the one that doesnt move just stretch his neck to look over

except for that one that hops away and gives no fucks

why do i find this cute as fuck?


Shoutout to the guy with the icon of that green bird guy from sonic who I kept getting into fights with in 7th grade and everytime I’d log into my alternate “youtube staff” account and ask for his password and every single time he’d give it to me and I’d delete his account and he remade like 3 times and all 3 times I did it again

If you used to have a YouTube with a Jet the Hawk icon, and if your account got stolen and deleted 3-4 times in 2008-2009, please contact me, I want to reconnect


genuinely enjoying and being okay with watching someone play video games rather than playing it yourself is younger sibling culture.

Whole heartily agree


Like it’s become public knowledge that Beyoncé donates her wealth to create shelters and scholarships, to bail out wrongfully-jailed protesters, and even finds time to give back to disaster-stricken communities but yet somehow her earning millions makes her comparable to these oil tycoons?????

God no matter what you do, how nice you are, there will always be someone angry yelling from the sidelines.


Especially if you’re a black woman

Let’s not forget people blaming her for O'Rourke losing to the Zodiac Killer in Texas. As if Taylor Swift didn’t endorse 2 people who lost their elections. But we didn’t hear anyone yelling about that…


Another fucking bone thief?




this is genuinely so fucking disgusting and horrifying. let her rest in peace and stop being a racist piece of shit with a CHILD’S REMAINS

Chiming in as a professional osteologist: this is wildly unethical and unfortunately extremely common. Big shock, but most bone hoarders are entirely ignorant of history and/or racist shit heads who powertrip off the opportunity to own somebody else’s remains. Most are unspeakably boring people who feel the need to pretend to be a witch / cultist / scientist / curator so that someone will think they are edgy and cool, and either don’t know/ don’t care that many older medical specimens were obtained before consent and professional codes of ethics were a thing. Inevitably, academic institutions clean up the messes that these idiots leave behind, and this behavior isn’t victim free. There is a huge difference between donated medical specimens, and whatever the fuck this situation is. Nobody ever consented to be shown off like a trophy by some empty-headed scene kid whose grasp of human decency is even shittier than her dye job.

heres a master collection of the worst screencaps youve ever seen:

and of course, because everyone is a crackhead today i guess:

and of course, at PEAK headassery, we have this:

What the ffffuck

Hey guys not to dip in on the discourse here but selling human remains on etsy directly violates etsy’s policies and i’d definitely not snitch if a couple (a lot) of people reported this.


My dad: “So if your pronouns are they and them, how should I refer to you when I brag about you? My daughter? My son?”

Me: “Mom’s just been calling me her kid or her child.”

My dad: “I shall call you…my Eldest Spawn.”

I feel like it’s worth noting that he was wearing a Cthulu t-shirt when this happened.


Twitter made the Jewish lady that posted this delete it for “threatening violence.”

Her followers spent the rest of the day tweeting this. Trolls couldn’t keep up.

Coming from someone who studies the Holocaust and the history surrounding it, It is important to remember that Nazis were human, not monsters. It’s important because if we dehumanize them we create a level of separation between us and them. It’s important because if we create that level of removal, we start ignoring the subtle signs of antisemitism because “Oh, well they’re just a normal human, not a monster, i’m sure it’ll be alright.” It’s important because when we create that level of removal, they come back in waves. It’s important because when you create that level of separation, you get the problems that we have now.

There is a very simple set of brain equations involved when we dehumanize the enemy, and it goes something like this:

“Nazis are monsters” “I would not be friends with a monster” The CORRECT conclusion is “I cannot be friends with Nazis” BUT PEOPLE KEEP BELIEVING THE COROLLARY “None of my friends are Nazis” “…even that one guy who keeps posting ‘ironic’ Pepe memes, who never really grew out of his 4Chan /pol/ phase, and who keeps trying to have really intense conversations with me about ‘globalists’. But he’s my friend! I’ve known him forever! He doesn’t REALLY believe any of that stuff. He’s just kind of an asshole, and we love him anyway.” This is a very bad corollary. It is an extraordinarily dangerous corollary. When we sincerely believe that we would not be friends with bad people, we ignore the signs that our friends are bad people.

(Friendly note: you can replace “Nazi” above with “sexual predator” or “racist” or “abuser”. Same hat, pretty much. There are very real reasons not to dehumanize the enemy, and they have nothing to do with the enemy’s right to humanity, and everything to do with the enemy’s ability to sneak past our lines wearing a nice-person mask.)

I’m reblogging this to my main blog because it is extremely fucking important.


Can someone just………………. explain French to me?


its spanish but you speak it in cursive

You have 11 letters. You pronounce 4 of them.

Learn to speak spanish. Now learn to speak italian. Now subtract the spanish from italian. You are left with french.

Latin, but then make it fashion

Cover the second half of the word, squint, and pronounce only the vowels you think you see

gargling but with air


we should make fun of americans more. why dont their shops include tax in the price tag. like how much does this item cost? its a surprise :)

Honestly, tea. I’ve lived here my whole life and I have never once known what my total is gonna be at the register. Total fucking mystery.


im an ex-american living in new zealand for the past two years and it still never fails to blow my mind that i can take a $2 coin, walk up to a counter with two $1 items, and perform the expected transaction


this callout is completely deserved


Ngl as much as i’m sad e’dawn will no longer be in Pentagon, seeing him post on ig after the news broke with a huge smile and Hyuna tagged on his heart put my own heart at ease. I’m glad he seems happy, us Universe’s will make it through this 💙


okay, i’m seriously pissed off right now.

you wanna know why? because some twitter stans are canceling yuta, calling him transphobic and misogynist. you wanna know the reason? it’s because yuta said the topics for a show he went on predebut, were preplanned.

let me try and establish some context. a couple years back, yuta went on the show abnormal summit, a korean show that hosts people from various countries as they talk about real issues in their countries as well as the countries of others. basically while on this show, yuta talked about how gender roles shouldn’t be enforced and that trans people were being treated terribly, and that they deserved more rights.

now, it was revealed in a fansign by a fan that certain parts of the show (which are the topics that the people will be discussing in the show) were “scripted”. meaning that they were chosen beforehand and given out to the people on the show so they could prepare for the discussion.

what some people think this means is that the show is scripted, and that everyone reads off of a script or whatever. this is NOT what it means. again, abnormal summit is a show that is centered around discussion. it is not like most other korean shows that are completely scripted. anyways, because of this lack of thought, some people on twitter (no surprise there) have been calling yuta transphobic and misogynist.

first of all, yuta himself said that he did a lot of research on the topics before going on the show and participating in the discussion. he wanted to be educated on the things they would be discussing. i’m sure that if he hadn’t been as informed and said something wrong without knowing it, y’all would be jumping on his ass for that too.

y’all, even if the show was scripted word for word, that doesn’t mean yuta didn’t mean any of the things he said. of course we can’t assume everything about an idol, but considering how yuta literally went to the sm halloween party as a female character AND painted his own nails AND said that he really liked it AND wanted to do nail art as well AND didn’t think twice about it, even though he says he’s a manly man all the time, i highly doubt he was being insincere. he seemed so genuine on the show i don’t think anyone should question it.

and again, people calling him transphobic and misogynist makes me seriously mad. i don’t fucking care if it’s “just a joke” or whatever, i have said time and time again that nctzens joke around way too much and it crosses the line way too much and this time it’s gone too far. you can’t just accuse someone of being transphobic and misogynist in this kind of baseless situation. that’s so fucking insensitive and it can hurt yuta so much.

and this isn’t the only time y’all have hated on yuta for something completely unnecessary. i wasn’t even a fan during this time, but remember when yuta got chin fillers and so many of y’all’s fake asses clowned him and called him ugly and bashed him so much to the point where he actually said he wasn’t confident in his looks, months later after the chin fillers went away? y’all don’t appreciate yuta enough as it is, and if you do it’s because you think of him as just a part of yuwin, or you just think of him as a sexy and hot person. y’all don’t appreciate the fact that he’s so much more than that. he’s so mature and has a mindset that a lot of people could stand to learn from. he’s sensitive and he cares so much about the other members. taeyong is one of his closest friends, and he revealed that he goes to him to talk about their group, their future, and that he gets worried sometimes. he’s such a substantial member of nct and a very multidimensional person and yet y’all only see him as one half of a ship. i’m sick and tired of it.

so come back to me when yuta, or really any idol, does some real problematic shit.


teaching children that they are allowed to walk away and cool off if they are feeling overwhelmed might literally save their life as teens/adults


I am a preschool teacher.

This is my “alone zone.”

At any time of the day, if my kids are feeling stressed, they can go here to cool down. There’s stress toys, silly putty, bubbles, sensory bottles…there’s books and headphones to block out the loud noises.

The only thing they have to do is “check in” by putting their picture on which emotion they’re feeling so I know how I can help them when they’re ready.

Kids. Need. Space.
Kids. Need. Coping. Mechanisms.

Not. Time-outs.

And the sooner we as adults teach them that, the better off they’ll be as they grow.

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