
heavy hors d’oeuvres

@soylante / soylante.tumblr.com

fandom blog and i draw some klance and things
Anonymous asked:

hi i just wanted to say that i think you're really cool. and i sorta miss seeing u on my dash?? and it seems like u've been gone? and i just hope you're okay?? idk this is really stupid to send probably?? but

hey gay anon it’s not stupid!! it’s really sweet actually and much appreciated. i know i’ve been pretty absent from this blog lately  /:

i’m doing okay irl, just honestly feeling a little… burnt out about voltron and especially kl and all the disc horse lately and have been avoiding for my own mental state. just kinda letting my interests naturally peak elsewhere for now. i’ll still watch the new seasons and there’s a few old wips i may finish/post, but for now just trying to cleanse my soul from the bullshit and stay healthy mentally and emotionally :)

Anonymous asked:

Hi Aria! I apologize if you’ve done this before but in the past you’ve brought up some good questions for fans to ask the voltron cast and crew at panels. Since there’s a Voltron q&a coming to tumblr I was wondering if you had any good examples for voltron questions. I always feel like I have so many and then I forget all of them when I actually want to ask them :-(

before i list any specific examples, i want to just give a general warning about the types of questions fans should avoid asking cast and crew members. as time goes by, fans get more and more creative with how vaguely or misleadingly they phrase questions, so i’m going to try to address some of these twists i’ve seen lately. 

inappropriate questions are things about: 

  • spoilers. 
  • “will we ever see colleen holt again?” “will we learn more about hunk’s family?” “will lance cry when he returns to earth?” “do you like shiro’s bayard weapon?”
  • asking about characters’ reactions is still a spoiler. 
  • asking if something won’t happen is still a spoiler.
  • asking if a VA knows about a future plot point is still a spoiler.
  • no one can answer these questions.  
  • ships, obviously disguised as vague questions ‘about the show.’ 
  • “do the red and blue stars in the astral plane hold any special significance?” “how much thought is put into backgrounds’ color schemes?” 
  • you aren’t fooling anyone. cut it out. 
  • lgbt content. 
  • “why won’t you just give us a straight ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer?”
  • give them a fucking break. they will talk about lgbt content when they’re allowed to and when they feel it’s appropriate.
  • characters.
  • “bex, what’s pidge’s favorite flavor of ice cream?” “tyler, does hunk play any instruments?”
  • VAs are allowed to have headcanons about their characters, but they might still feel personally uncomfortable answering questions like these. they’re not the showrunners or the writers, so aside from their guess, the VAs don’t truly know 100% what their character would think or feel. yet, if they say anything, it will be forever taken as law by the fans. you can imagine how this might put them in a weird spot or make them feel awkward if they haven’t consulted with the EPs or writers beforehand. 
  • complaints. 
  • “why is hunk still the butt of most of the show’s jokes?” “why do only light-skinned characters get significant arcs?” “you said the show isn’t about romance so explain why half of season 6 was a pointless love triangle?” “why did you make shiro the black paladin in the first place if the role was always going to go to keith regardless of how hard shiro worked to bond with the black lion?”
  • don’t be rude. this negativity is pointless, will yield nothing, and will only make both you and the person you’re asking annoyed. even if you get an answer, i guarantee you won’t be satisfied with it. if you cannot respect the show’s cast and crew and cannot understand that these are real people who are just doing their jobs and don’t have absolute control over every aspect of the series, then you should not be asking them questions.

appropriate questions are things about:

  • inspirations
  • “shiro’s monsters & mana character introduction reminded me a lot of aragorn’s introduction in the lord of the rings. was this an intentional nod?” “joaquim, you’ve previously said you likened operation kuron to the winter soldier. what specific portions of bucky’s story acted as springboards for the black paladins episode?”
  • world-building
  • “lauren, you’ve previously said you wish you could’ve given olia more of a backstory. can you tell us more about her?” “how did the rebel faction that matt joins actually form?” 
  • behind-the-scenes
  • “kimberly, what’s your favorite line to say in allura’s accent?” “if the production crew works on a waterfall schedule, what specific methods do you use to keep timelines and events straight and character development consistent when you’re overseeing episodes from different seasons within the same day?” “how do you ensure each writer writes the characters the same way?” “rhys, how many of coran’s altean phrases are ad-libbed?” 
  • clarifications
  • “did lance actually die in omega shield or was he just knocked unconscious? it was unclear.”

these are just my suggestions and are absolutely not definitive, but i hope fans will understand why some questions are more appropriate than others and will keep these thoughts in mind. when you want to ask the cast and crew something, don’t forget to take a moment to reflect and ask yourself whether your question is respectful, answerable, and helpful to other fans. 


just trying to do my bestpacito here


a summery klance! made this drawing for an acrylic stand, which i’ll have at I33 @ AX AA this year! 

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