
roxy is hecka trans

@a-rogue-teen-babe / a-rogue-teen-babe.tumblr.com

Hello. This is a sideblog that I'm using to explore my gender identity (as well as talk about Homestuck). This blog previously existed in a different albeit similar incarnation but I abandoned it for a long while :/ I am 19 and bisexual, and sort of confused about my gender. Currently I am working within the hypothesis that I am some shade of transfeminine, so she/her pronouns please. I'll be posting a lot of Homestuck (especially Roxy), so feel free to follow and chat!

Opening Emergency Commissions because there's no way in hell I can make ends meet right now.

Every time I go to sleep, my money loses 10-25% of its purchase power, that's Argentinian Economics for you.

Message me here, send me a discord message, or poke me on twitter if you wanna commission me!

Go commission Rin y'all! She's cool makes great art and if you want to get some now is the time, I know it would be really appreciated right now, because her country's economy is roasting in a trash fire that doesn't look too be abating just yet.

(Plus, support your local transfem catgirl creators, please, etc etc)


Hey, if anyone is up for writing a detailed Epilogues bio for Roxy, I’d appreciate help from folks to contribute it to this page. I wanted to create it sooner rather than later to help resolve an ongoing edit war, but it’s also 1:30am and I kinda don’t feel like writing thousands of words about the epilogues rn.

Actually to be frank I’m a little overwhelmed wrt wiki stuff at the moment, in regards to both the Epilogues and Pesterquest, both of which are missing from the wiki in hideous degrees. The mspa wiki doesn’t get as many edits/editors these days, and a lot of the edits that it does get aren’t very substantial.

Anyway, if you want to help out at all, here’s a thread with me talking about proposals for how to add particular new content sections along with a to-do list.

(I particularly need help with Pesterquest, because… I haven’t actually played it yet. Whoops. I’ve been busy and such…)


I released an album

ULTRASOFIAWORLD is a game I made for my sister’s birthday, starring her as every character. What started as a simple joke grew into a psychedelic odyssey that is hard to describe. Unfortunately a description will have to suffice, as the game has not been publicly released. In the process of making the game, however, the audio tracks I wrote for it took on a life of their own, and transformed into a complete soundtrack that I couldn’t not share. Many questions could be asked about this; “why all the saxophones”, perhaps, or “how come you put so much effort into this instead of a proper album?” In response, I suggest that you lie back, relax, and immerse yourself in whatever the hell this thing is that you’re listening to. (Album cover visages courtesy of my ever-patient-with-my-antics sister). 

This is a fairly big thing for me, as this is the first time that I’ve put any of my music in a store, where it can, theoretically, be bought for real money. If you’ve ever enjoyed any of my Homestuck music, such as my tracks for the Ancestral and Xenoplanetarium fan albums, as well as for the Beforus album, which was a project that I created and put together, then I’d really appreciate the support if you wanted to listen to and maybe buy this. Obviously I couldn’t charge anything for those fan pieces, and I didn’t want to, but it’d be really cool to start moving into having music be a thing I can do on a level that is in some ways professional.

Thank you!!!


Andrew Hussie writes into Perfectly Generic Podcast about the Homestuck Epilogues

Transcript below comes from Reddit as well as the PGenPod wiki.

The Homestuck Epilogues: Bridges And Off-Ramps
by Andrew Hussie
The history of printed version of The Homestuck Epilogues is also the history of The Homestuck Epilogues themselves, because I originally envisioned releasing them only as a book like this, to even further emphasize their conceptual separation from the main narrative. If you know anything about the epilogues, you probably already understand that conceptually distinguishing themselves from the story by their presentation as “fanfiction” is an important part of their nature and what they are trying to say. In the form of a book (which you can read from one side, or flip upside down and read from the other) it somewhat carries the feeling of a cursed tome. Something which maddeningly beckons, due to whatever insanity it surely contains, but also something which causes feelings of trepidation. There’s an ominous aura surrounding such a work, probably for a few reasons. The sheer size of it means the nature of the content probably isn’t going to be that trivial. The stark presentation of the black and white covers, its dual-narrative format, the foreboding prologue combined with an alarming list of “content warnings”, and even the fact that an “epilogue” is delivered with a “prologue” first, all adds up to a piece of media that appears designed to make the reader nervous about what to expect from it. Such is the nature of a cursed tome retrieved from a place which may have best been left undisturbed. It is also the nature of any creative inclination to reopen a story which had already been laid to rest - a reader’s desire to agitate and then collapse the bubble which contained the imagined projection of “happily ever after”, simply by observing it. There exists inherent danger in a reader’s eagerness to collapse that bubble, or to crack that tome. There is also danger in a creator’s willingness to accommodate that desire. It’s a risk for all involved. It should be.

Get excited homestucks! We’re calling Artists and Musicians!

The Hiveswap/Friendsim album is a Hiveswap fan music album project, coordinated by the people behind the Beforus and Paradox Music team Homestuck fan music projects! In association with Unofficial MSPA Fans group and Paradox Music team, we want to create Hiveswap and Friendsim fan music content in the same vein.

This blog and project are headed by @hipstersoulgushers, @not-terezi-pyrope and @potatoboss323, and we are seeking contributors both from within and outside the Homestuck fan music/fan art community.

The scope of the project will scale in proportion to the interest we receive, so feel free to jump in and take part if you want to help make something truly great! We are seeking to make content for both Hiveswap and Hiveswap friendsim, initially focusing on character themes. The resultant music collection, and accompanying track art, will be published as either one or two albums depending on the scope of the content.

If you’re new to the fan album scene and want to take part, you can do so by sending a sample of your artistic or musical work to one of the project team leads! We do ask that you have a degree of prior experience before applying, but if in doubt, just get in contact. More information about contributing can be found on the take part page!

For any other questions or ideas, feel free to send us an ask!

It’d be really cool if folks could give this a bit more of a boost around, and let any friends know who might be interested in contributing at all! :)


Some things about the world that I think it is important to remember in fandom right now:

  • People who create art are not responsible if bad people are somehow influenced to replicate immoral acts they portray. For the same reason that arguing against video games depicting violence in case it causes violence is bunk, so is arguing against fiction writers portraying problematic relationships bunk. People have their own responsibility to be good people, and it’s their responsibility to know the difference between write and wrong, not random people whose media they consume.
  • Fiction can, of course, be critiqued on its tendency to romanticize problematic elements. However, this is not a critique that is applicable across the board. Romanticisation implies a context that does not contain pointers to a potential portrayal of problematic dynamics, and presents them to a general audience in a context where it would be expected that you might encounter content that would be considered to be problematic in the real world. Tagged fanfiction published in niche online communities, where one has to actively search for a particular type of content to find it, is not such a context. The framing of most fanfiction is upfront about the content that it contains and implicitly assumes that readers should understand what that means and have sensible moral opinions about it. Ensuring this beyond correctly including tags and warnings is not the responsibility of creators.
  • Fictional characters are not real. This means more than “they do not exist as beings on the physical plane”, it means that fictional characters are groups of concepts and traits that are not inextricably tied to one another. No “version” of a fictional character is in any way more real or valid than any other, including the interpretation of the original author. They’re all fake. With respect to shipping discourse, it is in no way more problematic to re-imagine a young character as older, and subsequently ship them with an older character, as it would be if the author wrote about them getting older and subsequently forming a relationship. Neither interpretation is real. Neither versions have any baggage necessarily attached to them. These are just thoughts and ideas, and you shouldn’t let your attachment to a particular narrative line make you treat them as otherwise.
  • It’s okay not to like things. It’s okay to hate them, and be disgusted by them. It’s okay to not look at them and wish that never existed. That’s fine. That does not mean that a thing is intrinsically bad for existing. That does not mean that the creator deserves to be harassed. Such attitudes are reactionary and reductive, not to mention harmful and, at worst, abusive.
  • You cannot read minds. Do not presume that you know why a person might be attached or interested in a piece of fiction, or a fictional element. You do not know, and you are not entitled to that information.
  • Violent retribution is not okay even when it is directed against people you don’t like. All people are people, even when you hate them. You can’t opt out of your objections to retributive violence and coordinated abuses when you personally dislike the people that it is aimed at. These are universal principles.
  • Think about why the people you feel comfortable with attacking for creating media you dislike are often overwhelmingly women, queer people, and other minority groups. Is there perhaps an institutional reason why you feel more comfortable directing abusive attacks at these people? Perhaps it feels like they are less likely to have recourse? Perhaps people who face abuses from society are more likely to find value and catharsis in works that you find unpleasant. Food for thought.

You know what this is about. Please calm down. Stop, and think about how nuance is good and black and white morality is bad. Think about how analysis of whether a work has a positive or negative influence goes deeper than “is this thing that it depicts bad”. Think about why conservative hand-wringing over things like depictions of violence in media has always been deeply short-sighted and aggressive, and why that sort of moral grandstanding has always done little except to make vulnerable people more acceptable targets. Think about why forming your community identity around hating outside groups of people who commit thought crimes, who find value in the wrong things, is always going to hurt people more than it helps them. Think about the comparative upside of empathy, nuance, and not holding people responsible for the actions of others, or for imagined crimes that have not been committed. Think about how you don’t have any true insight or entitlement to how people create and consume media and how, even if you did, none of this would be an excuse to abuse people.

If you want an excuse to abuse a person because having an acceptable target feels good, perhaps it’s time to take a step back and think about what the real problem in the situation is. It’s easy to create a black list of people that are okay to hate based on their thoughtcrimes. It’s hard to have empathy and evaluate situations on a case by case basis, and assume that most people are good people. But it’s also much, much braver.


Hey if you guys feel like donating to a great cause and spiting transphobes, leftist youtuber hbomberguy and a bunch of other leftist youtubers (and trans youtubers) have just raised over $100,000 for Mermaids, the UK trans support charity, to spite the high profile transphobes who campaigned against their funding grants, by playing Donkey Kong Country nonstop. Let’s keep it going!

Please donate, and tweet #thanksgraham to spite Graham Linehan in particular.


Apology message from Andrew Hussie (relating to some of the hidden site content) posted on skaianetsystems.com

Text reads:

Originally there was some backstory content hidden in some cursed tags in this site code. I came up with the concepts years ago for internal purposes, not originally intended for public consumption. I thought some might find it interesting if the material were leaked in the site code in an obscure way. I think it has proven to be neither obscure as imagined, nor all that rewarding to read. The subject matter was inflammatory in careless ways, and the negative reactions to it are legitimate and should have been expected. A drafting process can be messy and can result in some ill-advised nonsense which often should not see the light of day. Letting a bunch of rough draft text files be deployed in this way was not a well considered move. Obviously this material has hurt a lot of people. Which isn’t what I was going for, and didn’t anticipate, but certainly should have. As far as the intentions behind it, I’m sure I believed it would be read as condemnation through satire, but instead it came off as excessively irreverent and disrespectful of a sensitive topic (to be clear, the main topic relates to antisemitism, which of course is not an issue that should be handled frivolously). After receiving criticism it’s obvious to me where I’d been mistaken, and why no one could have possibly read it the way it was intended. I know this content was bad, I regret putting it in a place where people would discover it, and I regret that it was drafted in the first place. I acknowledge that there are certain subjects which demand an exceptional level of care, and that I have been inexcusably thoughtless in handling this. I understand that there should be a certain standard of consideration and review for the content that is presented to an audience, and in forgoing that consideration there have been serious consequences for those people whom this issue directly affects. This could have been easily avoided had I sought a more careful review before it was posted to ensure that what I actually wanted to convey was being properly conveyed. I am sorry that this lapse of judgment has been hurtful to so many people. I cannot undo the damage that this has caused, but I can promise that I am aware of the gravity of this mistake and that, going forward, I will be more mindful of the serious impact careless decisions have on those they hurt.


Hey, you guys like Deltarune, right? Fancy seeing it like you’ve never seen it before?

I’m doing a stream of Deltarune corruptions using the DeltaHATE script. If you’ve seen the original HATE corrupter for Undertale, you probably know what sort of things to expect. I’m excited to see exactly what sort of situations we roll!

Please come and join me!


Anyway, here’s how you fix the invisible Tagora glitch (until it gets patched)

  • First, google how to turn on the renpy console. You’ll have to edit some files
  • Once you have the console, open it at any point before Tagora is meant to arrive
  • Type “show tagora neutral at center”
  • He’ll appear on the screen, ignore him  
  • One cue, when he’s meant to appear, he’ll transition into the right place and act as intended.

This works because spawning him in beforehand at the “center” point seems to set his sprite anchor correctly, which is my working hypothesis as to why spawning him in at the intended location as the game tries to doesn’t work. He’s actually hiding below the screen because he’s being anchored at the wrong point.



I am back, and that means my fortnightly stream of the new Friendsim episode is inbound! If you fancy coming along to watch me play through (all routes) and get my first impressions, just stand by while I get some things set up.

Live while the stream prepares. Feel free to drop in to see some Friendsim!


Forgotten MSPA lore #281

David Brinner: Ghost Psychiatrist

Only one note. I can’t believe you all would scorn Dr. Brinner like this :’)

It should be noted for the sake of clarity that Dr. Brinner: Ghost Psychiatrist does not in fact actually exist.

What it is is a running in-joke from the days back when Hussie was still active on the MSPA forums. Sort of like how people pretended that Squiddles was an actual show, DBGS was supposedly a vast multimedia web experience authored by Hussie that greatly surpassed Homestuck in scope, which users would constantly elude to as if it was a real thing, baffling people who weren’t in on the joke and couldn’t figure out how to get their hands on it. I think part of the gag was that the comic/work “incorporated” unrelated content that was secretly part of Doctor Brinner, but which couldn’t be recognized as such (in reality Doctor Brinner was non-existent).

Hussie referenced the joke in comic with a letter that appears in the post-apocalyptic future addressed to a David Brinner. This is caused a lot of confusion because there was a viral tumblr post a while back claiming that this letter showed that David Brinner was the “true name” of Dad Egbert, unaware of the true context. iirc the David Brinner on the letter would have just been a neighbour in universe. It doesn’t make much sense that he would be dad, because Dad’s last name was, presumably, Egbert.

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