
Jeremy Corbyn Retire Bitch!!!


| My main blog is @secretariatjohnkerry | Just a trans Jewish commie who loves Ed Miliband almost as much as they hate Jeremy Corbyn.

when i say we need judaislamic solidarity i mean beyond the superficial “we don’t eat pork!” muslims need to dismantle antisemitism in our community, and jewish people need to do the same with islamophobia in theirs. we actually need to band together because we have so many similarities in our ideas and practices, more similarities than differences. we’re never going to get anywhere with half-hearted jokes, 2019 is the year for action


Dunno if anyone outside the UK has noticed, but Britain in the last week has decided that tipping milkshakes over fascists is what we do now.

To the point that McDonalds were asked by the police to stop selling them, and it didn’t help at all.

Someone with a gourmet giant shake today just drenched Farage and he looks like a sad milky weasel. Blessed day.


the new saying is “lactose the intolerant” lmao


I am absolutely begging non-Jews to stop framing the Holocaust as a “more respected” tragedy in comparison to other genocides and atrocities. There seems to be a general belief amongst non-Jews that everyone knows a lot about the Holocaust and is respectful of it. In reality multiple studies have shown that this is not the case. The general public in many places (yes including America) know little about the Holocaust and a shocking number hold antisemitic beliefs about it. Personally in America the education I received on it went only so far as to paint America as a heroic nation while glossing over its own rampant antisemitism including its refusal of Jewish refugees all while showing me graphic images of dead and tortured Jewish people.

I think it’s also important to acknowledge that a lot of meaningful awareness, documentation, etc. of the Holocaust has been fueled by Jewish people in spite of how society has treated our history and not because of it. Nations have minimized their involvement, history has been avoided, justice has often been denied us. We, like every other marginalized group who’s faced similar atrocities, have had to fight to keep our history alive when oppressive systems have done their best to erase it. To believe otherwise is to minimize the effects of both past and present antisemitism on the treatment of our voices.

I also often see non-Jews say things like “well [x] insensitive thing would never be said/believed if it was about the Holocaust” and every time it’s something I absolutely have heard said/believed about the Holocaust. I have had people defend their nazi soldier grandparents to me, been casually told the Holocaust was for the best, met my fair share of Holocaust deniers. Not to mention the general insensitive misconceptions I regularly hear tossed about.

All this to say that y’all need to stop treating Jewish people like some OppressedLite™️ group. Stop talking about antisemitism in the past tense and talking about our history in a way that erases our continuing struggles to keep it alive. Don’t bring us up as a coddled minority. It’ not only inaccurate but fucking dangerous for us when you completely ignore the oppression we’re still facing.


so the rothschilds movie, looked at mel gibson, what a delight to read on his wiki when he got pulled over for a DUI: "Gibson exploded into an angry tirade when the arresting officer would not allow him to drive home. Gibson climaxed with the words, "Fucking Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?" and is a racist and antisemitic catholic. nice! (/s)


Don’t forget how he, on a separate and earlier occasion, called Winona Ryder, a Jewish woman, “oven dodger” at a party. At least we have another piece of evidence to point to when we hear how Jews run and control Hollywood.


ok heres a little informative post

goy = person who is not jewish (ex “i am a goy”)

goyim = people (plural) who are not jewish. “im” is a plural suffix in hebrew, like “s” or “es” in english. (ex “we are goyim”)

goyische / goyishe = adjective meaning not jewish (ex “i am goyische”)

goys = not a word. goyim is a word

gentile = the english word for goy. person who is not jewish. as an english word, the plural is gentiles. (ex “i am a gentile”). goyim tend to use the english word more than the hebrew version, while jews like myself tend to use the hebrew word. if you have trouble with hebrew conjugation, just stick to using gentile/gentiles, bc it’s easier for ppl unfamiliar w hebrew and means the same thing!

goy is not a slur, and this claim doesn’t even make sense, bc “people who are not jewish” is not an oppressed group. saying goy is a slur is like saying gringo is a slur.

hope this leads to less people saying stuff like “i’m goyim”


you know how Wikipedia loves to say that “(person) has a Jewish (parent)/was raised on a Jewish household” as a way of distancing the person from being Jewish?

the Dan Levy wiki article REALLY takes the cake

“His father’s family is Jewish.” Not even his father Eugene Levy is Jewish. But his fathers FAMILY.

like the implication that Dan and Eugene just have some distant Jewish relatives is soooo ridiculous


i went to the page to gladly see it had been recently edited to say he is jewish, then scrolled down in the previous edits to see that it had been previous edited for this exact same reason & then changed back because…..

like you have to be fucking kidding me!!! anyway i edited it to fit wikipedia’s standards to at least say that his father is jewish & include a direct source from dan which was the best i could find that i knew wiki editors couldn’t refute. obvs not how jewish ethnicity Actually Works but i gotta play that goyische game

just thought i’d check eugene’s page too &

i mean eugene is like one of the most famous living jewish comedians but ok!!!! fixed that too to say he is jewish & also fixed sarah levy’s page since, unsurprisingly, hers also said that her “father’s family” is jewish

hey all just a reminder that dan, eugene, & sarah levy are jewish & that that’s really important not to erase, especially because their representation is really important to gay jews like me 💜✡

Anonymous asked:

Im just completely confused as to why youre focusing primarily on the uk??? like it's not like you live here so? Why not focus on your own countries politics... Theres plenty to talkabout there. Its just annoying that I live here and work in westminster and see you all quoting articles that have been blown hugely out of scale. But I guess no one on this site is interested in the truth.

I have a blog dedicated to American politics :'))) I started this blog years ago because my partner and a lot of my friends lived in England and were always talking to me about politics. I got really invested in the 2015 election because they were working campaigns over there at the same time I was working for a primary campaign for the 2016 election over here, so we spent a lot of time talking and comparing candidates. I liked Ed more than anyone we had over here at the time, and I didn't wanna spam my USpol blog with UK stuff, so I just made a separate blog for it. I don't really remember how it also became my Jewish blog, I guess I just thought it mixed well because I was happy that the Labour party had a Jewish leader.

Also, I'm totally willing to have a discussion with you, but I'm honestly really done with goyim dismissing reports of antisemitism as exaggerated lies, I deal with that too much irl, so I'm not gonna engage with statements like the one at the end of your question

Anonymous asked:

can u stop assuming shit about UK politicans and parties... it actually makes me sick 😷 u americans always try to force your fucking misguided opinions on everything

Sorry I honestly have no idea what this is about??? Is there a specific post you have a problem with? I very rarely make original posts about UK politics, and most of the posts/articles I reblog about those issues come from UK sources. I did spend some time in England, and I did a bit of political stuff there (although it definitely wasn't for that long a time and it was way back when Ed was Labour leader, so I'm not claiming to be an expert), but I definitely have personal experience with Labour antisemitism, assuming that's what this is about (but also sorry if this is supposed to be a joke/parody ask, I can be really bad at telling sometimes)

In the latest explosive revelation, UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was found Tuesday to have authored a glowing foreword to a book that claims that Jews control global financial systems and describes them as “men of a single and peculiar race.”
As uncovered by the UK’s Times newspaper, Corbyn in 2011 endorsed a new edition of the 1902 book “Imperialism: A Study,” by JA Hobson, a British economist who, according to historian William Rubinstein, is known for his “vocal anti-Semitism” both personally and in his writing.
In the book, Hobson describes the global and financial system as controlled by people “united by the strongest bonds of organisation, always in closest and quickest touch with one as other, situated in the very heart of the business capital of every state, controlled, so far as Europe is concerned, by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience, they are in a unique position to control the policy of nations.”
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