I just finished reading The Tower by Flora Carr. Historical fiction about a year in the life of Mary, Queen of Scots. It's not at all fic-like but I thought it was really well-written and vivid. Also, when I read the reviews a bunch of people were like, "Did not think there needed to be as much sex, the lesbian relationship was a bit much and has no historical evidence," and...there is almost no sex in this book and the lesbian relationship is so gently done and Idk what "historical evidence" these people think would be left behind by these women whose inner lives have been effectively erased from history, that was the entire point of the book. So anyway, read the book just to annoy these "they were just really good friends" people, who are outraged by a tiny bit of women finding joy and happiness in the middle of a patriarchy that refuses to let them.
Fair warning, though, while there is a sweet, gentle lesbian relationship in this book, it's definitely not the focus of the book, so I wouldn't sell this book as a lesbian romance novel or anything like that, although it is also that to a lesser degree. It's more a piece of historical fiction, told from an overtly feminist perspective and focused on how these fully realized female characters are entirely whole people that the patriarchal society around them attempts to cut down to size again and again for the crime of their displays of independence. The book was really interesting about the ways in which women gain and use power in such a society, including the ways in which they use men in service of that.
It was also just informative historically. I know some stuff about Mary, Queen of Scots, but I'm definitely no expert, and I enjoyed having the historical events relayed from Mary's point of view. Because of when the book is set, it really also struck me how smart Queen Elizabeth I was to refuse to marry. It's not that Mary is portrayed as at all foolish -- she's not, she's very clever and smart in the story -- but it's clear that literally as soon as she gave birth to a boy-child, all of the men around her were like, oh, good, she's served her purpose, now we can get rid of the whore. Like, this book just made me really see how clearly the idea of a "queen" was just the men biding time until there was any kind of plausible male alternative they could have rule instead, and how smart Elizabeth was to grasp that and refuse to give it any ammunition. I always knew what Elizabeth was doing but this book just really drove it home for me. And this book does a great job not demonizing Elizabeth, too.
Also, the book is not too sad. I had to look up the timing of Mary's life to make sure I wasn't going to be too devastated by the book and the book is deliberately set in the middle of Mary's life, not the end of it, so that I was able to enjoy it.