
Random Gay Human



Happy Wolfstar Fic Recs

@wolfstarwarehouse has generously started running a Happy Fic Rec series! Make your own list of happy recs and check out just a few of my favorites to read during this stressful time. 

I love how funny this one is!! Beautiful smut with very happy feelings and hilarious puns. You’ll definitely finish with a smile on your face. 

Black Diamond by @quoththethestral​

This PERFECTLY encapsulates my fears and mood while struggling to ski, and yet Remus is saved by a very handsome guide. 

A Supplementary Story by @elixirsoflife​

I’ve read this countless times whenever I need a pick-me-up from the snarky Remus and the fluffiest Sirius (who’s a vampire but totally cool).

Chocolate Cake by @theprongsletthatlived​

I just chose one almost at random because everything they write is hilarious and has amazing banter, and SUCH soft hurt/comfort. In this, Sirius is a frat boy who finally grows up to be the man Remus deserves. 

A Promise by @kattlupin​

THE FLUFFIEST FIC EVER!!!! Unless you count like, all of her other fics. Meet-cute on the flight to Paris where romance and fate finally converge. 

If you’re feeling sick, you’ll identify with this amazingly snarky Remus and his attempts to flirt with Dr. Black from his hospital room. Don’t worry, it all ends well.

Another fic I reread all the time! A mostly text fic with a James who really fucking needs to know if Sirius is okay. High energy and so happy. 

Where Remus tries and fails to subtly flirt to the video game store employee Sirius. Thankfully, they work it out to my extreme amusement. 

Wow does Haz give us some epic love stories, but she’s written SO MUCH and this is one of my favorite happy one-shots. Sirius needs coffee, but he gest so much more when he goes next door to ask for some. 

YouTuber AND a Coffee Shop AU meetcute?! I mean…do I need to say more?

Hope you find something you like and DON’T FORGET TO COMMENT! Authors need our support! Don’t know what to write? Leave an emoji and let them know why you picked their fic. 

Simon: Starting now we will be referring to each other using code names. From now on you can refer to me as Eagle 1.
Simon: Agatha is Been There Done That.
Agatha: Wha-
Simon: Baz is Currently Doing That.
Baz: *High Fives Simon*
Simon: Lamb is Happened Once in a Dream.
Lamb: *Winks at Simon*
Simon: Shepard is If I Had to Pick an American.
Shepard: *Smiles*
Simon: Penny is Eagle 2.
Penny: Oh thank Crowley.

this might be my new favorite thing

Nora: “Go to Hell” is so abstract.
Nora: “Get trapped in a porta-potty for 67 months”- Now that’s specific. That’s possible. That’s terrifying.

Thurs 13 June 🏳️‍🌈

Soccer Aid training is on and it’s Niall content blitz time! If you like seeing Niall’s lil legs out and him running around looking sporty, well get ready to die this week friend. Piers Morgan continues to sully this beautiful content by being fucking everywhere, I’m sorry why the hell is he even on the international team and not for England? But anyway Niall is great and there’s lots of him. We get to see him chatting about the game with team England player Joe Wicks for like three whole minutes while clearly way more invested in whatever he’s doing on his computer, relatable, and there’s music related interview content! He says NH2 will be out “towards the end of the year, maybe next year,” that he’ll have a single in the next few months, that he is in London for the summer cause the album’s finished and he wants to chill and be home with his people, and that the new album will still have ballads but will be more rock, and more “what I’m really about” (so, modeling, obviously.)

Liam was seen out on the town in London at the Caudwell Children Butterfly Ball, a star studded charity event, in a very dapper all black ensemble. Also studded, his shoes? Have some kind of like spikes on them? Fashion side of tumblr please explain

And the big non-1D news of the day, as I’m sure you’re very aware, is YouTuber Dan Howell coming out as gay, and it appears here because he (respectfully and with plenty of plausible deniability) invokes Harry as an example of a queer icon he looks up to, very relatable. So much love to him and to baby Harry who suffered so much indignity in the name of hetereonormativity; I’m so beyond happy for Harry that he has come so far and is so seen these days and I can’t wait to see things get even better.


Dear teachers,

If you have a student that has claimed to read a lot, they probably mean fan-fiction, not an actual book.


Every student in a fandom.


What we’ve learned from the new video

  • Phil Lester is a literal ray of sunshine and I love him
  • you should never be afraid to try new things
  • Phil Lester is living proof that you SHOULD go for it
  • 2018 is quiff year
  • Phil Lester is a literal ray of sunshine
  • Dan and Phil truly have the best bond and help each other through tough times still
  • there’s…. a…. forehead???
  • AmazingPhil believes in you
  • they share a room
  • there’s only one bed which they’re not tyring to hide and Phil hates double water taps
  • everyone has bad times and in fact it happens to the best of us
  • we’re so proud of Phil for speaking up and taking that step
  • don’t overthink it
  • Phil Lester is so handsome
  • you won’t regret taking that big step
  • change can be for the best
  • Dan and Phil have The Best Bond™️
  • it can be scary but you will get through it AND you’ll feel so much more confident and look amazing
  • Phil Lester is a literal ray of sunshine and we all love him so much
  • I am a huge Phillie

and most importantly, we just lived through the biggest misunderstanding of the 21st century: that we would stop watching Phil if he changed his hair when in fact we were all ripping our hair out hoping he would

and lord nobody regrets it


In case you doubted how much Phil loves Dan...

So I’ve seen a lot of people talking about Phil’s coming out video and how it’s so casual and low-key, and how it’s obvious that he was just waiting until Dan came out to post it, but idk if people really understand what a big deal it is that Phil JUST posted it now, in 2019. Like ok, I’m 25 and a YouTube grandma, and I can go ahead and attest that in the early days of YouTube, coming out videos really weren’t a thing. YouTubers started out being primarily creative types. Even vloggers didn’t share a lot of genuinely personal info. There was kind of an open understanding that some people were Not Straight, but it wasn’t really a big deal until Troye Sivan made his coming out video in 2013. That WAS a big deal, because a lot of Troye’s fans were girls who had crushes on him, and he had been really closeted and pretty vocal about liking women right up until he posted the video. So post-2013 was really when the curtain fell and a lot of YouTubers became much more open about their personal lives. That was also when a lot of YouTubers felt like they had to make public “coming out” videos. There were a few (Tyler Oakley for example) who had been vocal enough about their sexuality from the beginning and never really made one specific “coming out” video, but most LGBTQ+ YouTubers did drop some sort of “sexuality announcement” in the early to mid 2010s. 

So with that being said, I don’t know how many people actually know this, but Phil was…kind of already out when he first started his channel. Like he said in his new video, he came out to his friends and family while he was at uni, which was when he started his channel, and he never really tried to hide his sexuality in those older videos (although most of those old videos are private now). Like a lot of YouTubers’ older content, Phil never really had one video where he was like “Hi, in this video, I’m going to explicitly tell you that I’m gay!”, but the friends he hung out with used to talk about dating, and it was always assumed that Phil was dating guys. I believe there’s also some old, old receipts of an ex-boyfriend talking about dating Phil. All of this was pre-Dan. (This also makes Dan sliding into Phil’s DMs make a lot more sense. He wasn’t taking a totally random long shot. Everyone who watched Phil kind of already knew that Phil liked guys.)

The original Phan shippers didn’t come from nowhere. OG AmazingPhil fans knew he was into guys, and Phil had this one guy who came to visit him in 2009, and then they moved in together, so everyone just kind of assumed they were dating and went on from there. It wasn’t until Dan’s semi-public “I’M NOT GAY” breakdown in 2012 that we all went, “Oh, ok. Whatever’s going on here is…private, and we really shouldn’t talk about it publicly.” I think there’s an obvious reason that Phil didn’t make a “coming out” video with all the other old-school LGBTQ+ YouTubers once that became expected. He knew that coming out publicly would automatically put the spotlight on Dan, and he wasn’t willing to do that. 

All of this to say, Phil didn’t wait to come out of the closet until 2019 because he was nervous, or didn’t want people to know. Phil started his YouTube channel already out of the closet. Phil WENT BACK INTO THE CLOSET for Dan. To make sure Dan was safe and protected and comfortable, Phil didn’t talk publicly about his sexuality for TEN YEARS. Whatever they are to each other now, whether platonic or romantic, that’s genuine love. When Dan says they’re soulmates, he’s not exaggerating. 

I’m actually going to cry. I’ve been thinking this for so long but you put it into words and it was so well written *clapping*


YA/Kid’s Comics/Graphic Novels with LGBT Characters

Highly relatable if you were ever in middle or high school theater. Plenty of romantic drama, as you may have guessed by the name, but a really cute story. 

This one is kind of the odd one out on this list and I debated leaving it off because of that. Aster isn’t explicitly queer, but his story does explore what it means to be gender non-conforming with a supernatural twist. Deals with breaking gender roles, and is really sweet. (It also has a very nice sequel called Hidden Witch) 

This book gives me life. It’s just very sweet. 

I mean, I’m just a sucker for this art style. LOOK HOW CUTE. 

Noelle Stevenson can always be trusted to deliver, and Lumberjanes certainly does. 

Add your own! 


list of books with LGBT protags

I realize that this list is lacking in transgender, asexual and aromantic characters, and is really heavy on lesbian characters. This is because I am mostly listing books I’ve read or that my friends have read. I hope to add more soon. Feel free to add your own LGBT+ reads. 

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