


any pronouns, 19, infp, hufflepuff

just had a jo and laurie fighting on the hill moment in which i am jo and my favorite person was laurie and i think i hurt them really badly but i just can’t like them how they want me to

lol this was so crazy of me to post. this person and i are actually very much in love


Marvel Comics #1000: We’re Calling Him Ben


I feel this is an important addition. He saves so many people on a regular basis that this just keeps happening. And he feels so much for his uncle that the answer is always the same.

…. This hits different when you realise he’s canonically Jewish

Can you please elaborate ? I’m curious as to what it means

You can read a pretty good summary of it here, but as (most likely) Ashkenazi Jews, PP probably follows the minhag (custom) that says “that by naming a newborn child after a deceased loved one, the soul lives on through the child.” (Quoted from the site linked above.) And given how his Uncle Ben died, it just makes it all the more sadder tbh.


another fine distinction is that the soul isn’t thought to be reincarnated, it’s that the memory of the loved one is kept alive and more good deeds in life can be inspired by (and thus partially attributed to) the dead. ‘may their memory be a blessing’–the memory of the deceased is honored, respected, and who they were is retold as inspiration to the next generation. 

ben’s memory is a blessing. that’s extremely jewish. spiderman is inspired not just by the shame of his death, but by the moral teachings he’d given peter in life. and his name given to these babies is another part of it: babies named in spiderman’s honor are also very honestly and truly named in his honor, and continue to be blessings to the world. 

it’s very joyous, i think. very sweet.  


I swear to God I get happy tears every time I see these panels, and the commentary makes it even better

Brad Meltzer, the writer for these panels, is Jewish, so this is all very intentional.

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