
100 Ways to Say ‘I Hate You’

I saw a post about 100 ways to say ‘I love you’, so I thought I’d make the anti-version if it doesn’t exist already. Roleplayers, send these to each other for angst reasons! Tw for emotional abuse, language, and some major rejection themes, though some  them are joking and could be used for friendly rivals or pals who play-insult one another. Change or add pronouns as necessary.

  1. “You’re a disappointment to me.”
  2. “I don’t care if you live or die.”
  3. “I used to care about you. Now? I regret every second I wasted.”
  4. “How do you think I feel? I’m pissed off!”
  5. “Go. Just go.”
  6. “If you come back, I won’t be here.”
  7. “I’ve never despised someone as much as I despise you.”
  8. “Ha! You think I care about you? What do you think I am, desperate?”
  9. “I regret ever saying ‘hello’.”
  10. “Leave and don’t come back, ever.”
  11. “Remember when we first met? I wish I didn’t.”
  12. “You’re the worst mistake I’ve ever made.”
  13. “Don’t touch me. Don’t even look at me.” “You took months/years of my life away. I’ll never get those back.”
  14. “I saw a trash bag on the side of the road today. Reminded me of you.”
  15. “I could have been doing so much better than wasting my time with you.”
  16. “You’re a sick bastard, you know that?”
  17. “I don’t care.”
  18. “Go ahead, leave. Don’t worry about coming back.”
  19. “You’re such a piece of shit.”
  20. “I didn’t think you could be any more of a shithead, but you just proved me wrong.”
  21. “You’re so stupid.”
  22. “Why do I waste my time with you?”
  23. “You’re not the person I thought you were.”
  24. “Hey! Just a daily reminder: you’re a piece of shit!”
  25. “I deserve so much better.”
  26. “We’re not friends. We were never friends!”
  27. “I pretended to like you because I felt bad for you! How did you fall for that?”
  28. “I never want to see you again.”
  29. “You’ve done nothing but make my life a living hell.”
  30. “Don’t apologize - you don’t deserve my forgiveness!”
  31. “No, I’m never giving you another chance!”
  32. “I wish you were never born.”
  33. “You’re the last person I wanted to see right now.”
  34. “I’d rather be working with anyone else in the whole world right now.”
  35. “When you get back, your shit’s gonna be on the front lawn. Take it and get out.”
  36. “Go ahead, choose them! You deserve each other.”
  37. “I don’t know what they see in you.”
  38. “You’re an embarrassment to me.”
  39. “You’re an embarrassment to all of us.”
  40. “I wish it was you. I wish it was you to die instead of them.”
  41. “God, why did I have to end up working with the biggest asshole in the world?”
  42. “How could you think I ever loved you? You seriously think I’d sink that low?”
  43. “Sorry, I just puked in my mouth a bit. I accidentally looked at your face.”
  44. “How can you even live with yourself?”
  45. “If I was your mirror, I’d break myself just so you would throw me in the trash and I wouldn’t have to look at you.”
  46. “Being with you was the worst time of my life.”
  47. “You’re a monster.”
  48. “Not a day goes by that I don’t wake up wishing I was dead because of you.”
  49. “I’m going to ruin your fucking life.”
  50. “You said you would change, but you never did! You never will!”
  51. “Some people are just born to fail. Sorry you’re one of the unlucky ones.”
  52. “You’re so worthless, you hardly even exist to me.”
  53. “I wish I could go back to the day I met you, and just walk away.”
  54. “If you give me that look one more time, I’m skipping jump-rope with your large intestines.”
  55. “Honestly, I’m embarrassed to even know you.”
  56. “Ugh, it smells like something died in here. Oh. It’s just you.”
  57. “You need to stop. You hurt everyone around you!”
  58. “Until you get your shit together, I don’t want to hear you complain.”
  59. “Look at you. You’re disgusting.”
  60. “Stop making me look bad.”
  61. “You have a face that makes me wish punching people wasn’t frowned upon in our society.”
  62. “Shut your mouth. I don’t want to hear your obnoxious voice.”
  63. “Go play in traffic.”
  64. “Fuck off.”
  65. “If I saw you in the ocean clinging to a log for safety, I’d save the log and let you drown. At least wood can become something useful, like toilet paper.”
  66. “How could I ever love something as terrible and hideous as you?”
  67. “I can’t even look at you right now.”
  68. “It was all a lie.”
  69. “I never loved you, and I never will.”
  70. “Don’t try to beg. It won’t work.”
  71. “You’re not worth the mud on the bottom of my shoes.”
  72. “Look at you. You’re pathetic. I’ve never seen a sadder sight.”
  73. “I’m going to hurt you slowly, and I’m going to enjoy every second of it.”
  74. “For what you did to them, I’ll do the same to you.”
  75. “An apology? You want to offer an apology? No. I don’t accept it.”
  76. “You’re everything I hate in a person.”
  77. “I wish you were dead.”
  78. “You’re nothing to me. Less than nothing!”
  79. “What a sad sack of shit you are.”
  80. “My life is in fucking shambles thanks to you!”
  81. “How could you? You bastard!”
  82. “I’d rather eat sewage than ever touch you again.”
  83. “Hey asshole, I’m here to ruin your day, just like I did yesterday and the day before that.”
  84. “You’d be more useful if you weren’t even alive.”
  85. “Hey, it’s my least favorite waste of space.”
  86. “Every day that I woke up next to you, I was tempted to smother you with a pillow while you slept.”
  87. “Love you? Don’t make me laugh.”
  88. “Just thinking about you makes me sick to my stomach.”
  89. “You deserve a slow and painful death for what you’ve done.”
  90. “I can’t stand people like you.”
  91. “Stop doing that thing. You know, that thing I hate. Breathing.”
  92. “If I could trade you for a nest of angry wasps, you would be long gone.”
  93. “I can’t wait to dance on your grave.”
  94. “If we were the last two people on earth, I’d be subtracting one.”
  95. “I never want to see the likes of your filth around here again.”
  96. “I’m disgusted by you.”
  97. “Fuck you!”
  98. “If I ever see you again, it will be far too soon.”
  99. “I have three words for you: Burn. In. Hell.”
  100. “I hate you.”
Anonymous asked:

If you had to date anyone in Derry, who would you date?

          Richie can’t explain why the first thought that goes through his mind is of fanny packs and aspirators, nor can he explain why they make him feel so incredibly giddy. Deep down, he’s always known that the way he feels for Eddie has been more than just friendly appreciation. There’s something about the boy that turns Richie into a blushing mess, and he finds it endlessly amusing whenever he gets under the boy’s skin, but will he ever admit that? No.

          The second image that flashes through his mind is fiery hair and a matching attitude. A warm smile that burns into his mind like the butt of the cigarette that hangs between white teeth. Hands brushing as they share the remains of a smoke. From the moment they’d met, Richie had been smitten with Beverly Marsh and her wild attitude, one that rivals his own.

          But will he ever admit that? No.

          ❛  Myself, of course! The only person who deserves Richie Tozier is Richie Tozier himself!  ❜


Now accepting curious anons.

These  can  be  character  development  questions,  questions  about  any  interactions  you’ve  seen  on  the  blog,  questions  about  any  ships  you’ve  seen  on  the  blog,  questions  about  my  muses  feelings  about  other  muses  from  the  fandom,  or  anything  else  you  may  be  interested  in  knowing  about  my  muse. 
     “ ew ri–richie, i’m going to throw up, please. i jus–just ate. “ will pushes the other with one hand while the other is still very seriously clutching the sketchbook still. 
          A shit eating grin tugs at Richie’s lips as he stumbles back, though he quickly reaches to try to snatch the sketch book. It’s not that Richie thinks Will was drawing him - though there’s no mistaking that pair of THICK LENSES - but he likes to give him shit. ❛  C’mon, let me see! I PROMISE I won’t say anything dumb.  ❜
Anonymous asked:

❝ want to trade candy? ❞ *holds up a severed arm* ( im laughing so much rn hgGHYNJ ) [ @ofmanyskins ]

          ❛  No fucking way! I’m not giving you my FULL-SIZED bars!  ❜ That’s… Not the issue, Rich.

                                                                                                             @ofmanyskins | halloween starters!

   ‘ WHO’S THIS KID ? ’ 
             Ah, not that it mattered, this newly formed interaction could be FUN, with a hilarity-enduced SNORT emerging from it’s lungs as it allowed itself to be properly amused for ONCE - offence did, slightly, course through its VEINS, but it decidedly put that ON HOLD - as it had its own friendly, cheerful introduction to produce, to VENEER over the inauspicious TRUTH, Oh ho ho, NO, I’m not sad, nor … CRRRACK-ADDICTED, but– I am  PENNYWISE,  just an average, boring ol’ clown, I’M AFRAID ! I’m apart of a local circus, you see, and my real name is BOB GRAY.            –  It paused momentarily, grin settling upon it’s DECORATIVE lips as its voice grew much more HUMAN than it was typically, down amongst the company of the SEWERS, ‘ So, erm, what’s  your  name, then ? ’ 
          THERE WILL ALWAYS be that lick of fear, the ice cold shudder of terror that plays up his back when looking at God damn clowns. He isn’t sure where his fear had originated, he only knows that they’ve always given him the creeps. Something about the eyes, so DARK against all that WHITE face paint... Even the thought puts him on the edge. Looking up at the clown, he furrows his eyebrows skeptically upon hearing the name. Bob Gray. Who is Bob Gray? He’d never heard of anyone with that name in Derry.

          ❛  Richie.  ❜ His answer comes apprehensively, MAGNIFIED eyes narrowing up at the tall figure. ❛  Do all clowns walk around in their clown gear all the time, or..?  ❜


❝ i think i just saw something move outside your window…is someone watching us? ❞

          FEAR licks through Richie like a burning FLAME for only a second, his head turning quickly to glance at the window. His mind can only imagine what would be lurking outside the window, watching, waiting to POUNCE. A dark figure with bright orange hair and a red nose, maybe – he shakes his head, trying to force the thoughts to disappear. It is gone.

          ❛  It’s probably just a fuckin’ tree or something. There are a couple outside my house.  ❜ He says, though it’s mainly to convince himself.

                                                       @notrealenoughfor | spooky sentence starters

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