
Moriko and Saké


a jjba oc group blog!!! Askbox: Open | Event: None | M!As: accepting
Anonymous asked:

Alright, there he is. Good thing he’s so hard to miss.

…He’s a pretty intimidating looking guy, but that’s no reason not to be friendly, so Intern Boy puts on a big smile as he approaches Shizuka in the hall.

“Hi! Can I talk to you real quick?”


Alright, you remember where I pick you guys up, right?

Uh Huh uh huh.

Great! You can call me if you need any-

O-Oh..hey, Ehm..” he cleared his throat to try and change his voice back to serious big man tone™️ “ What do you need..?


Oh. This might be bad.

Intern Boy is, as most people would be, pretty disconcerted by this sudden gigantic fox. But because the children are here, he’s going to try not to show it. If it seems like he’s scared, they’ll be even more scared.

Not wanting to bring out Love Circulation prematurely and trigger a possibly unnecessary fight, Intern Boy puts his arms up in front of the kids to shield them for now as he addresses Moriko and Sake.

“Yes, and we don’t mean any harm! I only want to find someone and ask a question, but if you want us to leave, we will!”

Moriko notices the children and quickly shifts into her human form so shes not as scary. "Sorry if I scared you. If you have come to just ask questions that is fine. What is it you want to ask?" She tilted her head a little

the two little kids peeked out, still clinging to their protector

w-we’re here to find a im-important item, a sir stomps!”

and someone said you might know where it is!”

Intern Boy nods. “Do either of you, or anyone you know who also wears a mask, know where or what a Sir Stomps is? It’d really help us out!”

…There’s something familiar about this boy.

The kitsune shook her head "Ive not heard of such a thing unfortunately...." She stared at Intern Boy for a bit before shifting to her smaller fox form and sniffing at him "You....Smell like my friend Suzu....Do you have anything of hers on you...?"

Saké chuckled “Sir stomps? sounds like what someone would name a stuffed animal or something…but yeah, haven’t heard of it.”

Anonymous asked:

Alright, there he is. Good thing he’s so hard to miss.

…He’s a pretty intimidating looking guy, but that’s no reason not to be friendly, so Intern Boy puts on a big smile as he approaches Shizuka in the hall.

“Hi! Can I talk to you real quick?”


Alright, you remember where I pick you guys up, right?

Uh Huh uh huh.

Great! You can call me if you need any-

O-Oh..hey, Ehm..” he cleared his throat to try and change his voice back to serious big man tone™️ “ What do you need..?


Oh. This might be bad.

Intern Boy is, as most people would be, pretty disconcerted by this sudden gigantic fox. But because the children are here, he’s going to try not to show it. If it seems like he’s scared, they’ll be even more scared.

Not wanting to bring out Love Circulation prematurely and trigger a possibly unnecessary fight, Intern Boy puts his arms up in front of the kids to shield them for now as he addresses Moriko and Sake.

“Yes, and we don’t mean any harm! I only want to find someone and ask a question, but if you want us to leave, we will!”

Moriko notices the children and quickly shifts into her human form so shes not as scary. "Sorry if I scared you. If you have come to just ask questions that is fine. What is it you want to ask?" She tilted her head a little


( Important note ooc: Mod Bun is now Mod Cyan! Ive changed my name so if u see that name on the tags its still me lol)

Anonymous asked:

Alright, there he is. Good thing he’s so hard to miss.

…He’s a pretty intimidating looking guy, but that’s no reason not to be friendly, so Intern Boy puts on a big smile as he approaches Shizuka in the hall.

“Hi! Can I talk to you real quick?”


Alright, you remember where I pick you guys up, right?

Uh Huh uh huh.

Great! You can call me if you need any-

O-Oh..hey, Ehm..” he cleared his throat to try and change his voice back to serious big man tone™️ “ What do you need..?


“Yeah? They sound like good friends to ha-”

Suddenly, he stops.

“Ah- A lady… Not a teen? Or maybe she just looks young? I’ll check it out!”

…After seemingly talking to no one at all, he turns to address the boys once more.

“Sorry about that, but I think we’ve got a lead!”

they both looked ecstatic

r-really?! that’s awesome!!

lead the way Fuyu!”

Time to change direction!

“I just got told there are some people who wear masks that… Live… In the woods.

Hm. That sounds just a little sketchy, now that I say it, but… No worries, I’ve still got ways to keep you both safe!”

Kohi shrunk back a little, but his brother gripped his hand tightly, “No worry at all! We’ll protect you too!

“If we’re all protecting eachother, then we’ll definitely be fine! And maybe don’t tell your brother!”

To the woods!

…To stumble around until they find somebody!

Well. Just their luck! Moriko wasnt too far in this time but she had spotted them. The large kitsune stared down at the other 3. "What brings more humans here." She growled

Sake held out a hand “wait..those are children.”

Anonymous asked:

Inari taps Kawa on the shoulder "Heya! Could I talk to you for a sec? Yknow, out of earshot of others?" She smiled


"KYE!?" He squeaks at being tapped on the shoulder. Oh no! this is the kitsune the other little guy talked about! Is he in trouble for drinking too much with the guests!?

"Y-yes ma'am!"


After making sure there are no humans around she smiles wide "Oh my gosh!! Its so cool to know im working with another Yokai!! Im Inari! One of the kitsune that lives here in Morioh. You're an otter yeah?? So coollll!" Shes....a big goof really. If her tail could be seen it would be wagging hard

"Yes ma'am! I am still getting used to living with humans, ma'am! I'm sorry if I encroached on your territory, ma'am!"

He is stood stiff as a board and practically BARKS each Ma'am. Maybe she's just acting nice - a trick before she curses you for being a drunken idiot in her host club! And she said One Of so that means there is more than one and this could be a Matriarch for all he knows! Eep!

She snorted a bit "Dude chill im not gonna hurt ya. My family doesnt even know I work here. Well maybe Mori does but she knows I can defend myself. Please just call me Inari!" She puts her hand out for a shake "Ill help you out if you ever need tips on how to blend in with humans easier!"

"I've done pleny of Human Cultural Readings, Mrs. Inari, and I have been told by the patrons that my 'Childlike Innocence' is cute, Mrs. Inari! I am grateful for your offer and mercy, Mrs. Inari!!!"

He doesn't really shake her hand - just holds it.

"Dude. Chill. I promise Im not gonna bite your head off." The fox sighs "I just kinda wanted to make more friends! How about we hang out later? Thats a thing humans do right?"

"That would be nice, Mrs. Inari! I can even show you my many human texts over scallops!"

"Hell yeah! I can bring some sake over. My village makes some really good sake." She smiled

Anonymous asked:

Inari taps Kawa on the shoulder "Heya! Could I talk to you for a sec? Yknow, out of earshot of others?" She smiled


"KYE!?" He squeaks at being tapped on the shoulder. Oh no! this is the kitsune the other little guy talked about! Is he in trouble for drinking too much with the guests!?

"Y-yes ma'am!"


After making sure there are no humans around she smiles wide "Oh my gosh!! Its so cool to know im working with another Yokai!! Im Inari! One of the kitsune that lives here in Morioh. You're an otter yeah?? So coollll!" Shes....a big goof really. If her tail could be seen it would be wagging hard

"Yes ma'am! I am still getting used to living with humans, ma'am! I'm sorry if I encroached on your territory, ma'am!"

He is stood stiff as a board and practically BARKS each Ma'am. Maybe she's just acting nice - a trick before she curses you for being a drunken idiot in her host club! And she said One Of so that means there is more than one and this could be a Matriarch for all he knows! Eep!

She snorted a bit "Dude chill im not gonna hurt ya. My family doesnt even know I work here. Well maybe Mori does but she knows I can defend myself. Please just call me Inari!" She puts her hand out for a shake "Ill help you out if you ever need tips on how to blend in with humans easier!"

"I've done pleny of Human Cultural Readings, Mrs. Inari, and I have been told by the patrons that my 'Childlike Innocence' is cute, Mrs. Inari! I am grateful for your offer and mercy, Mrs. Inari!!!"

He doesn't really shake her hand - just holds it.

"Dude. Chill. I promise Im not gonna bite your head off." The fox sighs "I just kinda wanted to make more friends! How about we hang out later? Thats a thing humans do right?"

Anonymous asked:

Inari taps Kawa on the shoulder "Heya! Could I talk to you for a sec? Yknow, out of earshot of others?" She smiled


"KYE!?" He squeaks at being tapped on the shoulder. Oh no! this is the kitsune the other little guy talked about! Is he in trouble for drinking too much with the guests!?

"Y-yes ma'am!"


After making sure there are no humans around she smiles wide "Oh my gosh!! Its so cool to know im working with another Yokai!! Im Inari! One of the kitsune that lives here in Morioh. You're an otter yeah?? So coollll!" Shes....a big goof really. If her tail could be seen it would be wagging hard

"Yes ma'am! I am still getting used to living with humans, ma'am! I'm sorry if I encroached on your territory, ma'am!"

He is stood stiff as a board and practically BARKS each Ma'am. Maybe she's just acting nice - a trick before she curses you for being a drunken idiot in her host club! And she said One Of so that means there is more than one and this could be a Matriarch for all he knows! Eep!

She snorted a bit "Dude chill im not gonna hurt ya. My family doesnt even know I work here. Well maybe Mori does but she knows I can defend myself. Please just call me Inari!" She puts her hand out for a shake "Ill help you out if you ever need tips on how to blend in with humans easier!"

Anonymous asked:

Inari taps Kawa on the shoulder "Heya! Could I talk to you for a sec? Yknow, out of earshot of others?" She smiled


"KYE!?" He squeaks at being tapped on the shoulder. Oh no! this is the kitsune the other little guy talked about! Is he in trouble for drinking too much with the guests!?

"Y-yes ma'am!"


After making sure there are no humans around she smiles wide "Oh my gosh!! Its so cool to know im working with another Yokai!! Im Inari! One of the kitsune that lives here in Morioh. You're an otter yeah?? So coollll!" Shes....a big goof really. If her tail could be seen it would be wagging hard

Anonymous asked:

It’s not news to anyone that the forest has gotten… Busy again. In his efforts to avoid areas that he’s heard a ruckus from, Misora has waddled his badger ass right smack into Kitsune territory. Whoops.


Honey happened to be nearby gathering some herbs to help with dinner later when she noticed him "Oh! Well hello there little one..." She gave a kind smile "What brings you around here?"


“Oh- Crap, I hope I’m not intruding. I’m just passing through, trying to avoid the oni situation, y’know… Ended up taking the long way around.”

She shook her head "Nono, You arent! My husband tried to reason with the oni but unfortunately the oni didnt wanna hear him out...." The older fox sighed "Truly a shame....Whats your name? Im Honey."

“Geez, he’s brave. I wonder what can be done about it then, I can’t just go and invite Mike over while it’s dangerous.

Oh, and my name’s Misora. I live, uh.” He points with a claw. “That way.”

"Misora huh? Well its very lovely to meet you sweetheart. And yes my husband is very brave. Hes the chief of the village and father of 6 kids! He has many to protect." She sets her basket down and gives him a kind and motherly smile. "Do you want someone to accompany you back to your home?"

“I think I…”

Misora actually stops to think for a moment. If somebody goes with him through the area, he’s probably less likely to be jumped by a confused kitsune.

“Actually, yeah, that would be nice. Safety in numbers and all.”

She picks up her basket full or herbs and stands up "Alrighty....Lets get going then shall we dear?" She waits for the other to start walking so she can walk with him.

“One second…”

He pushes himself up onto two legs, then, in a puff of smoke, takes on human form.

“Okay, there we go. Better to have longer legs if we’re going to walk together, right? Let’s go!”

…And he starts walking.

"Aw well aren't you so cute..." She smiled, walking alongside him "Oh I wonder if we'll encounter any of my children...They are just the sweetest! Im sure you would get along nicely with them if you ever met them!"

Anonymous asked:

It’s not news to anyone that the forest has gotten… Busy again. In his efforts to avoid areas that he’s heard a ruckus from, Misora has waddled his badger ass right smack into Kitsune territory. Whoops.


Honey happened to be nearby gathering some herbs to help with dinner later when she noticed him "Oh! Well hello there little one..." She gave a kind smile "What brings you around here?"


“Oh- Crap, I hope I’m not intruding. I’m just passing through, trying to avoid the oni situation, y’know… Ended up taking the long way around.”

She shook her head "Nono, You arent! My husband tried to reason with the oni but unfortunately the oni didnt wanna hear him out...." The older fox sighed "Truly a shame....Whats your name? Im Honey."

“Geez, he’s brave. I wonder what can be done about it then, I can’t just go and invite Mike over while it’s dangerous.

Oh, and my name’s Misora. I live, uh.” He points with a claw. “That way.”

"Misora huh? Well its very lovely to meet you sweetheart. And yes my husband is very brave. Hes the chief of the village and father of 6 kids! He has many to protect." She sets her basket down and gives him a kind and motherly smile. "Do you want someone to accompany you back to your home?"

“I think I…”

Misora actually stops to think for a moment. If somebody goes with him through the area, he’s probably less likely to be jumped by a confused kitsune.

“Actually, yeah, that would be nice. Safety in numbers and all.”

She picks up her basket full or herbs and stands up "Alrighty....Lets get going then shall we dear?" She waits for the other to start walking so she can walk with him.

Anonymous asked:

It’s not news to anyone that the forest has gotten… Busy again. In his efforts to avoid areas that he’s heard a ruckus from, Misora has waddled his badger ass right smack into Kitsune territory. Whoops.


Honey happened to be nearby gathering some herbs to help with dinner later when she noticed him "Oh! Well hello there little one..." She gave a kind smile "What brings you around here?"


“Oh- Crap, I hope I’m not intruding. I’m just passing through, trying to avoid the oni situation, y’know… Ended up taking the long way around.”

She shook her head "Nono, You arent! My husband tried to reason with the oni but unfortunately the oni didnt wanna hear him out...." The older fox sighed "Truly a shame....Whats your name? Im Honey."

“Geez, he’s brave. I wonder what can be done about it then, I can’t just go and invite Mike over while it’s dangerous.

Oh, and my name’s Misora. I live, uh.” He points with a claw. “That way.”

"Misora huh? Well its very lovely to meet you sweetheart. And yes my husband is very brave. Hes the chief of the village and father of 6 kids! He has many to protect." She sets her basket down and gives him a kind and motherly smile. "Do you want someone to accompany you back to your home?"

Anonymous asked:

It’s not news to anyone that the forest has gotten… Busy again. In his efforts to avoid areas that he’s heard a ruckus from, Misora has waddled his badger ass right smack into Kitsune territory. Whoops.


Honey happened to be nearby gathering some herbs to help with dinner later when she noticed him "Oh! Well hello there little one..." She gave a kind smile "What brings you around here?"


“Oh- Crap, I hope I’m not intruding. I’m just passing through, trying to avoid the oni situation, y’know… Ended up taking the long way around.”

She shook her head "Nono, You arent! My husband tried to reason with the oni but unfortunately the oni didnt wanna hear him out...." The older fox sighed "Truly a shame....Whats your name? Im Honey."

Anonymous asked:

It’s not news to anyone that the forest has gotten… Busy again. In his efforts to avoid areas that he’s heard a ruckus from, Misora has waddled his badger ass right smack into Kitsune territory. Whoops.


Honey happened to be nearby gathering some herbs to help with dinner later when she noticed him "Oh! Well hello there little one..." She gave a kind smile "What brings you around here?"

Anonymous asked:

(Bd-wireroses - Kai) The relaxed boy is taking a nap in the woods much too close to the village.

Luckily or unluckily for him. Its one of the twins who finds him. Ayame tilted their head. They had been out gathering herbs to use for medicine and cooking. They are currently in fox form so standing over him is a dark red fox with orange yellow eyes. They are sniffing at his face.

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