
Bikini Armor Battle Damage

@bikiniarmorbattledamage / bikiniarmorbattledamage.tumblr.com

Poking fun at risks of being a half-naked Strong Warrior Woman. Home of the Female Armor Bingo card

i wish i could see this picture for the first time again

Every time I see some gamerbro edit of a female video game character to make her 'prettier', I always see something I have mentally dubbed Cockroach Wife Syndrome (in honor of the guy who accidentally conditioned himself to only be aroused by a fantasy of his cockroach wife Ogtha).

That is to say, there is a certain subset of gamerbro who interacts so rarely with real women, that his primary touchstone for how women look is fiction: often video games and anime. So when a video game woman looks too realistic--too close to having traits that one might find in real flesh and blood women--this is foreign to them. This is unattractive. They have been jacking it to hentai and blender animation porn for too many years, and have inadvertently conditioned themselves to only be sexually aroused by the exaggerated cartoonish traits of animated women.

So now every time I see one such edit, I can't help but think. My. What a coincidence you've made her look more like an anime waifu. Truly dedicated to your cockroach wife.

We've already did a throwback of our original post about this hilarious redesign before, but in light of what we discussed re: Silent Hill 2 and Stellar Blade nerdbro meltdowns lately, @azzandra summarizes this sadly topical problem perfectly.

People who insist on those sorts of edits, or who photoshop smiles on Marvel movie heroines, or throw a hissy fit because two square inches of pixel cleavage or butt were "censored" with character model update, clearly have a case of "literally divorced my sexual preference from real life humans and will make it everyone else's problem" disease. I'd prescribe touching some grass for that.

And no, frankly, it doesn't really matter if they're in fact irony-poisoned or otherwise insincere, as long as they're acting so loudly and publicly as if they truly felt that way. Ironic incel is still, for all intents and purposes, just another incel.

BTW, if you haven't heard of the tulpa Cockroach Wife Ogtha story and are feeling morbidly curious, please be warned of how potentially disturbing it is before googling the details.



The invaluable Shaun dropped in November a very exhaustive look at Stellar Blade and at the manufactured culture war that Mark Kern/Grummz tried to recruit the game into in an attempt to revive Gamergate.

To summarize, an introduction to whom Mark is, his failed game project and the fake outrage is followed by quite measured review of Stellar Blade itself, including a look at the story, gameplay and design. Surprising no-one, Shaun is not very impressed, despite giving it a fair shake.

Of course my favorite part must be when he makes a point about NPCs having no reaction to Eve's outfit, by making her bring tragic news to an NPC while clad in a silly bikini. Which then extends into a short discussion of what's basically our blog's thesis, including examples of varying levels of ludonarrative dissonance caused by sexualized outfits in different games. Including this comment on the skimpy costume rhetoric:

"Of course it is up to your own judgment what you think is sufficient justification for any particular character outfit or design. And if you're happy to accept actually she has to be naked because she caught Clothes-Fall-Off Disease, then that's up to you honestly, I'm not going to argue with you."

I'm with Shaun here. Perhaps pretending that this sort of Thermian Argument rhetoric is serious media analysis goes a tiny bit over the line? Maybe admitting to being a horny, aimlessly angry gremlin would actually help guys like Mark and his audience to find some cheesy fun games they'd genuinely enjoy? Hell, he could just... actually deliver that game he promised them.

Or maybe they're just too commited to spewing anti-trans hate and other Nazi rhetoric at anything even remotely "PC/woke/DEI" in their eyes to even care about actual gaming, as our last related post elaborated.



Vengeance Paladin ⚔️ my PC Raine

Raine is definitely the hero the fantasy genre needs, the paladin who will make us look deep within ourselves and ask why don't we dress all fictional men like this?

Truly inspiring.



Oh hey, new Dynasty Warriors game came out... let's see how they did with Sun Shangxiang, aka Lady Sun.

Oh dear.

And for the curious, this is what historic illustrations tend to depict her as:

Weird how gamers only seem to worry about remaining true to the source material under particular circumstances.

For further context, Lady Sun has gotten a pretty rough deal in most of the games, but this is how they made her look in Dynasty Warriors 9 (where she appeared in DLC):

So not only is this more ridiculous than just not having armor (to the extent she needs bike shorts) but it also is a massive step back.

And somehow this is now as ridiculously fantasy-esque as Hyrule Warriors, though... hopefully none of the female characters get as bad an outfit as Shia.



Silent Hill 2 is the greatest game I don't think I can unconditionally recommend to people. Because it is amazing, but its also about trauma, guilt, abuse (of adults and children) and how unhealed, festering harm perpetuates itself onto innocent bystanders. A play-through of it is a rough ride emotionally.

It also features this adorable little scamp with the excellent points.

Now, if you're at all familiar with Silent Hill 2 you're probably very well informed on what this particular meme relates to. But if you're not, and you want a primer - Dead Domain has created a video pointing out the absurdity of this particular fiasco.

This was, of course, followed up when trailer seasons came around and Naughty Dog released a trailer than seemed to depict a woman who didn't care for gender conformity, and CD Projekt trailer that indicates, let me check my notes... Ciri's appearance has changed slightly as she's grown older - also she's probably going to be the protagonist of the next game, as all variations of The Witcher always build to. This has lead to some truly amazing fan art, and also the greatest possible observation by @dyingnome

And this isn't a surprise to anyone who follows these conversations, I think it's worth talking about because certain events globally have emboldened these types (who always seem to be gulible enough to pay for a blue tick on X nee Twitter) - leading to them trying to shout out all other conversation on the medium. We are, in fact, at the point where they're admitting they are Nazis who don't play games.

Truly we have never had more confirmation that the people who aggressively campaign for a standard of cartoonishly over-sexualized as the baseline for female characters do so not out of a love of gaming, but rather because of overwhelming indifference to a medium they don't participate in.

@verilybitchie has recently just released an essay that focuses initially on disappointment with current trans, particularly non-binary, options in games, but also covers how we got there in terms of certain genres of games having been historically unwilling to to let go the male gaze.

This, of course, is not an excuse for the self-identifying Nazis etc, but goes a long way in explaining why your more normal friends might have a confused reaction, and highlights the kinds of issues in the industry that are still unaddressed.

Also, in case you're the sort of person who needs to hear it from a middle-aged or older white man:



tfw you make a whole set of custom brushes just because you wanted to paint one (1) artwork that contains fancy knight armor.

I'll never get people who even imply that you can't make a character look beautiful in a non-boobastic full plate armor. Seems like a skill issue to me. Take notes from @foervraengd!

Found this piece via inquiring the author about their other piece, The Porcelain Prince, which depicts a less sensible, but incredibly aesthetic idea of (ceremonial) porcelain armor:



Your first mistake in art is thinking you draw men and women inherently differently

I'm serious, this is genuinely not a joke. There's no wrong way to do art but you do make a mistake when you think that you draw men and women differently without any overlap or gray area, like they're two opposites and that's how they'll always be FOREVER. Treating two genders as vastly different is absolutely the incorrect way to think about things and considering how anatomy is one of the first things you practice when you start drawing human or human adjacent characters, it becomes harder and harder to unlearn as time goes on

When learning to draw, you need to understand that there's more body types for ALL genders than just "flat as a board with no hips" and "slightly thinner waist with larger chest"

There's more ways to look than androgyny you fucks

The continued comments saying "I draw both of them with big tits" or "I draw both of them as cute" or "I draw both of them the exact same" are literally missing part of my goddamn point here. I'm not saying you draw every character you ever draw exactly the same, I'm saying that when you draw characters differently based on their gender is where you're messing up

You're all also forgetting about, ya know. FAT PEOPLE. AND I AM A FAT PERSON. That one stings with disgust as well as disappointment on a lot of you. Do better.

You should be drawing characters differently, with different body shapes, with different hair colors, from different places around the world. But what you SHOULDN'T do is draw them differently strictly based on their gender and how you perceive a gendered body to be.

There is more ways to look than androgyny. There is more ways to draw than exactly the same.

OP's original point refers to how suspicious dimorphism in character design, as well as (tangentially) all the bullshit excuses for double standards in costumes, are born.

It's a serious and good art advice: Do NOT get caught up in bio-essentialism when designing characters of different sexes and/or genders, and NEVER take pointers on what features read as masculine vs feminine as gospel or as unbreakable rules, because neither life nor art works that way! And yes, making everyone uniformly androgynous isn't the answer either. Genuine diversity, as always, is the key to avoiding both the Sameface/Samebody Syndrome as well as the obsessively binary thinking about how people look.



Fantasy Classes series by Forrest Imel: Warrior, Warlock, Priest, Paladin, Druid, Mage, Ranger, Thief


We posted the warlocks before, but the entire set is an amazing example of equitable character and costume design!

And the artist is on Tumblr! @forrestimel



My redesign hot take is that if you’re aiming to “desexualize” a female character, don’t make her boobs smaller. You’re implying a lot here.

Instead of shrinking her boobs, try:

  • Changing her posture to something normal people do (bonus points for slouching/rounded shoulders, a common posture for tall and/or big chested women)
  • Making sure her outfit is appropriate for the situation (showing skin is not inherently sexualizing, lingerie armor or half-naked-in-the-snow probably is)
  • Making her torso/waist thicker, maybe even enough that all her organs would reasonably fit!

There are probably lots more options too! I’m not an artist! Just a person with a big chest and back pain!

Important points all around!

One crucial addition: do know the difference between shrinking the boobs as part of the anatomy and containing the boobs within chest wear, like a layered armor or a sports bra (a.k.a. don't be like the dudebros who cried about Tifa getting a "breast reduction" via sports bra in FF7 remake).



Baldur's Gate 3 (Part 2 - Minthara)

Okay, I covered the stuff in Baldur's Gate 3 is mixed and complicated. Let's talk about an objectively well executed character and visually designed - Minthara.

From a general writing perspective, she's exactly what I mean when I say it's not enough to support, women's rights - we need to support their wrongs. She is complicated, ruthless and villainous in a way we rarely get to see female characters - and every aspect of her design supports and conveys it.

Spoilers below the cut.


So apparently Zak Snyder, not yet content with the violence he has already done to the media of film, has an animated movie coming out on Netflix in September, "Twilight of the Gods".

Based on what I can find, this lady appears to be Sigrid, and she is:

  1. A child of the giants (hence the small stature I suppose?); and
  2. On an epic quest for revenge; and
  3. Various vikings and Thor are in it.

Now obviously point #1 indicates this is not anything seeking historical accuracy so I will waive my usual "why she have a woad tattoo" query, grudgingly, and instead ask where did get bike shorts, and knee high socks? What is this outfit!?

And why does she look much more scary and badass when she's NOT on a battlefield with a sword and shield?

I mean, you'd think if there was one time she'd want to actually make sure she looks protected and intimidated - it'd be the battlefield right? Particularly since she clearly kicks ass in that fight against men two to four times her size.

Also who sold her those bike shorts? Is that the real plot?



Baldur's Gate 3 (Part 1 - Introduction)

It's a great time to be an old school Dungeons & Dragons player, you get to smugly observe millions of people realizing the game is good actually... or at least that the game can facilitate heart touching romances with imaginary, terrible people.

(To be clear, I'm not judging you - these two are, but I'm not)

As one of the biggest AAA games of 2023, it's unsurprising that it's big and complicated - and there's a lot that can be talked about with many aspects of it - including female armor and costumes. Indeed, there's already a lot of commentary on it and community activity, from the confusing, to the life affirming.

And of course, both Dungeons & Dragons and Larian Studios have histories that we've touched on before - and I can confidently say it represents a huge improvement in quality, style and attitudes. Plus sometimes their advertising is just gay.

There's good, there's bad, there's inspired and there's missed opportunities - so it'd be impossible to sum it all up in one post.

Also, now it's finished... I can feel safe commenting on it and not being told "that's changing next week" - that's the excuse I'm using for being so late to the party on this one.

It'll also be impossible to avoid talking about it without some spoilers. So I'll try to cover as much as possible spoiler-free, then put spoilers below a read-more break.



Discussion of the Star Wars property has, once again, been pretty rancid lately. Shocking news I know.

Unsurprisingly it's largely because of a bunch of people who will tell you're they're definitely not racist but clearly are losing their minds over a black woman having a light saber.

So lets cast our minds back to simpler times, when people understood that what we really wanted to see was a very sexy Leia and Han costume swap. Bless America Young and Dove Meir for providing this to us.

Just look at all that empowerment.


Source: advocate.com

leggomywaffle submitted:

Saw this cover from a post by my local comic store. This comes out on May 6th and has the description: “featuring Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, Red Sonja, Kato, Jungle Girl, and many, many more! Villains and heroes from a dozen worlds and eras face off against a legendary evil that threatens all their homelands.”
Funny how not a single woman from this various eras and worlds has ever considered wearing more than lingerie into battle. The one ladies sword has more metal than her entire set of metal “armor”!
Combined, these women almost fulfill the entire bingo card! Wow!

I was really hoping that this cover would not summarize the content of the book, which is the combining of many great heroines from the Golden Age of comics - but sadly the contents of the book do seem to send a clear message from Dynamite Entertainment: Women are only worth putting in comics if they visually coded as sex objects first:

Nostalgia has a massive influence on comics, largely because only a few creative people are involved in making them (compared with video games and movies) and most of them are specialist skill sets. This combined with general risk aversion, means that sadly none of the “big” titles are prone to challenging their old conventions. 

This is particularly disappointing for Dynamite since the company only started in 2005 - but has huge gallery of golden age characters they purchased but have continued to make them generic copies of what made them so unsuccessful they were up for sale.

I mean you want to know how generic this cover is? Let’s compare it to another heroine based book J Scott Campbell was recruited to do the cover for:


So, while I want to be really excited about having a big story that is a lot of Golden Age heroines getting together, it’s really hard to do that when the art is basically reduces them all down to the same Barbie dolls with the same “How do we dodge the censors?” costume design ideas.

I love nostalgia as much as the next comic book fan - but at some point we have to ask what is the point of continuing the art if we don’t really advance it? And what is the point of doing a girl power comic if the introduction to it could be used as a textbook example of male gaze in comics?

- wincenworks

More on comic books | More on Red Sonja | more on J. Scott Campbell

Just in case anyone still thought J. Scott Campbell somehow was a skilled artist rather than a hack who never gets out of his extremely narrow, male-gazey comfort zone... No, the above covers were not a coincidence. I just stumbled upon another Generic Melted Barbies Posing Group Shot of his by chance:

I so totally can tell how those three dominatrix-looking ladies are different from one another... or even from ladies from the last two covers... I mean, one is red, one pale blue and one has the rebel haircut! So unique! /s 🙃

He just keeps drawing the same shit over and over and publishers seem happy enough with continuing the partnership. And we really could keep going...

Dear gods, those poses never get any less awkward either...


PS: Another reason for this celebratory throwback is this post no longer being hidden by Tumblr's weird anti-porn algorithm (we appealed it). We'll see if it sticks with more images!


A warrrior with abundant osteoptimism and one more skeleptical re: bone toughness.

There are two kinds of characters...

Once again @mcnostril takes a much funnier spin on explaining skimpy armor than any apologist fanboy or self-righteous artist does with their thermian arguments and such.



there is a huge difference between criticizing an institution and criticizing individual behavior. i can criticize the makeup industry without criticizing the 14 year old girl who uses concealer because she’s self-conscious about her acne; i can criticize the plastic surgery industry without vilifying the woman who decided to get a nose job after two decades of pointed comments and bullying. it is intellectually dishonest to respond to an institutional criticism as if it were a personal attack; on the flip side, it is cruel and unnecessary to leverage personal attacks in the name of institutional criticism

if i see one (1) more person respond to a perfectly reasonable beauty-industry-critical sentiment with “but i personally enjoy eyeshadow. why are you attacking people who like eyeshadow :(” or “exactly, all women who wear makeup are miserable and brainwashed” i am going to climb a tree and bite the top of it

no it absolutely is not

It really applies to pop media as well. We get occasional "but I really like playing as a sexy female warrior" responses to our content, and they're just missing forest for the trees.

Liking individual examples or having a personal preference towards part of a bigger problematic trend doesn't justify the trend as a whole. You're allowed to (and even should) enjoy something while being critical of what tropes it contributes to on a bigger scale.

You're not a bad person for liking it, of course, as long as you're cognizant of its implications. It also helps to note whether the problematic trope is played straight or heightened in some way, via satire, stylization or deconstruction.

Taking a statement like "bikini armor is sexist" as a personal attack, because you're, say, a World of Warcraft megafan, says a lot more about you than about the person who made the statement.


PS: Just as the OP, we denounce this post being appropriated by radfems, SWEFRs, TERFs and similar scum*. If you're one of them and see this reblog, keep scrolling.

PPS: Tumblr fucked up and posted this early on Friday when it was still a draft and I was showing it for a friend to beta-read. Re-posting it on Saturday.

*glossary for uninitiated under the cut


Um, Valiant Force girls are doing that optical illusion pose torso forward, legs backwards pose again.  Maybe they’re taught this at knight school.

This one is at least not as confusing as Mulan’s, it just looks like she has her legs on backwards.

(Game art of Victoria Bloodknight from Valiant Force, XII Braves, submitted by anonymous)

Im not great at anatomy either tbh but i was overcome with the urge to edit her

Nice edit! I noticed you fixed her armor a bit too. The pose definitely makes a lot more sense than the original where she literally looks like she put her legs on backwards. Also the edit kinda highlights how tiny her torso is despite how armored it is.

Some art is nearly beyond redemption, some needs just a few edits and some, like this, would require extensive fixes to address ALL of its anatomy and costuming problems. @dr-teatime focused on the couple most crucial edits and that already highlighted how there's still hope for this design, and even the pose... Just let the artist use some anatomy reference (no, lingerie catalogue doesn't really count) next time.


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