
Being a sleepy girl with a busy life is hard


hey there 💟
obviously a sucker for pieces of art like charlie hunnam
also I love SoA & GoT & all the funny shit I find on this website

look at this shit. look. at. this. shit. it has fifteen thousand notes. what does it mean? why does a picture of the pin k panther with a to do lis that makes NO SENSE have fiFTEEN FUCKING NOTES. WHY. my mom could make better posts that this shit. what even. fuck tumblr.


looks like someone doesnt know what to do. to do. to do, to do, to do, to do, to dooooooooooooo, dodododododo


Please make a post about the story of the RMS Carpathia, because it's something that's almost beyond belief and more people should know about it.


Carpathia received Titanic’s distress signal at 12:20am, April 15th, 1912. She was 58 miles away, a distance that absolutely could not be covered in less than four hours.

(Californian’s exact position at the time is…controversial. She was close enough to have helped. By all accounts she was close enough to see Titanic’s distress rockets. It’s uncertain to this day why her crew did not respond, or how many might not have been lost if she had been there. This is not the place for what-ifs. This is about what was done.)

Carpathia’s Captain Rostron had, yes, rolled out of bed instantly when woken by his radio operator, ordered his ship to Titanic’s aid and confirmed the signal before he was fully dressed. The man had never in his life responded to an emergency call. His goal tonight was to make sure nobody who heard that fact would ever believe it.

All of Carpathia’s lifeboats were swung out ready for deployment. Oil was set up to be poured off the side of the ship in case the sea turned choppy; oil would coat and calm the water near Carpathia if that happened, making it safer for lifeboats to draw up alongside her. He ordered lights to be rigged along the side of the ship so survivors could see it better, and had nets and ladders rigged along her sides ready to be dropped when they arrived, in order to let as many survivors as possible climb aboard at once.

I don’t know if his making provisions for there still being survivors in the water was optimism or not. I think he knew they were never going to get there in time for that. I think he did it anyway because, god, you have to hope.

Carpathia had three dining rooms, which were immediately converted into triage and first aid stations. Each had a doctor assigned to it. Hot soup, coffee, and tea were prepared in bulk in each dining room, and blankets and warm clothes were collected to be ready to hand out. By this time, many of the passengers were awake–prepping a ship for disaster relief isn’t quiet–and all of them stepped up to help, many donating their own clothes and blankets.

And then he did something I tend to refer to as diverting all power from life support.

Here’s the thing about steamships: They run on steam. Shocking, I know; but that steam powers everything on the ship, and right now, Carpathia needed power. So Rostron turned off hot water and central heating, which bled valuable steam power, to everywhere but the dining rooms–which, of course, were being used to make hot drinks and receive survivors. He woke up all the engineers, all the stokers and firemen, diverted all that steam back into the engines, and asked his ship to go as fast as she possibly could. And when she’d done that, he asked her to go faster.

I need you to understand that you simply can’t push a ship very far past its top speed. Pushing that much sheer tonnage through the water becomes harder with each extra knot past the speed it was designed for. Pushing a ship past its rated speed is not only reckless–it’s difficult to maneuver–but it puts an incredible amount of strain on the engines. Ships are not designed to exceed their top speed by even one knot. They can’t do it. It can’t be done.

Carpathia’s absolute do-or-die, the-engines-can’t-take-this-forever top speed was fourteen knots. Dodging icebergs, in the dark and the cold, surrounded by mist, she sustained a speed of almost seventeen and a half.

No one would have asked this of them. It wasn’t expected. They were almost sixty miles away, with icebergs in their path. They had a responsibility to respond; they did not have a responsibility to do the impossible and do it well. No one would have faulted them for taking more time to confirm the severity of the issue. No one would have blamed them for a slow and cautious approach. No one but themselves.

They damn near broke the laws of physics, galloping north headlong into the dark in the desperate hope that if they could shave an hour, half an hour, five minutes off their arrival time, maybe for one more person those five minutes would make the difference. I say: three people had died by the time they were lifted from the lifeboats. For all we know, in another hour it might have been more. I say they made all the difference in the world.

This ship and her crew received a message from a location they could not hope to reach in under four hours. Just barely over three hours later, they arrived at Titanic’s last known coordinates. Half an hour after that, at 4am, they would finally find the first of the lifeboats. it would take until 8:30 in the morning for the last survivor to be brought onboard. Passengers from Carpathia universally gave up their berths, staterooms, and clothing to the survivors, assisting the crew at every turn and sitting with the sobbing rescuees to offer whatever comfort they could.

In total, 705 people of Titanic’s original 2208 were brought onto Carpathia alive. No other ship would find survivors.

At 12:20am April 15th, 1912, there was a miracle on the North Atlantic. And it happened because a group of humans, some of them strangers, many of them only passengers on a small and unimpressive steam liner, looked at each other and decided: I cannot live with myself if I do anything less.

I think the least we can do is remember them for it.


I can’t begin to describe how happy and flattered and a little teary I am that this just broke 100k.

I may be the actual only human being on Tumblr with a post this popular that I not only don’t regret making, but am actually HAPPY whenever I notice a surge in its circulation. 

I never intended this to gain any traction at all (you’ll notice there’s no sources or anything–this was a personal ramble, prompted in good humor by a friend after I jokingly said that I wished someone would give me an excuse to cry about Carpathia on Tumblr so I could get it out of my system.) I literally expected to get, like, maybe 20 likes and a reblog, from friends, indulging me in my nonsense.

It just….means a lot to me that it’s touched so many people. I see a lot of tags to the effect of “HOW DARE YOU HURT ME LIKE THIS AND MAKE ME CRY ABOUT A BOAT” that are often really funny, but overwhelmingly the tags on this post are from people saving it for a rainy day, or remarking in a sort of quiet awe that they never even really thought about her role in the story–and God knows I never did, I learned it by complete accident much as most of the people who’ve found this post. 

And so many of you guys are taking strength and reassurance from the reminder not only that people are capable of amazing things together, but simply that kindness matters and that a simple, tiny act of compassion is never wasted. I’m just really glad to have been able to do that for some folks.

If I can just add one personal note. I need to emphasize something I only touched on in the original post.

I need to emphasize that Carpathia failed.

A lot of the tags and comments have a tinge of…despair, or guilt, or wistfulness about things like this happening so rarely. Or inadequacy, or just being overwhelmed or unhappy about not being in a position to step up in a comparable way. And I want to gently bring up the fact that this is still the sinking of the Titanic

They did not get there in time. They did not save the ship. It can be argued that they may not even have saved a single life; we have no way of knowing. This was still a horrific maritime disaster mired in arrogance and incompetence and a lack of care.

If the response to this story shows anything, it shows this: It matters that they tried. 

Even though they got there too late, even though the ship still sank. It matters that they tried. The difference between making the best reasonable speed after confirming the seriousness of the situation, and the miracle they pulled off–it matters. It makes all the difference. Even if it made no difference at all. Not one of you read this and concluded that I was stupid for caring so much when the Titanic still sank and all those people still died.

You don’t have to fix the world. You’ll likely be cold and sick and miserable and testy and scared, and unprepared, and in over your head, and entirely too small to be of any real use. It feels stupid, passing out blankets and coffee in the middle of an ice field knowing what just happened. It’s hard to feel anything but useless when all you can do is tap a wireless transmitter and promise help that you know will come too late.

It matters that they fought for those people. It matters that they cared, and it matters that they tried. It matters that they didn’t stop. If it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t have read this far.


Reckless Widows (Jax/Reader)

A/N; What’s this? My first Jax request? Why yes, it is. I’ve been busy chipping away at my billion Jax/OC multi chapter fics I have going on, I can’t wait to get them out to you guys.

Requests are still open, so send them in and I’ll get to them while I can. I’m also open to King Arthur (Legend of the Sword) requests. ;)

Request: Hiya love, just saw that you wanted some requests so I have one for ya. I would love if the reader was a part of an all-women MC, who for some reason just charges into SAMCRO on a mission to beat the living shit out of tig, maybe he slept with her sister idk… AND AND if the reader could be a VP that would be amazing. love your writing girl, hope you have a great day.

Warning; Swearing, violence and smut

Holy shit. I really enjoyed this request but ironically, it turned into smut which wasn’t even requested. I’m sorry if you didn’t want smut dear friend, but it happened. Like pages and pages of just smut. (This request turned out to be 12 pages long like OMG WTF lololol )  

I’d say I’m sorry but I’d be a liar looool


You’ve felt anger a lot in your lifetime but you could honestly say nothing compared to the rage that was pumping through your veins at that moment. You knew what you were about to do was pretty reckless, but you weren’t part of an all-women MC called the Reckless Widows for nothing. The wind in your hair as your bike tore down the road felt freeing but it did little to quell the anger that had plagued you for the last half hour. Your little sister was a sweet soul. The 17-year-old wasn’t cut out for MC life no matter how much she was raised in it. She was far too naive and sweet. Too innocent to be dragged into the darkness that surrounded the club. Your Aunt Cheryl was the president. The woman who raised you both since your dad spilt town and your mom died. The MC was everything to you. You lived and breathed for the club. But your little sister deserved more than that. 

That was why you felt nothing but rage when she was sobbing helplessly on your couch, telling you how the crazy-eyed fuck with wild hair from the Sons of Anarchy had fucked her. Taken her virginity no less and then kicked her out. Sure, you knew that was the way it was. The usual MC’s were full of assholes like him. Using girls without a care. But they weren’t usually sweet girls like your sister. Ones who naively would think it meant something. The Reckless Widows didn’t have any beef with the SOA crew directly. Your club was just outside of Charming and you kept out of their way for the most part. You knew them somewhat, met them a few times when the need arose. But the clubs weren’t connected. Most clubs thought the Reckless Widows were weak simply because they didn’t have a dick swinging between their legs, but they’d been quickly proved wrong. The girls were brutal when they needed to be and they handled their business. And now Tig fucking Trager would be on the receiving end of their VP’s wrath once you got there and got your hands on him.

It’s so gooood, omg could you write another chapter I really loved this 😍 like maybe both presidents don’t want them together because if it goes south it could have consequences for the clubs so they have to hide their relationship or something... I’m sorry, this turned out to be longer than I planned 😂


“My cousin Helen, who is in her 90s now, was in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. She and a bunch of the girls in the ghetto had to do sewing each day. And if you were found with a book, it was an automatic death penalty. She had gotten hold of a copy of ‘Gone With the Wind’, and she would take three or four hours out of her sleeping time each night to read. And then, during the hour or so when they were sewing the next day, she would tell them all the story. These girls were risking certain death for a story. And when she told me that story herself, it actually made what I do feel more important. Because giving people stories is not a luxury. It’s actually one of the things that you live and die for.” –Neil Gaiman




in german we don’t say “i wanna go apeshit”, we say “ich werd gleich fuchsteufelswild” which mean i’m gonna go fox devil wild, and I think that’s feral as fuck


an in polish we say “wyjdę z siebie i stanę obok” and it means i’ll leave my body and stand next to it and i think that’s pretty horror movie of us


I once went to a concert with a friend (I don’t remember the band, she dragged me along) when I was 16. They were starting a wall of death and this guy who was flirting with me decides it would be funny to pull my top down, exposing my breasts, then throw me in the middle of this wall of death right as it’s about to meet. When I stumble in the middle and hit the wall someone screamed “STOP! EXPOSED GIRL!” and I thought they were all going to oggle at me. Instead, one guy quickly helped me cover up, three more helped me to my feet, and another asked who did that. When I pointed out the guy, two of them looked at him, me, each other, then nodded and punched the guy in the face before forcing him into the wall that was about to form again.

Metal men are gentlemenly as shit.

This fucking this^^^ 

I’ve always loved this.

I went to my first concert a few months ago and there were these really tall men with black vest tops and tattoos and piercings surrounding us screaming loudly when the music started playing, but then we realised this kid in the crowd had lost his mum so they tried to comfort him and when he started crying they asked him his name and he shakily sobbed “Eliot” at which point they lifted him in the air onto the shoulder’s and shouted at the top of their lungs “ELIOT’S MUM, ELIOT IS LOOKING FOR YOU. EXCUSE ME HAS ANYONE SEEN ELIOT’S MUM!!!” at which point Eliot started giggling between sobs until he finally found his mum while in the air.


Seriously, I have felt safer in groups of death metal dudes than in the group of the preppiest preps that ever prepped.

Metal guys are one big family. Simple as that.

I remember seeing this for the first time like a year ago and not once have I seen it and not reblogged it because this is just amazing.

My old coworker was one of those guys. Big, bearded, played in a hardcore metal band. One day another coworker’s laptop was stolen from the breakroom, so metal-head bought him a brand new one.

That guy was really a huge teddy bear.

My friend is tiny and she was at a concert when she was 15 or something and they were about to do a wall of death and she was right at the front. She started to realise this was not going to end well for her, but then this massive guy next to her picked her up and put her on his shoulders just as it began. After when she asked why, he said “if I didn’t pick you up you would have been crushed.” Metal men are nicer than most.

I think the rules for metal dudes are universal. 1. Look out for smaller people that could be hurt and help them. 2. If someone falls, help them up. 3. If you see anyone being a dick fucking pulverise them


If demons looked like demons Evil would be quite rare. It’s the demons dressed as angels For which we must beware.

Reblogging for that perfect last addition


One of my fav things about Gandalf is, he can & canonically does Full Name hobbits when he’s angry like he’s their mum or something

important follow up Qs:

1) does it frustrate Gandalf that he can’t do this to Bilbo & Frodo with the same impact bcos they don’t have nicknames

2) does he do it to non hobbits

Gandalf, in the distance: ARAGORN SON OF ARATHORN

Aragorn: oh shit I’m in trouble


I think when Gandalf is pissed with Hobbits he reverts to the extremely formal  Mister Baggins!

you’ve cracked it, that’s absolutely what he does

you know how mad he is based on how far back into your lineage he goes, consider:

Mild: Meriadoc Brandybuck! (last name only, you’ll probably live)

Mad: ARAGORN SON OF ARATHORN! (now your ancestors are involved, bad)

Murderous: THORIN, SON OF THRÁIN, SON OF THRÓR! (you are maybe about to meet your ancestors, via Gandalf… and not glorious battle) 


The scary thing about Gandalf is he’s been around long enough to have met your entire lineage, so the recitation has more oomph.


“I knew your great-great-great-grandfather and he, too, was a bitter disappointment, but not as much as you are in this moment”


Humans are adorable.

Supporting evidence:

1. Humans say ‘ow’, even if they haven’t actually been hurt. It’s just a thing they say when they think they might have been hurt, but aren’t sure yet.

2. Humans collect shiny things and decorate their bodies and nests with them. The shinier the better, although each individual has a unique taste for style and colouring

3. Humans are not an aquatic or even amphibious species, but they flock to bodies of water simply to play in it. They can’t even hold their breath all that long; they just love to splash!

4. When night falls and the sky goes dark, humans become drowsy and begin to cocoon themselves in soft, fluffy bedding.

5. Some humans spend time in each other’s nests! Just for fun! It’s not their nest; they’re just visiting each other.

6. Some humans use pigments and dyes to make their bodies flashy and colourful! They even attach shiny dangly bits to their cartalidgous membranes!

7. Humans are very clever, and sometimes adopt creatures from other species into their family units. They don’t seem to notice the obvious differences, and often raise them alongside their own young!

8. If a human sees another creature in distress, they can commonly be observed trying to help! Even at their own risk, most humans are deeply compassionate creatures!

9. If a human hears a particularity catchy sound or tune, it will often mimic it, even to the point of annoying themselves!

10. Sneezes are entirely involuntary, and completely adorable. Especially when the human in question becomes frustrated

11. Humans love treats!!! Some more than others. Many humans will save these treats specifically for a later date when they are in need of comfort or reassurance. IE, pickles, pop tarts, Popsicles, etc

12. They’re learning to travel in space!!! They can’t get very far, but they’re trying!!! So far, they’ve made it to the end of their yard, and have found rocks


this sounds like it was written by a really enthusiastic alien humanologist

i’m cRYING


“So far, they’ve made it to the end of their yard, and have found rocks” is still maybe the cutest thing that’s ever been said about space exploration.

This is hilarious.

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