love but...

So, one of the tropes that frequently comes up in romances (or books with romantic subplots) is that two people have sex and then fall in love. This is not the same as two characters pining after each other for ages and sex is what makes them realise their feelings but where sex is what causes the feelings. 

For the most part, this trope is complete bullshit as sex is not the same as love, nor is love specifically linked with sex, however… that’s not to say that sex can’t cause/exacerbate intense emotions. If your characters are already into each other, them having sex can deepen their connection as it goes from emotional to physical. Equally, if your characters don’t already have that emotional connection, what can occur is ‘lust’ which can easily be mistaken for love. That can in turn grow into love but if your characters are immediately in love after having sex then I’m going to assume that it’s just lust.

tl;dr I will never believe a couple who get together just from sex


There is also difference between love and being in love. Being in love is a superficial feeling, infatuation, very strong but short lived. Love is deeper, more realistic and it takes time to develop.


Is My Protagonist a Mary Sue or Gary Stu?: A Super Quick Test

Mary Sues and Gary Stus are terrible characters. They are flat, static, and unrealistic. They are boring and they are craft failure. Don’t write them.

Does your protagonist change throughout the story?

  • If no: You need to change that. Your protagonist needs to be dynamic. They need to change over time and grow as a person. Whether this change is negative or positive doesn’t matter. Good characters are dynamic, not static.
  • If yes: Alright alright alright alright.

Does your protagonist have flaws?

  • Your characters cannot be perfect. They need to be realistic for the reader to like them. Give them flaws.
  • Making your character clumsy doesn’t count. Your character needs more flaws than that.
  • Flaws should impact your character’s life in some way. This can include their relationships with other people or the decisions they make.

Do all other characters love your protagonist?

  • If yes: No. Your character cannot be loved by everyone. This is unrealistic. This is lame. This is boring. This is a characteristic of a Sue/Stu. If lots of people like your character, you need a good reason for it.
  • If no: Good.
  • Characters who act a certain way to gain popularity through a false personality are exempt from this.

Does your protagonist ever fail?

  • If yes: Good.
  • If no: That is a boring character. Failure introduces suspense and sympathy from the reader.

Is your protagonist perfect in every way?

  • If yes: Perfect people do not make perfect characters. They make terrible characters. They cannot be superior in every way and they cannot be the best at everything.
  • If no: Awesome.

Is your protagonist a Special Snowflake? (“My eyes turn red when I’m angry even though I’m 100% human and there’s no explanation for this whatsoever.”)

  • If yes: Change that. You cannot give your character super special elements with no explanation behind them. Your character cannot be unbeatable due to their super special powers that no one has ever seen before.
  • If no: They better not be.

And because I get a lot of questions on whether or not a female character is a Sue, here are characters who are NOT automatically Mary Sues:

  • Physically powerful female characters.
  • Magically powerful female characters.
  • Powerful female characters in general.
  • Female characters who are not feminine.
  • Female characters who are orphans.
  • Female characters who hold traditionally masculine careers/roles/hobbies.
  • Rich female characters.
  • Tough female characters.
  • Smart female characters.
  • Characters who are highly skilled in several subjects.
  • Characters with tragic back stories.
  • Characters who are beautiful.
  • Characters who have unique abilities.
  • Honestly, if your character is realistic, dynamic, and round, they’re not a Sue/Stu. You can still write awesome, bad ass, inspirational characters without making them a Sue/Stu.

Tips for Writing Healthy Romantic Relationships

  • Don’t base them exclusively on physical and/or sexual attraction. While these kinds of attraction can certainly strengthen relationships, they can’t create anything but a weak foundation for a relationship on their own.
  • Know how your characters like to show and be shown affection. Not everyone shows their interest in others the same way. Some people like to give gifts. Others like to cuddle. Still others like giving compliments. Different people like to receive different kinds of affection as well. 
  • Remember that love at first sight is a myth. You can have lust at first sight and romantic interest at first sight, but true love takes time to develop.
  • Show the characters interacting and getting to know each other. This should be obvious, but it is all to common for a character to be given a love interest at the last minute or to be paired off with someone the reader hasn’t seen them interact with much. Remember, the reader doesn’t have to see every little thing they do together, but the relationship will feel forced to the reader if they don’t see the characters interacting and establishing that they genuinely care about each other in a significant way. If the reader views your character’s significant other as little more than a stranger, then you’re doing something wrong.
  • Have both characters do things for each other and contribute to the relationship in meaningful ways. Relationships are two way streets. While you don’t need to keep score of exactly who does what for who (Relationships are not a competitive sport!), the relationship should seem fairly balanced or, if it’s not, then the characters should be working to change that.
  • Don’t give your characters completely incompatible traits. While it’s healthy for people to differ from each other, there are some differences that even people that are otherwise perfect for each other probably can’t overcome. For example, a environmental activist would have a hard time having a healthy relationship with someone who wants to chop dow a forest. Basically, know your characters’ deal breakers so that you won’t try to match up characters who are simply incompatible with each other.
  • Have them share interests. This is a great way to add substance to relationships outside of physical attraction and compatible personalities. Maybe they both like fishing. Maybe they share a passion for baking. Whatever you decide to have them like, don’t be afraid to use your characters’ shared interests as opportunities for them to bond. Also, if your characters don’t share a lot of interests/hobbies, consider having one character introduce the other to their hobby or have one character take initiative to try something the other likes. This is a great way to show how much your characters care about each other because it demonstrates your characters’ genuine interest in what makes their partner happy. 
  • Let the relationship experience at least a few bumps in the road. No relationships are perfect. Let your characters disagree, argue, and maybe even have a full on fight. Relationships that withstand obstacles seem stronger to readers, especially if the characters grow as people because of these hardships. 

have some queer writing tips because i’m fucking tired

i have just scrolled by yet another one of those “how to write queer characters if you’re straight” posts and they fucking exhaust me. because they’re almost always just a list of things not to do, and most of it is fucking wrong. and they always put in this caveat ‘you can do these things if you’re not straight :)’ and it makes me want to flip a table, because guess what, i don’t look up an author’s sexuality because i don’t give a fuck, and someone shouldn’t be required to out themselves in order explore certain themes. 

so let’s go through some common advice that i fucking hate, and what i, personally, would suggest instead. i am one person, and do not speak for the whole community, just like no one person of any group ever speaks for the whole community. note that i use gay as an umbrella term for not straight

bad rule: don’t have a gay character have close friends who are all straight

in my group of seven very close friends, i am the only one who’s not straight. the idea that is is unrealistic and ridiculous and means the character is a throwaway is stupid. i went to a notoriously gay school and have lived in multiple major cities, so it’s not like i lacked opportunity. it just turned out that all my really close friends are straight. it happened to me, it’s happened to others, sometimes it just happens. 

better rule: don’t have your gay character be the only gay character in the story. 

what is unrealistic is when the gay character is the only gay character. just because they don’t hang out with other gay people, and so other gay people aren’t in most of the story, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. the pretty lady at the bus stop is waiting for her girlfriend, someone’s dad is gay, two girls on a date past them in the street, the history teacher talks about his husband, they’re playing a game of spin the bottle and a girl plays on both sides because she’s attracted to multiple genders. unless part of the queer character’s story is that they feel like the only gay person on the planet, they shouldn’t be portrayed the only gay person on the planet.

bad rule: never kill gay characters

sometimes, people die. we are all so, so sick and tired of watching ourselves die on screen and in books, but the idea that we don’t die is silly. 

better rule: try and only kill gay characters in the same percentages as straight characters

i think it’s important to think in percentages rather than just numbers. the thing is if you have eleven major characters in a story, and only one of them is gay, and then you kill them and one straight character? you have killed 100% of the gay characters, and only 10% of the straight ones. 

so say you have two gay characters, and eight straight characters. if you kill one gay character, and four straight characters, you have killed 50% of the gay characters, and 50% of the straight characters. 

think about the movie mad max. there was a lot of women in that movie, and so when some women died, it didn’t feel like the end of of the world. because there were more women. in your writing, don’t let death come off as a “punishment” for being gay. if death happens, it should happen indiscriminately. so if you’re doing a dystopian novel, and lots of people are dying, but you’re killing off a much, much higher percentage of gay characters then straight, it doesn’t look great. 

this is not a perfect system, but hopefully by keeping it in mind you avoid falling into the trope where the gay characters always die. 

bad rule: don’t show problematic gay relationships, fighting within a relationship, or characters who have “too much” sex

we are not all pure uwu babies, and every time i see someone telling people to portray us this way i want to scream. we have shitty relationships, we’re shitty people, we like having sex, and some of us like having it a lot. who we’re attracted to doesn’t change the fact that we’re people, and even people with the best of intentions are far from perfect.

better rule: do not reduce characters to their faults, or to their sex lives

if all we’re told about a character is that they’re gay and in a shitty relationship, or that they’re gay and have a lot of sex, then those two things become muddled together. write well rounded characters! 

first of all, sometimes people in perfectly healthy relationships fight, or have disagreements, and accidentally hurt each other. there is nothing wrong with portraying this, because most relationships are’t one hundred percent happy and peaceful all the time. 

moving on. yes, the roommate brings home someone new every night and has loud sex with guys and gals and whoever, but they also bake pies and hate the taste of cilantro and have a boss they like and coworkers they want to fling into the sun. 

he’s too controlling, and he looks through his partner’s phone, and he gets mad when he doesn’t know where his bf is. his bf isn’t financially stable enough to leave him, but hates feeling constrained. it’s just not going to work. he’s an exec at a hedge fund, bf is a barista, he hates his job, bf loves his, they have mutual and different friends, they watch movies, and he went straight to college, and bf spent a year roadtripping instead. 

bad people are still people. don’t reduce people to bad and gay. bad and gay and a shitty boss and rich and a sore loser gives your audience more to work with, and then you haven’t drawn a clear line between gay and abusive. as long as you’re writing well rounded and complex characters to begin with, this shouldn’t be a problem. 

you should take care when portraying sensitive subjects, and do your best to portray it well. but that’s true regardless of the gender or sexuality of your characters. 

i would note that having only abusive/abused gay characters is probably not great. remember, gay people are everywhere! try and include them in small, casual ways in other parts of your story if possible. this is easier with longer fiction, but if you’re doing a shorter piece where the only characters are the couple in question, then it’s not option, and that’s okay too. just try and be careful that you’re giving people more to work with than gay and abuse. 

if you want to portray happy and pure love, that’s totally fine!! sometimes all we want is to sink into a story of happiness and comfort. but if you don’t want to write that, and want to explore darker themes, that’s okay too.

bottom line: 

giving people a list of things not to write isn’t helping them to write better. it’s just telling them not to write. 

also, don’t demand that authors out themselves to you so you can “decide” if they’re allowed to write about certain things. either something is poorly written and offensive, or it isn’t, and i don’t get to know personal and private details of people in order to decide if they’re allowed to do something. it’s none of my fucking business, or yours. 

as writers, we write about things that we’ve never experienced and will never experience. the only way to get better at things is to keep doing them. will you mess up and write something insensitive or upsetting? 


i sure have. but the answer here is to learn how to do it better, to be more authentic in our stories, and be willing to listen and learn from people who know more than we do. 

the answer is to write more and write better, not to not write at all. 


Saw this on Facebook, but I have greater reach hear

I fact-checked this and it looks totally legit!

Brittany Lavery is an associate editor at Graydon House (here is a link to the Twitter thread where she answers a lot of questions).

Here are some key takeaways:

  • They only publish Adult Fiction (no YA, middle-grade, or children’s)
  • Inkyard Press, their sister imprint, is going to be doing a similar open call in August for YA novels across all genres (link to Twitter thread)
  • No sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or nonfiction
  • It DOES include queer lit!
  • Romance/romantic women’s fiction can be sent to HQN Imprint who are doing a similar open call (link to Twitter thread), but the editors acquire manuscripts for both imprints and will make sure it gets to the right place
  • They are open to international Black writers + Black writers of any gender
  • While they will only make an offer for completed manuscripts, they still look at unfinished manuscripts and may request to see more material
  • According to Melanie Fried, editor at Graydon House, here’s what’s hot right now:

Make sure you get your manuscripts in, and tell your Black author friends!!! I’d love to know who all’s submitting!!!


Neat! I hope any black writers following me can take advantage of this!

Also hey @thebibliosphere this looks like something some of your followers could benefit from, would you mind spreading around?



This is about goodbye…

Short story about grief, I wanted to try something slightly different. Maybe someone out there needs to see this.

(Sorry for the huge watermarks, but people keep removing my signature from my pages and I’m trying to protect my work somehow .___. )


My commitment to anti-racism

In recent days, many people are protesting in support of black lives and against racism in the United States and beyond. I’m thankful for them and I want to say they have my full support. I like horror but only in the books and for too many people their lives turn into a horror movie when the same people that is supposed to protect them hurt them and kills them instead. I know my voice is not much but I think now is not the moment to be silent.

Autostraddle also has a list of bail funds by state




poison ivy wearing muddy overalls n rubber gloves on the set of a gardening show w the hosts tied up n gagged behind her stroking a genetically modified carnivorous plant like a lapdog: hello fume-spewers of gotham city. its your hostess with the most…the mostess…its me, poison ivy. sorry to interrupt your resource-guzzling evening’s entertainment by taking over every channel of your worthless old-media network. oh wait. i’m not. at this very moment the bouquet of roses i sent to strangle the mayor will be
heavy static followed by sudden cut 2 the penguin, drinking straight vodka and crunching icecubes wearing a feather boa and a velvet dressing gown covered in grease-strains and reclining in the hosts chair on a talk show set, which is being visibly smashed by themed muscleboys in th background: GOTHAM CITY YOU FUCKERS, YOU ABSOLUTE SWINE, HERES THE DEAL I WANT (crunch) A BILLION DOLLARS LEGAL TENDER TRANSFERRED TO MY PAYPAL AT vintage_cloaca_1937@icberglounge.com.org OR YOU CAN (slurp) SAY GOODBYE TO-
sudden cut back 2 poison ivy, furiously gesturing to the hypnotised crew to do whatever damnable technological things they do to unfuck the broadcast: (high pitched screeching)
sudden cut to the penguin: -YOUR PRECIOUS “SUN”. I-
the penguin: (hears phone ringing) OH WAIT UH HOLD ON A SECOND
the penguin: (pullS a gold rotary telephone out of his purse) HWEH?
poison ivy, shreiking thru reciever: fuck off oswald im doing a Bit!!
poison ivy: these airwaves arent big enough for the both of us you horrendous little animal. i swear to piss i will
sudden cut to the riddler, sitting atop a giant rubix cube w the squares flashing neon at intervals wearing 2 pairs of 3D glasses and a coquettish mod ensemble w so many sequins on it that the studio lights reflecting off it cause at least 3 lens flares a second: GREEEEEEEETINGS CITIZENS OF GOTHAM CITTTYYYYYY! i, the RIDDLER, have interrupted your intellectually unstimulating broadcast to bring you some entertainment you’ll hopefully find a little more…challenging. a new game show….with a DEADLY TWIST. for you see
the riddler: (hears his 2001 nokia beeping) uh…well, it seems we have our FIRST CALLER of the evening
the riddler: …and our SECOND CALLER. um
poison ivy: (garbled screaming)
the penguin: (choking on an ice cube in pure rage)
the riddler: woah now hey now hey there woah there just a second
the penguin:-THE SUN
poison ivy:-THE MAYOR-
the penguin: -A BILLION DOLLARS
poison ivy: -A TRILLION DOLLARS-
sudden cut to harley quinn, sitting at home on the couch in front of her webcam wearing a sweaty sports bra and loony toons pajama pants and eating a hotdog: whats up folks! just wanted to hang out

Bless these women and bless this article. Read/see more here

I’m not even going to lie, up until this instant I thought something was wrong with me (maybe that i was the ‘ugly kind of fat’?) because I didn’t think plus sized models were retouched so much. I know that sounds stupid, but I have never considered the reality that even the models of fat women are heavily doctored. 

Same shit, different numbers.

Hey look it’s my catsuit!


not only are plus size models heavily retouched, but they also have to wear padding to make their curves curvier so that we hate ourselves for not having exaggerated curves on our beautiful lumpy bodies.

and they are wearing so, so much shapewear


Continuing to play catchup on posting art I’ve done this past year. This is, of course, Sauron and Celebrimbor yet again. =P This was actually done as an engagement present, and I was asked to do the scene in @thearrogantemu‘s In Full Measure I Return To You where Celebrimbor returned to Sauron the first gift he’d given him. I am extraordinarily pleased with how well this came out.

This was done almost entirely in watercolor (pen for the linework, lil bit of colored pencil for final detail touchups) on cold press paper, which let me tell you, was very difficult to execute the lines cleanly on, but boy did it pay off in how the watercolor flowed and sat on the page.


not to bring this up for the billionth time but nothing seems to have changed so here we are again! let’s go.

it really is so sad that nobody interacts with fic writers anymore. i don’t think any non-writer really has a clue as to just how much effort and time goes into writing, whether it be a 500-word drabble or a 60k fic. the readership on tumblr has become very passive lately; people will absorb a piece and then click out of it like nothing ever happened. i get several messages a week asking me if i’ve read xyz fanfic, and while i don’t mind helping people track down a fic, i just have to say: you wouldn’t have lost/forgotten it if you’d reblogged it, babe!

and the worst part of it all is that, as a writer, you’re constantly asked when you’re going to post something new, but as soon as you do, all you get back is just. radio silence. so, really, why do we bother with writing anymore? we write to share, we write to evoke emotions, we write because we want people to engage and interact with us about what we’ve created.

support fic writers. reblog their work if you enjoyed reading it. getting likes on a piece is nice, but they do nothing to help spread the fic and help it reach a wider audience. and for the love of god, leave feedback! send a quick message to the writers you love and tell them that you enjoyed their piece! you can go into as little or as much detail as you like, it really doesn’t matter. just please, try to give back because we work so hard and put so much effort into our writing, and to receive absolutely nothing in return is the most discouraging thing in the world.


Once a little boy went to school. One morning The teacher said: “Today we are going to make a picture.” “Good!” thought the little boy. He liked to make all kinds; Lions and tigers, Chickens and cows, Trains and boats; And he took out his box of crayons And began to draw.

But the teacher said, “Wait!” “It is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. “Now,” said the teacher, “We are going to make flowers.” “Good!” thought the little boy, He liked to make beautiful ones With his pink and orange and blue crayons. But the teacher said “Wait!” “And I will show you how.” And it was red, with a green stem. “There,” said the teacher, “Now you may begin.”

The little boy looked at his teacher’s flower Then he looked at his own flower. He liked his flower better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just turned his paper over, And made a flower like the teacher’s. It was red, with a green stem.

On another day The teacher said: “Today we are going to make something with clay.” “Good!” thought the little boy; He liked clay. He could make all kinds of things with clay: Snakes and snowmen, Elephants and mice, Cars and trucks And he began to pull and pinch His ball of clay.

But the teacher said, “Wait!” “It is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. “Now,” said the teacher, “We are going to make a dish.” “Good!” thought the little boy, He liked to make dishes. And he began to make some That were all shapes and sizes.

But the teacher said “Wait!” “And I will show you how.” And she showed everyone how to make One deep dish. “There,” said the teacher, “Now you may begin.”

The little boy looked at the teacher’s dish; Then he looked at his own. He liked his better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just rolled his clay into a big ball again And made a dish like the teacher’s. It was a deep dish.

And pretty soon The little boy learned to wait, And to watch And to make things just like the teacher. And pretty soon He didn’t make things of his own anymore.

Then it happened That the little boy and his family Moved to another house, In another city, And the little boy Had to go to another school.

The teacher said: “Today we are going to make a picture.” “Good!” thought the little boy. And he waited for the teacher To tell what to do. But the teacher didn’t say anything. She just walked around the room.

When she came to the little boy She asked, “Don’t you want to make a picture?” “Yes,” said the little boy. “What are we going to make?” “I don’t know until you make it,” said the teacher. “How shall I make it?” asked the little boy. “Why, anyway you like,” said the teacher. “And any color?” asked the little boy. “Any color,” said the teacher. And he began to make a red flower with a green stem.

~Helen Buckley, The Little Boy



I hate that I hesitated to reblog this just because I expect people to think it’s pretentious or melodramatic when it’s seriously real as fuck and I’ve witnessed it

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