
Fiadh ♡ (semi-hiatus)

@fiadh-bell / fiadh-bell.tumblr.com

pfp by me!! || see my intro post (pinned) for details and interests!!


name: Fiadh (pronounced fee · uh)

pronouns: she/her

religion: just a simple Christian trying to show that not all of us are unaccepting :)

culture: mexican, scots-irish, native american

hobbies: drawing, character design, reading, gaming, singing, playing the electric bass guitar, listening to music

other: MINOR!!, happily taken, infj/isfj, scorpio, hufflepuff

what I post: really just anything about my interests!! I don't write tho; I haven't found the creative spark in me for that yet(─^─||)

hyperfixations fandoms/interests (faves):

  • Marvel/MCU (Doctor Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker)
  • Tangled (Rapunzel, Flynn Rider)
  • TES V: Skyrim (Marcurio, Miraak, Teldryn Sero, Caryalind Thallery, Kaidan)
  • The Arcana: A Mystic Romance (Count Lucio, Valerius)
  • Stranger Things (Eddie Munson!!!!!!)
  • Markiplier :)
  • Encanto (Camilo)
  • Genshin Impact (The Fatui..., Zhongli, The Wanderer/Scaramouche)
  • Demon Slayer (Tanjirō, Gyomei)
  • BNHA/MHA (Bakugō, Shinsō, Sero)
  • Monster High (Draculaura)
  • Coco (Hector)
  • Tim Burton (Victor)
  • + more :)

extra notes:

  • my ask box is open!! you can ask me anything, if you'd like!! I just may not get to it very quickly as I tend to always have a busy schedule(─^─||)just no nsfw, please!!
  • did I mention I love all my moots/followers? ♡♡ /p fr tho you're all so cool and I wish I wasn't always so nervous to strike up a convo with y'all
  • that's all!! have a lovely day!! ♡♡


johnny mactavish x reader

summary: you’re a very sleep-deprived insomniac, your boyfriend has to deal with it.

tags: established relationship, sleepy cuddles, fluff, sleepy! johnny, short fic, totally not self indulgent because i can’t sleep rn

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YOU HUFF LAZILY as you lay awake in your lover’s arms. Insomnia sucked. That’s all you could think in the moment. Johnny, your beloved boyfriend, was half asleep, breathing slow and steady as his muscled arms engulf you, keeping you close to his chest. Slowly, you blink, trying to ease yourself into sleep- yet it never comes. “Johnny, baby.” You mumble, shaking him gently. “Mhhm..” his brows furrow as he pushes his face against the top of your head. “Baby, talk to me.” You whine, voice still quiet as you tap his side. “Wha’s wrong..?” He slurs out, Scottish accent thick with sleep. “Can’t sleep.” You respond, tangling your legs between his as you shuffle even closer. Johnny let’s out a soft noise, kissing your forehead. “What’dya wanna talk about, love?” He questions, eyes barely open.

“Anything. Just wanna sleep.” You sigh, squeezing your boyfriend a little tighter. “Okay…” Johnny exhales slowly, his breath hits your face gently. Seconds soon turn to minutes, and you realise Johnny’s dozing off again. You smile a little, kissing his lips gently. Your boyfriend hums, kissing back lazily as he nuzzles closer. You stay silent for a little while, hand rubbing his back as you ponder about anything to talk about. “Baby,” you begin, listening to him hum in acknowledgement. “Would you rather… kiss a hundred frogs, or never kiss me again?” You question, watching his brows furrow. “Wha..?” He asks, exhaling slowly after. “Kiss a hundred frogs, or never kiss me again, choose one.” You smile at his confused expression. “Kiss a hundred frogs.” He mutters after a beat of silence. “Aw.” You croon, kissing him gently. “Okay, lover boy. Would you rather…” you trail off, thinking for a moment. “Quit your job or… quit nights out?” You smile, knowing he’d have a tricky time answering that one considering he loved both. “Oof… uh, quit nights out?” Johnny responds, voice more quiet as he’s still tired. “Your turn.” You nudge him gently, watching him swipe at his eyes before blinking a few times to look at you.

“Alright…” he responds, looking around your shared room in the base for anything to provide inspiration. “Would you rather not cure your insomnia, or sleep for a hundred years?” He asks teasingly. “Hmm… so if I chose to not cure my insomnia I be able to see you?” You ask, he nods a little; cheeky smile on his lips. “Hmm… then i’d have to not cure my insomnia. I wouldn’t want to be in a cruel, boyfriend-less world.” You giggle, kissing him. “Alright, alright.” Johnny nods, adjusting his hold on you. “Would you rather… eat Gaz’s cooking, or eat four bugs of your choice?” He asks, that grin spreading even more. “Oh, I’d eat Gaz’s cooking, I wouldn’t be able to eat bugs.” You laugh, he nods. “Fair enough, but i’d take the bugs just to be safe.” He jokes, sharing a laugh with you.

A few moments of silence pass by, you’re trying to see if you can sleep easier, yet no matter how hard you tried; you couldn’t. “Johnny.” You pat his back once more. “Yeah, baby?” He responds, voice much more sleepy now. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” You smile, kissing his cheek. “A worm?” He repeats, brows knitting together. “Yeah, a worm.” You nod, pushing your face into his neck. “Like one that lives in the dirt or a different type of worm?” Johnny asks you, you laugh. “What other types of worms are there? Yes, a dirt-dwelling worm.” You respond, fingers massaging his back. “Hmm… it’d be tough but, yeah. I’d still love you, as long as you still knew it was me.” Johnny nods, arms squeezing you more firmly. “Would you fight all the other worms for me?” You giggle softly, hand slipping under his shirt so your fingertips could trace lines up and down his back.

“I’d fight all the worms for you, baby.” Johnny yawns, kissing your ear gently. “I’d fight people for you. I’d kick ass as a worm.” You respond, listening to a chuckle rumble through your boyfriend’s chest. Slowly, you begin to yawn, sleep finally beginning to pull at you. “You’d be a very badass worm, love. I’d get you a little helmet and vest so you could come with on missions.” Johnny smiles, moving your leg over his hip to cradle you closer. “Sweet.” You grin, leaning your weight against your boyfriend as your eyes finally begin to close. “Dozing off?” He asks, tone sweet. “Mhm… thanks, baby.” You respond, hand slowly stopping upon Johnny’s back as you grow more and more sleepy. “Of course, love.” He replies, kissing your head. “Love you, Johnny.” You purr, smiling sweetly as he takes a soft breath. “I love you more, even if you were a worm.”


Thoughts about boyfriend!soap

John "soap" Mactavish x gn!reader

Warnings: none

Boyfriend!soap who enters your shared apartment after running some errands. Only to find goh fast asleep on the sofa, wearing one of his massive jumpers and some fuzzy socks

Boyfriend!soap who places a gentle kiss on your temple before scooping you up in his arms, taking care in not waking up your sleeping form

Boyfriend!soap tucks you into bed, your body sinking Into the soft pillows and blankets

Boyfriend!soap who shortly gets in bed with you after changing into something more comfortable himself, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and spooning you. His head resting on your shoulder as he soons joins you in your world of sleep

Harpsinfinity 2023©

Anonymous asked:

Hi hello! Could you do one for Soap please where his s/o is more reserved, sensitive and softspoken than he is especially in social settings and it has her feeling insecure? Like she can't "match his energy" or something so she doesn't truly belong with him?

the introvert and extrovert trope🫶🏼💞

soap is always considerate—no matter the situation, especially considerate when he sees how shy you get in public, clinging to his side and just letting out slow nods when he asks you something, it makes the man’s heart melt!! how could it not? his pretty wee pup hiding behind him like a cowering dog :((

never forces you to speak though, he answers questions for you. at a café, and you’re too shy to speak? don’t worry, he has your back babeee!

‘and what would you like, maam?—‘

‘she wants a chocolate eclair, nat’ the wee small one though—a big ‘un, wae a cuppa, cheers.’

opposites attract. fullstop, he’s bubbly, cheery and can get along with almost anyone—you’re meek, keep to yourself and only speak unless spoken to, and the teasing does happen, that’s why he’s there, though <3

‘no—no johnny..don’t say anything—‘

yet ur pleas fell to deaf ears, gently pushing your hand away from his arm as he turned round’ to face your antagoniser

‘what t’fuck did yae’ jest’ say t’her? ill bounce ye’ up an’ down that kerb, ya’ cunt!’

sitting in bed together after a day out shopping, rested comfortably beside your doting partner, matching lilo and stitch pyjama set thrown atop you both— fingers circling ‘round the man’s chest slowly.

‘do you think..’

a pause, the man’s bright eyes flickered to meet your own soft gaze, your plush lips parted.

‘do you think i’m too..quiet? like.. we don’t fit? match..? surely you could go for someone more,like.. social.’

sniffling, tears pricked your waterline, stabbing your cheeks like a thousand shards of glass, inhaling softly.

‘am i good enough?’

immediately, mactavish scoffed and rolled onto his side, arm slung ‘round you and trapping you on the bed, kissing your jaw.

‘dinnae say that. don’t ye fuckin’ dare, love.’

‘yer’ perfect, fuckin’ stunnin n’ fit me perfectly, dinnae matter if we’re ‘opposites’, fuck whoever created that wee image.’

‘you’re amazing, and so is she.’

johnnys hand moved to slide between your furry bottoms, index finger gently tapping at your clothed cunt.

‘how ‘bout i make you talk if yer so nervous about it, aye?’

Anonymous asked:

Soap going to the front desk in a wallmart just to ask if he can use the mask and he goes "will my beautiful wife please come to the front desk? I've been looking for her and i can't find her."

someone sent me an ask saying that Soap hits on you in public and this is exactly what came to mind

he's such a little shit about it too. describing how you've got the prettiest face and the most perfect ass that you'd be hard to miss if someone walked past you.

he wouldn't stop stating every last embarrassing compliment, making the people around the store chuckle and laugh quietly until he sees you storming to the front desk to take the microphone from him. you quickly apologize to the managers for your husband but he's smug asf until you drag him out by his ear.

don't worry, he made sure to make it up to you later by really putting his loud mouth to good use :)


Who's the worst ass slapper?

Prompt: Who's the worst ass slapper? Who's going to heaven, and who's going to ass-slapper hell?

Featuring: TF141 - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x GN!Reader

Word Count: 0.2k

Warnings: none

John Price

He’s a gentle one. Proud about something you did? Gives you a good job pat on the ass. Worms his hand into the back pocket of your pants while waiting around in line. Maybe pokes or squeezes it if you’re up on a step stool or a ladder.

what 141's military personnel file looks like

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NOTE: NOT CANON! most of the information is based off of the wiki/my medical file post

summary: So what exactly were in those dossiers Price gave to Laswell at the end of MW 2019? Here's a look into those, along with some reminders/sticky notes. Answering this ask :)

ALSO! the ages were such a headache this post did a great job explaining how confusing the wiki/some statements are so please check it out

warnings: medical inaccuracies, mention of wounds/wound care, mentions of depression, medical terminology

a/n: these came out better than i thought! also 2004 was such a bad year for Price and Ghost

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Anonymous asked:

Ok, so Soap and shy wife. We all know he's the definition of sunshine/happy puppy and has the energy of an entire class of kindengarden. Imagine when they first meet the couple and he's all loud and jolly, and wife quietly shakes their hand and says "Nice to meet you" and he INSTANTLY quiets, because he's proud of his Darling to meet his friends/family, also because they're all wondering how she puts up with him🤣❤

LOSING MY MIND AT "they're all wondering how she puts up with him" BECAUSE THAT IS BASICALLY THEIR DYNAMIC 🤧💗💗

Includes: tooth-rotting fluff!
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!

You just know this man does not shut up about you every time he meets up with his team for work. 

And then, one day, he surprises them with a “she’d love y’all to come over one day.”

“Didn’t you say she’s a lil’ shy?” Kyle voiced out everyone’s thoughts, so to be offered not by the man himself but the meek lady in question was a little surprising, to say the least.

“She is, yeah, but she’s open t’meeting a few pals o’mine.” Johnny meant it to sound casual, but with his mates knowing him for a long time, it wasn’t hard to catch the hint of care in his voice.


Government name vs Military callsign

Prompt: What scares them worse? Addressing them by their full government name, or addressing them by their military callsign?

Featuring: Task Force 141 (CoD: MW2) - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish (separately) x GN!Reader

Word Count: 0.9k

Warnings: none

John Price

Government name.

Calling him Captain or Skipper just ends with him sauntering to where ever you are and ask (in an obnoxiously self-satisfied voice) what you wanted. Like a cat pretending it can’t hear the urgency in your tone when you say to get off the counter.

“If you want me to ‘shake a leg’, call my name, luvie.”

Now if you holler “Jonathan Price”, he’ll drop something. Either the newspaper in his hands, or his heart into his stomach. He sure as hell moves his ass with a purpose, and he’s peering into the room with an apology on his lips.


— coffee at midnight (masterlist)

Pauses, then says

"You're my best friend"

And you knew what it was, he is in love.

SUMMARY: Military consumes your private time to the point that you pretty much can't live without it. All of the boys from Task Force 141 are just like brothers, not only best friends – you know that you can trust them with your whole heart.

Somehow, one of them manages to steal it completely, and that's on Johnny MacTavish.

☕︎☕︎☕︎ idiots in love, friends to lovers, found family, hurt/comfort, pining

FIRST COFFEE ☕︎ — you meet and comfort sergeant MacTavish.

SECOND COFFEE ☕︎ — you cry the first time on field.

THIRD COFFEE ☕︎ — you have doubts.

FOURTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you try to get some intel.

FIFTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you change your routine.

SIXTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you make plans.

SEVENTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you get into domestic things.

EIGHTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you finally go back to the boys.

NINTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you try to segregate your thoughts.

TENTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you bond with the boys.

ELEVENTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you go on another mission.

Anonymous asked:

fake dating with Soap will include him going "let's practice kissing. you know, so it seems more real." and him kissing you like you're the love of his life, leaving you both dazed and minds fogged up. then he does it again because "that wasn't quite right. lemme try again." and cue to both of you falling off the couch and kissing on the floor *giggling and kicking my feet at the thought of this*

anon. i had to write something more for this

"'st for practice. It has to look real." he begs you.

You start to think you don't really get the terms of this deal. As Soap determined the meaning of this fake dating thingy, it had to be strictly casual. Every little hug now and then, holding hands, casual kiss on the cheek so his aunts wouldn't suspect him of lying right in front of them (ironic, isn't it?). It worked at the beggining – to be strict, two birthdays, his aunt's and grandma's – but now, he's in your apartment, saying something about this relationship being fake.

"It... is, fake." you say, absolutely bamboozled, which causes Soap to groan and shake his head.

He invades your private space, as he traps you between his arms, his palms on the cushions beside you. If it wasn't a fake thing, you'd probably start making out with him, but it is fake. You have to be professional to not cross a boundary that you set for yourself.

"Come on, hen" his voice drops an octave; you shiver at the feeling of his cold fingers touching the side of your neck. "We have to kiss, eventually. Happy kiss, happy couple."

You want to correct him, but when your gaze crosses with his, his absolute blue, puppy eyes convince you. It's nothing. You've done worse things for the missions, almost had to sleep with the enemy for an intel. It's not like you can't do kissing practice for a simple friend.

The moment he kisses you, you know it's not going to be a practice. It's far from it, he kisses you so deeply, so sensually, like he was a man starved – maybe he is, just like he's a fighter when his tongue absolutely dominates yours, and he lets out a satisfied groan.

You really want to end this. You do, in fact, end it, when you pull away from the kiss, panting, when he looks at you. This look is different than the last; full of lust, there's nothing of that crystal, royal blue that was here a while ago. His pupils are almost black, and you gulp, backing off a little. Trying because he's at you again.

"That... wasn't quite right. Lemme try again, eh?"


fake dating soap includes him being your parents favorite. yeah, you have told him multiple times that your parents shouldn't know about this relationship, but he doesn't really listen:/ your mum constantly asks if he's gonna come to dinner, and your dad is up for morning runs with him, when he's not deployed. soap happily agrees to everything and has time of his life, when you groan on your couch after he kisses you, he's wet and sticky from his sweat.

"'st had a talk with your dad. he's a pretty funny lad, told me about yer childhood!"

you wanted lowkey fake dating, just to make soap's life easier, but in exchange, johnny makes your life harder with being so affectionate, making your mother believe he's gonna propose to you.

is it hard, though? you're getting all the kisses from him! and he's such a good protector, isn't he? keeping you warm at night, even if you won't let him touch you.

for now, at least!

Anonymous asked:

Hiya! I was wondering if you could do a soap fluff where he never sees the reader sleep, he’s seen her up at such ungodly hours yet he doesn’t confront her because she scares him a bit, she’s quiet and only talks when spoken too, not too much like Simon though, she isn’t mean, just a little arrogant and snarky.

Soap has a little crush on her but he pushes it away most of the time, questioning himself for it but the girl never normally shows affection only little nods toward price, it’s obvious she looks up to him.

Anyway on one mission they get in the plane from Mexico and she sits down, soap sits next to her as he talks to Gaz, he feels a weight on his shoulder and she’s fast asleep, he doesn’t think much of it until she wraps her arms around his bicep, nuzzling her self into him and Gaz notices his stuttering mess and nervousness.

ignore me if you don’t wanna write soap!

John "Soap" MacTavish x f!reader

He tries to get to know you more. (1,9k)

A/N: I could never say no to my beloved Johnny; AND it's first request, very thankful!! I had to turn it into oneshot, I just had to. I hope you will enjoy <3

It's probably the way you're unavailable for him. Out of reach, he can say, but he's working on getting to it, slowly.

It's probably the way you practically don't smile, the way you're quiet, the way you're devoted to your work, just like he is.

Johnny is the type of person to be friends with everyone in Task Force 141; might be his charming nature, might be his talkativeness, but all in all, he's just everyone's friend. He likes late night talks, going to bar with squad, pretty much everything suits him and his nature.


golden retriever x black cat but it's Soap and his beloved headcanons

(p.s- fem!reader is a civilian) @sofasoap hope you like it :)
  • Honestly, the rest of the squad suddenly realize why Soap was relatively unfazed by Ghost once they meet you.
Anonymous asked:

Hi. I recently came across your headcanon about the reader and ghost at the bar. With a man hitting on you. What if you did that opposite where a girl is flirting with him?


For some reason the reader in this gives or black cat energy but I did try and keep it as ambiguous as possible!

Simon 'Ghost' Riley He would be so uncomfortable and just randomly get up and stand next to you, whispering in his ear how much he loves you and no girl will ever match your level.
'Captain' John Price The girl had the audacity to come over when you were right next to Price. John could sense your anger and patted his lap for you to sit there. Causing the girl to scoff and walk away, eliciting a giggle from you.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick Would happen when yous are playing pool. You would roll your eyes and purposely lose your round, so that when it's your turn again, you ask Gaz to 'teach' you how to play. Causing you to pratically grind on him.
Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish The second another girl starts talking to him, he starts staring at you waiting for you to notice. When you do, you walk over offer the girl a petty smile and give Soap a big ole kiss.
König You see it immediately, the model like girl flirting with him. You continuously glare at the girl until you are standing next to him and you wrap an arm around his waist. He replies by looking down at you, 100% supporting a grin behind his mask due to your obvious jealousy.

If you would like to read some of my other work, make sure to check out my MASTERLIST. And don't forget my requests are now open or just question me about things!

Join the TAGLIST.

Anonymous asked:

Can I get some silly Soap in a relationship HC's? 🐝🐝🐝

  • This man right here will eat all your snacks and then continue to deny it like his entire soul is on the line, until you point out that his fingers are still stained from your crisps. He‘d then switch tactics and try to berate you about buying off-brands even though you know he prefers the original. Laughable. You both have a little chuckle about it later, once you remind him who he is trying to gaslight here. Needless to say that he‘ll be the one buying you not only replacements but also some extra treats as punishment for not sharing.
  • You have a running joke where you photograph different soaps from all over the world, wether it be him buying some during deployment or freebie hotel ones that you take home with you. You send them to each other, with a rating from zero to John Mactavish. None have yet reached his level, though a christmas Lush bar had gotten close. John had been worried, but you reassured him that he would always be your favorite Soap. Gaz has since joined him in his soap-finding endeavors, and they get a good kick out of discovering the personal hygiene sections in foreign supermarkets.
  • John loves to call you out of the blue and often starts your conversations with an obnoxiously loud (y/n), how copy?
  • When he gets home from deployment, Johnny always flops face first onto your sofa and lets out a big groan. He is not moving. Nope. No way. You usually end up untying his shoelaces for him, because it wouldn’t be the first time that he falls asleep like this. After you put his boots away, he‘d blindly grope around for you, hoping to catch your hand or hip so that he can drag you down onto the sofa with him - which is a tempting and time consuming option. But you have found a way to reanimate him: scrambled eggs on toast with bacon and beans. The smell of that will have him running 🏃🏻
  • John loves action movies, and will make a big fuss about watching romances with you. But… well. Once you put your foot down and insist on Pride and Prejudice or The Bodyguard? He‘s hooked. Cursing at the protagonist’s stubbornness, clutching onto your waist when they finally kiss. And don‘t you dare get up to go to the toilet and pause the movie, because he will give you the most outraged glare you have ever seen from him.
  • Would beg you for a cat, and read up on all the different fancy breeds with their varying needs - only to adopt the first flea-riddled, one-eyed street kitty he finds. Johnny rushes her to the vet, and calls you to confess that you now have a new pet. When he gets home, he is scratched to hell and several hundred pounds poorer, but smiling from ear to ear. You can‘t be mad at him, and help him carry the extravagant play tower from the back of his truck into the living room. The cat never sits in it of course, much preferring your lap and stomach. He tries to bribe her with ham and chicken strips, but she only ever glowers at him.

more COD headcanons here! Thank you for this cute request, lovely! ✨


— coffee at midnight (masterlist)

Pauses, then says

"You're my best friend"

And you knew what it was, he is in love.

SUMMARY: Military consumes your private time to the point that you pretty much can't live without it. All of the boys from Task Force 141 are just like brothers, not only best friends – you know that you can trust them with your whole heart.

Somehow, one of them manages to steal it completely, and that's on Johnny MacTavish.

☕︎☕︎☕︎ idiots in love, friends to lovers, found family, hurt/comfort, pining

FIRST COFFEE ☕︎ — you meet and comfort sergeant MacTavish.

SECOND COFFEE ☕︎ — you cry the first time on field.

THIRD COFFEE ☕︎ — you have doubts.

FOURTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you try to get some intel.

FIFTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you change your routine.

SIXTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you make plans.

SEVENTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you get into domestic things.

EIGHTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you finally go back to the boys.

NINTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you try to segregate your thoughts.

TENTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you bond with the boys.

ELEVENTH COFFEE ☕︎ — you go on another mission.

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