

@kuyillustrations / kuyillustrations.tumblr.com

Illustrator and Japan lover currently living in Curitiba, Brazil. よろしく!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♡

Long time I don’t post, right? 😥 It’s because I’ve been working on some projects that unfortunately can’t show you guys right now. All I can tell it’s children related! But sometimes you can see some of my work in progress in my stories (and sometimes cats, also known as my assistants 😂😅🐈). Well, today I had some free time, so I made this timelapse to show you my sketch process (with no references). I hope you like it! 💖😗✨


✨PTBR only✨ Dia Internacional da Mulher Hoje, para mim, não é um dia de celebração e felicitações. É um dia de luto pelas mulheres que foram brutalmente assassinadas por reivindicarem melhores condições de trabalho. É um dia pesado e cansativo, pois as pessoas ao redor parecem achar que o dia é sobre celebrar o “ser mulher”. Mas, ainda sim, o que há para celebrar nisso? Diariamente mulheres, crianças e adultas, são abusadas ou morrem vítimas de estupro. Diariamente vejo feminicídios tratados como “crimes passionais” nos jornais, mesmos jornais que tratam estupro como mera “relação sexual”. Mulheres que têm seus direitos básicos limitados, seus corpos violados e mutilados. E ai se mulher reclamar disso. Será severamente julgada, dedos apontados, pedras arremessadas, fogo ateado. Mulher não pode reclamar. Se for vítima, é vitimista. Se sofre, é porque quer. O que temos de celebrar nisso tudo? Hoje é um dia de luto e de luta. É um dia para relembrarmos nossas irmãs que foram queimadas vivas. Para, mesmo com isso tudo, conseguirmos forças (de lugares inimagináveis) para nos levantarmos e lutarmos - mais um dia. Mais um dia de luta e de luto.


This year was a year of deep emotions for me. In 2016 I noticed something that was already increasing inside of me for some time: the depression, which reached a peak between the beginning and the middle of this year. It was the year that I realized the situation I was in and I was able to convince myself that I needed help - of course, with the support of friends and family.

At the end of this year I felt my improvement. I came out of a vegetative state where I couldn't move in my bed and became a more active person. I got a job, improved my illustrations and technique, I managed to find what I really like to do in life, I gave back some of the backlogs, I helped people, I started gym, martial arts and jogging, I went back to participate in events, I graduated and now I am cured of my depression.

During this period, I discovered another evil inside me: the anxiety disorder, which made me experience crises, despair, and fainting. The frequency of the crisis was more than 3 times a week. Today, twice to three times a month, all of them with a short duration, since I have learned to control myself.

I was very lucky. Lucky to find a great therapist on my first try, to my problem haven't been so intense to the point of requirement for medical support, to have been able to improve quickly and to have learned more about me on a level that has never occurred in my intire life.

For me this was a year of overcoming problems and I hope that if 2017 is going to be a worse year, I'm gonna be able to overcome it as I overcame 2016. I still have a lot to improve, but this process has already begun and the fact that I realized that I need to improve myself is already a great achievement.

Thank you to all the people involved in this, including you guys who also give me the strength to continue my work! Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand my message for new year!~ *✧♡ (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。


I gave up on Inktober at the very beginning. Many times I wanted to come back to it and I even made some of the days ramdomly (I’ll put them here later), but I couldn’t finish the whole Inktober :( I got beaten up by my really first inktober. Not proud of myself...

But then I decided to participate in the International Day of Self-Portrait, which is celebrated on November 1st! The aim is to make a self-portrait every single year and realize not only our evolution as an artist, but also our body/physical modifications through those years. This is me by myself made with ink + some digital effects in Photoshop.



Fifth day of inktober and it already seems like forever x__x I’m already too tired plus I have so much to do D: Well, today’s theme was really difficult: Nicolas Cage. Since I love his memes, I decided to honor one of them hahaha! 

I would totally have this t-shirt o_o  ps: almost a self-portrait~ ps²: This time I didn’t use brush, because I wanted to finish quicker. Well, it didn’t work at all hahaha I ended up taking forever \o\ 

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